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This and That...and PROOF we are all correct about competition.

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Old 11-13-2013, 09:28 AM   #1
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This and That...and PROOF we are all correct about competition.

Ok this is going to be somewhat "All over the map"

First regarding Live 14 - Its all about control in my opinion. 2k while a very solid title (I dont think its even debatable at this point) has what I consider to be HORRID control. Again, this is just my feeling, but the last 3 or so years the control in their game has just started to become completely UN intuitive to me.
I still play their game but I really enjoyed the control in Live 10.
Now I do realize that 2k current gen control is different than 2k next. But overall Live control has been more fluid to me and feels way more natural.

Another thing Ive been hearing (granted, we haven't seen full footage yet) is that Live's graphics dont look next gen and I think this is a bit of short sightedness. I think from the broadcast view (or playing camera) they both have a last gen quality about them. I can say this because Ive seen footage of 5 on 5 NBA 2k. It doesnt look bad at all, but the only way to notice a large difference is the animations and some small details here and there. from a distance 2k looks good, but Its when you get up close and see cut scenes etc that the game really stands out and its beautiful. And this is what I think is also seen in Live, Nowhere near as beautiful, but I cant buy into the comments that people are saying about live ALL looking current gen from these screen shots. I just dont think thats the case at all. Theres some really good and some not so good - Nash looks poor, Kyrie and some others look very good. It may not be the leap that 2k made, but alot of the detail isnt seen on the current gen consoles.

Anyway I have 2k on preorder, and Im going to probably pick up Live day one too. I just dont think I need to reserve a copy because it should be available with everyone picking up 2k.
I really want to play test them both and see which game offers the better total package.
EAs synergy system and constant updating is something that eventually 2k is going to have to rise up to, or at least have a come back for. But Im not sure 2k can commit to that kind of financial output. That requires a lot of resources to achieve. Ive listened to all of the Press Row podcasts with Rich and the people who created Live. This takes a 24/7 commitment from EA financially which includes manpower and Tech.
EA can do this, we all know the size of their wallet.
What stands to be determined is the effectiveness of this new idea they are putting forth. And we will know not too far down the road (if for no other reason than EA loves telling us all just how many people are playing its games etc. LOL) if all of the updating and connectivity and Rewind games and Moments are being played and are compelling or are just a waste of our/EAs time.
I think they are on to something very big that will change the way we view and want to play ALL sports games.
And heres the interesting part...if it does work, can 2k match this level of support all year long while in a development cycle?
If 2k decides NO, then they will surely have SOME kind of answer for the gamer that will rival or at least attempt to "answer" the success of EAs constant updating.
This Back and Forth my friends is the very thing we have been missing from basketball and Football on console for too long. Exclusivity destroys.
Competition creates.
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Old 11-13-2013, 09:35 AM   #2
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Re: This and That...and PROOF we are all correct about competition.

It should also be noted that: Even if 2k doesnt change anything in response to EAs updating system, the very fact that EA is going in the direction they are with their game is a direct proof of what we all talk about.
EA knew (and has clearly stated) that they werent going to with this battle in even the next two games, but was in it for the long haul. SO, knowing that, they had to offer something that 2k wasnt offering gamers.
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Old 11-13-2013, 01:53 PM   #3
JerseySuave4's Arena
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Re: This and That...and PROOF we are all correct about competition.

You rambled way too long on this. There's no way you can look at NBA 2k14 on Current Gen & NBA 2k14 on Next Gen, even in broadcast camera and say that 2k has a Current Gen quality, that statement is flat out false. Go look at the 2 side by side, it's not even close in terms of graphics. And I don't mean cut scenes, i'm talking even from the broadcast angle.

As for the competition thing, we tend to think that because Madden & NCAA Football all those years had no competition and put out mediocre game after mediocre game and we all felt it was because no one was pushing them. However, without EA making a basketball game, 2k continued to improve their game each year. Those who don't feel this year's game is a huge leap over last year's on current gen, we're at the end of the current gen cycle so the systems are maxed out so you shouldn't expect much to change. Unlike EA with the football, 2k doesn't just sit back and take it easy when there's no competition.
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Old 11-13-2013, 02:48 PM   #4
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Re: This and That...and PROOF we are all correct about competition.

Well actually on Richs podcast he mentioned that when u see 2k next gen from the gameplay doesnt look dissimilar from current gen. Its only when u look closely and maybe even play it that u notice better detail and some more fluid movement - his words, I haven t played it but from the videos, what be said seems accurate. Perhaps I didnt convey that properly. And thats no slap at 2k at all. Its nust referencing that pulled back view.
And Never once did I say that 2k sits back and relaxes. But since you went there Lol, many of the last two seasons reviews did say things about exactly that. Specifically mentioning the control being changed and some refinement to the defense but overall not genre changing (these were current gen reviews im referring to) Anyway, Im pretty confident that Competition will help to make 2ks game even better. Im not sure why thats even debate worthy.
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Old 11-13-2013, 04:19 PM   #5
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Re: This and That...and PROOF we are all correct about competition.

Originally Posted by CigarCityBandit
Well actually on Richs podcast he mentioned that when u see 2k next gen from the gameplay doesnt look dissimilar from current gen. Its only when u look closely and maybe even play it that u notice better detail and some more fluid movement - his words, I haven t played it but from the videos, what be said seems accurate. Perhaps I didnt convey that properly. And thats no slap at 2k at all. Its nust referencing that pulled back view.
And Never once did I say that 2k sits back and relaxes. But since you went there Lol, many of the last two seasons reviews did say things about exactly that. Specifically mentioning the control being changed and some refinement to the defense but overall not genre changing (these were current gen reviews im referring to) Anyway, Im pretty confident that Competition will help to make 2ks game even better. Im not sure why thats even debate worthy.
I honestly don't care what Rich said as I saw it with my own eyes and that was through a live stream with 720p and lower fps. Imagine what I'll see in its full 1080p 60fps.
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Old 11-13-2013, 09:02 PM   #6
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Re: This and That...and PROOF we are all correct about competition.

Originally Posted by CigarCityBandit
Well actually on Richs podcast he mentioned that when u see 2k next gen from the gameplay doesnt look dissimilar from current gen.
I think he's talking about general gameplay and feel. Not overall look.
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Old 11-13-2013, 10:22 PM   #7
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Re: This and That...and PROOF we are all correct about competition.

How many of these 2k vs Live threads are we going to have? No offense to the OP, but come on already.
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Old 11-14-2013, 10:18 AM   #8
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Re: This and That...and PROOF we are all correct about competition.

Its not a vs thread - at least that was certainly not my intention. More illustrating what Ive observed.
I did not create this with any intention of negativity at all.
But with two games on the market there undoubtedly will be comparisons with respect to franchise directions and features and thats what I intended to focus on.
I have no bias toward either game. I think they are both going to be worthy of
$60 - but for different reasons.
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