OhMrHanky's Zero Sliders with All Penalty Sliders Tweaked
So, this is my 3rd set of sliders. My fist set was based on BlueNinja's that I tweaked to my liking called REALFUNSIMSLIDERS. I didn't bother with the Penalty Sliders as I didn't realize how much they also controlled the players' movement (they were left at 50 for all of them). I think those played well, but overall, I was really hoping for a set of zero sliders where the sliders could be 'removed' from controlling the players and simply let their ratings dictate play, so I created those sliders with the name, RATINGSDICTATEPLAY, and also set ALL Penalty Sliders to Zero. I really liked the way that set played, and seemed to have some interesting high scoring affairs against good teams and blowouts of weak teams, and the occasional loss to a really good team (Packers beat me 32-0 one game, one of the most absolute defensive shutdowns I've ever taken by the cpu, in fact, probably the ONLY beatdown I've ever taken from the cpu). With all the penalty sliders off, the players movements felt much more natural and free and just seemed to play better. They weren't 'restricted' by the penalty sliders. But, ultimately, I felt I had a bit of an advantage over the cpu, and I also wanted to see some penalties, and after reading numerous penalty slider threads on this forum, I decided to combine my zero sliders with a completely tweaked penalty slider set and see if I could get realistic gameplay as well as a challenge for most games mixed with the occasional offsides, false start, facemask, etc. I think I have come up with a pretty good set that I am definitely enjoying and believe is the set I will be playing with for the rest of my time with Madden 25. Give them a shot if you want to see some realistic gameplay.
First off, the Penalty Sliders:
I really can't believe just how much these control what the players do and is truly a testament to the continued poorly programmed game that is Madden Football, the only football game available. I love the new physics engine, but cannot for the life of me figure out their A.I. scheme. It's really poor at best. Anyways, enough bitching about the quality of Madden developers, on to the sliders and some explanations of what you will see with them set at these ratings:
**Numbers in () are the number I am CURRENTLY playing with and/or testing. This means it's how 'I' like the game right now. Please, feel free to come along for the ride, or if you like how your games are playing, keep them the same. But, the number in () is where I'm at. **
Offside - 68 (75)
False Start - 59 (75)
Holding - 52 (55)
Face Mask - 55 (56)
Def PI - variable between 60-64 (0)*Read below my explanatin of PI as I see it and how these sliders should be tweaked
Off PI - variable between 60-64 (0) *to YOUR liking
Punt Catch I = 17 (0)
Clipping - 52
Intentional Grounding - 63 (65)
Roughing Passer - 52 (54)
Roughing Kicker - 70 (65)
Offsides - 68 - Even set this high, you will not actually see a ton of offsides called, but you will see the Dlineman flinching from time to time when you use a snap count, and occasionally you will see it called. This does seem to give the Dline a decent jump right at the snap of the ball and helps with initial blockshed. I have this so high to hopefully give the Dline an advantage and help with run stopping and generate some pass rush. It works sometimes. Overall, I have had more trouble running with this set, but in order to generate a quality pass rush, you still need to blitz, which, of course, is realistic as very few teams can get away with only rushing 4 lineman, that's why teams blitz.
False Start - 59 - I have this set higher than 50, but much lower than Offsides to give the Dline an advantage at the snap. Overall, you will see a few false starts from time to time, I'd say between 1-5 per game.
Holding -52 - from what I've read, raising this tends to allow the Oline to hold their blocks longer, and that's really not what I want. They block well enough on their own, so i think this is a 'fair' setting. You will rarely, if ever, see a holding penalty called at this setting. If you would like to see worse blocking (human and cpu), lower this to 50, but I wouldn't lower it too much to keep some real holding calls in effect, and at 50, I think you will see a better Dline push in general (quicker blockshed), so if that's what you're looking for, feel free to lower this some.
Facemask - 54 - What a silly slider this is. So, basically, here is what you get:
at 54 - you get a few facemasks per game that imo actually look about right where a defensive player is slightly out of position to make the tackle and lunges akwardly and ends up grabbing the facemask, or if you try to strip the player or hitstick, occasionally, it will trigger a facemask animation. At this setting, you will still see hit stick animations and strip ball animations.
at 58 - I can't remember for sure, but I think this was the number that you will STOP seeing hit stick animations. They just won't happen, instead, every time you try a hit stick, no matter how well timed, you will normally instead trigger a facemask animation (you may not get called for the penalty, but instead of seeing a wicked hit, you see a weak looking facemask animation which equals 'boring' in my book. And, at 58 or higher, they happen all the time, and is a hindrance to the game, so believe me, keep this low at 54, that way, you will see facemask called, and you will generate a larger variety of tackle animations. I feel like it also takes out the fumbles from the game, because instead of the player reaching for the ball, he constantly ends up grabbing the facemask, so you will see less fumbles no matter how low you set fumbles to.
at 75 - No fumbles caused, no hitstick animations, 20 facemask penalties called in the first half of a game!! haha, yeah, totally ridiculous and with this setting, apparently no one was taught how to tackle properly.
Clipping - 52 - At this setting, you will see some penalties called, but not too many. If you set this too low, 30 or so, you will see hellacious blocks downfield and your run game will be supercharged. This ultimately leads to a much bigger advantage for the human than the cpu imo, so I like this at 54. You still see some nice downfield blocking, but it's not ridiculous.
Offensive PI - 60-64
Defensive PI - 60-64
This is an EXCELLENT personal tweak spot for everyone out there. Please, play with these and tell me what you see or think. Depending on which one you set higher than the other, you WILL see different play. I actually don't quite have these nailed down to how I want the game to play, but I will tell you what I've seen:
- I have these 2 working in concert with each other. Ultimately, what I want to see is the WR going for the ball just as much (if not, more) as the DB. In fact, really, it's the WR's ball, so he should go for it more aggressively than the DB, so my own personal preference is to set Offensive PI slightly higher than Defensive PI. Something like Off PI at 64, Def PI at 63 or 62, 61. Along with my Interceptions setting of 47 and WR catch of 83, what you will see with these settings is this:
Mostly good coverage with occasional blown assignments or poor jams at the line of scrimmage. If the Dback has good coverage and is in position for a pick, he will make the pick. If the ball is thrown deep in a one on one situation, and you use ball hawk correctly, the WR WILL attempt a spec catch, he will jump for the ball at it's highest point. Normally, So will the Dback, and if both are timed well, 8/10 times, I'd say, the Dback will swat the ball. If it's a quality WR with high Spec catch, he may pull off a great grab and get tackled instantly. If you slightly mistime Ball Hawk, the Dback might make a spectacular interception, so really, with all of these settings, you will see excellent, realistic downfield one on one battles between WRs and DBs. You will also see nice diving swats from the DBs when they are just within reach to make an attempt. If you raise Defensive PI to 65 or higher, you will see more awkward unrealistic animation from the Dbacks as they will suddenly 'flash' in front of the WR and you will see less interceptions. Even when they are in position, this high of a setting makes them 'too' aggressive I think, and they can't seem to make an easy interception, so for me, I won't go higher than 64 for either of these.
Now, if you set Def PI to 64 and Off PI to 63, you will see the defender be a bit more aggressive, but sadly, what I've also seen is this - WR runs his route, CB makes the cut BEFORE the WR, then the WR accelerates past the CB onto his route. Now, strangely, I have to add you could argue this is 'jostling' between the 2 which I definitely like, but the overall animation of the CB 'knowing' the route before the WR, I'm not a fan of. But, if you pay attention and wait a second or 2 longer, the WR will probably break into the open, so really, I suggest you play with these and find your own happiness. If you want the DB play to be stronger, set Def PI higher than WR. If you want the WR to go for it more, set Off PI higher, and of course, if you want them to apply the same level of aggression, put them equal. That may be the best thing, but as I said, I actually haven't nailed down how I want them to play yet, and have tried multiple configurations just to see how it plays out.
Intentional Grounding - 63 - This is THE number for this as far as I'm concerned. You will rarely see it called, so don't worry about it being high. What you DO see with this rating along with my CPU QB ACC of 32, I believe you see the QB making proper 'decisions'. If someone is open right away, he throws it, but will not do the immediate checkdown that you see on AllMadden. He will also move in the pocket looking for an open man. If he's a good runner and he sees the lane, he will take it. You can still get coverage sacks, and you can still get sacks from blitzes. And, he will not just throw the ball away (for the most part). You will see 'some' deep throws. I have to put that in quotes because this varies, but I definitely see a deep pass from time to time, not the immediate check off or screen pass all day.
Roughing the Passer - 52 - This feels about right. You really won't see this called much at all and at higher settings you start to see some strange animations. I saw my stud MLB come blitzing in, then suddenly stop, wait for the QB to throw the ball, THEN he barely touched him and got the call. So, I'm keeping this around the default.
Punt Catch Interference -17
Roughing the kicker - 17 Ok, seriously, these are the most f****d up sliders in the game!!! They control SO much but should really do SO little. Anyways, as a general observation, I feel that the lower the setting on these, the more 'free' my D players feel. Meaning, they don't suddenly stop, they don't take THEIR pursuit angle, they take the angle I choose. However, at too low of a setting, and I feel like I have too much edge on the cpu. Set to 0, and your return game will easily get 40 yard returns every kickoff. I felt at about 25, I was feeling more 'controlled' by these sliders, so my happy medium is 17. What I see at 17 is still a solid return game, but not too overpowered. I feel like the cpu returns well, also. Punt returns feel more 'free' as well and you can start one way, grab a block, and turn it the opposite direction for a good return, so to me, returns are more fun at this setting. From what I've read, and 'felt' as well, one of these controls global pursuit. I get the feeling that Punt Catch Interference controls the 'gravity' of a player meaning that the higher the setting, the larger the gravity of the player making tackle animations triggered from far away. I don't like this, so once again, I like these numbers but am not stuck on them.
Roughing the Kicker UPDATE 10-14-13
- Holy crap!! Have I found something wonderful and amazing with this stupid slider! I set it at 64 for a game or 2 and didn't necessarily notice anything different than setting it to 0, but when I set it to 99, I saw defenders were really flying to the ball and making some extra wicked hits, so I wanted this somewhat high, but would like to find a 'threshold' spot where it affects the game in a positive way and not in a negative way, and while I like some sliders at 0, I do NOT like any sliders at 99, so I'm trying to find the balance. Here's the deal, though, in a nutshell, at 68, I see GANG TACKLING!! I'm not sure if any of you have realized this, I think I sort of did, but didn't give much of a look, but watch every time a tackle is made. What do you see? Normally, once ONE is in the process of making a tackle, every other defender simply WATCHES this tackle take place. At 68, this is NO longer the case. EVERY defender seems to fly to the ball and if the ball carrier is still on his feet, whether wrapped up or not, the rest of the Defense WILL continue to fly to the ball and finish him off. After seeing this, it totally made me realize that this was something that made the game look different than 13. In madden 13, the players all ran into each other providing some excellent (and sometimes, comical) collisions/interactions. With roughing the kicker set low (as I said, I don't even think at 64 I was seeing the gang tackling done properly, so anything lower would be worse), the game just didn't look much like 13 in the tackling dept, if fact, tackling just looked totally panned and uninteresting. I'm trying this at 66 to see if I can find the threshold, but if you want to try it at 68 (which may be where I end up at anyways), give it a try and watch defenders 'sell out' on every play. This ultimately REALLY helps BOTH defenses and once again, provides for a more diverse amount of tackling animations that give the game more realism.
Player Settings
QB Acc - 30 (28)
Pass Blocking - 0
WR Catching - 83
Run Blocking - 0 (21)
Fumbles - 20 (3)
Pass D Rx Time - 0
Interceptions - 47
Pass Coverage - 0
Tackling - 0
Cpu Settings
QB Acc - 32 (28)
Pass Blocking - 0
WR Catching - 83 (82)
Run Blocking - 0
Fumbles - 20 (6)
Pass D Rx Time - 0
Interceptions - 47
Pass Coverage - 0
Tackling - 0
As you can see, I like my sliders at ZERO. I feel this allows the actual Ratings of the players to dictate play rather than the sliders themselves. Instead of trying to tweak the sliders to make the game harder or easier, I want the players to play like they play. That being said, certain sliders have to be tweaked. Feel free to tweak Player QB ACC to your desired level of effectivess. What I see at 30 is a few errant passes per game, a few random drops, but what I MUST see is the QB throwing the ball somewhere NEAR where I tell him to throw it. At 30, you have good control with Maximum passing. I can throw back shoulder fades if I see the CB overplaying the route. With WR catching at 83, you will see Spec catches from top WRs, and believe it or not, you will see occasional butter fingers drops. But, ultimately, you will see 'correct' WR play IMO. Nice toe taps, catching in bounds from better WRs, less running routes out of bounds like morons. Interceptions at 47 feels 'perfect' to me. When a DB is in position, he makes the interception. When he's within reach, he makes a swat. On deep routes, he challenges the WR and if you make a bad throw, he picks you. This is a number I'm VERY stuck on and have been for awhile. Any other number and you start to see goofiness IMO. Cpu ACC at 32 is also a number I am VERY stuck on. I do believe this is THE number where u see the QB actually make proper decisions. He drops back, sets the pocket, checks his WRs, if primary is open, he throws it, if not, he checks down, if the lane is open, he runs, if nobody is open, he holds onto it, maybe for a sack, maybe he just gets rid of it for an incomplete pass. I REALLY like what I see the cpu do at 32. Also, I do believe this controls the running game to a certain extent as well. I've noticed at 32, the RB seems to 'feel' the defender better and makes jukes and cuts at such the right time, that you will be surprised you just got juked out of your jock. I feel like they pick the right running lanes, etc. So, 32 is THE number for me. Higher, even at 34, and you will see the QB hold onto the ball FOREVER and take coverage sacks all day. At 30 or lower, and he looks like he's on crack trying to get rid of the ball so he can get his fix.
Other settings:
FG Power - 52
FG ACC - 14
Punt Power - 50
Punt Acc - 60
Kickoff Power - 52
Injuries - 31
Fatigue - 55
Min Speed Thresh - 32
Skill All-Madden
qtr length 13 min
acc clock ON
Min play time 15
Game Speed FAST
Auto Strafe OFF
Heat Seeker OFF
Ball Hawk ON
Switch Assist OFF
Last edited by OhMrHanky; 11-09-2013 at 10:01 PM.