I know there is a impressions page but I figure maybe Ea will look at this and see what needs to be fixed more than tons of impressions.
This will be a list of all members issues on first thread.
1.Kap got injured on a play was in the huddle but then McCoy came in, odd.
2.Has anyone else had issues with players' catches being ruled out of bounds? And I can't challenge the ruling apparently. Like I swear that Harvin got two feet in on a corner route but seems like the game's sideline is off lol.
3.Had a similar issue but on defense, I intercepted the ball by the sideline and was 98% positive that my player had both feet in bounds yet ruled and incompletion. Couldn't go back and check the replay.
4.With injuries and the reporter she sometimes tells about them and sometimes does not, one game she said them all like 7 of them then in another nothing, and nothing about the other team and there injuries, that's odd.
5.Still no DPI or OPI, bummer.
6.Play of the game should be of winning teams play,IMO
1. Turned the ball over and committed penalty on same play and CPU accepted the penalty instead of taking the ball
2. CPU challenged a play and it was upheld but the Jim and Phil talked about how it was a great idea to challenge, it really paid off, and how the play was overturned.
3. Not really an issue in the sense of bugs or glitches but CPU running game is still really weak
4.Im on PS3- does half of the defensive players being invisible count as an issue? Called a timeout to see if it would refresh and half the players are literally still invisible... EA strikes again...
5.I know this very minor, but when showing the starting Seahawks D-Line, 3 players portraits were invisible.
ou have seen
1. Game freezing after cut scenes some times. Same thing happens in NCAA 14.
2. Players legs not moving and they just gliding across the field like ghosts instead of running. Happened on 6
I mentioned this in the commentary-related thread, but on 360, there's an audio error where commentators will sometimes talk over one-another during a play.
I had Danielle Bellini talk about an injury during a long pass from Kaepernick to Manningham. After the catch, Nantz counted down the yardage and announced the touchdown over Bellini's analysis. It was a total mess.
Most sports games would either cut the other commentator off or wouldn't trigger Nantz's commentary in the first place.
I can't high step.. When I get a breakaway & hold B my players are just spinning?? Is it gone or just changed??? Does anyone else know or have had this problem???
SEVERE LACK of multiple defenders in on tackling the ballcarrier.
I mean damn man I played with the accel clock OFF and finally saw two guys in on a tacle in the last two mins of the second quarter and only once or twice the ENTIRE rest of the game.
What's up with the A.I abusing the spin move? I just had Marshawn Lynch do 5 consecutive spin moves... all one after the other
It's like he thought he was a washing machine.
1. Invisible Players
2. Could just be dumb luck be the injuries seem to be pretty outlandish.
i.e. Clay Matthews - herniated disk, Aaron Rodgers fractured platella, Randall Cobb herniated disk, Tramon Williams - broken leg
this was all one game mind you. Too bad I didn't record this one, Rodgers fractured his elbow in the game I did record in the first half.
3. Randall Cobb was running a kick back to the house but stopped and went backwards on his own, (I was clearly holding the stick forward to try to score) and fell flat on his face.
4. I saw Russell Wilson throw that backwards pass that was rampant in Madden about 4 or 5 years back I'm sure someone knows what I'm talking about.
5. The audio is VERY choppy, skips and cuts out a lot.
If you pinch your defensive line (LB and then left stick down on 360) the player you're controlling moves towards the line of scrimmage, therefore causing offsides penalties a lot.
There is no proper pocket and pass rush. Using Seattle, Aaron Rodgers routinely has 10 seconds to stand around in the pocket. It looks ridiculous.
too many pancakes by the WR on running plays. In my 3rd game with the seahawks, sidney Rice and percy Harvin recorded 11 pancakes each.
It's too easy to run outside when all the CB are sit on the fieldur
Curl routes are a gimmie pretty much.
There's still a bunch of wacky INTs in the game.
throw interception at around midfield, elam intercepts it and turns around running the wrong direction out the back of his own endzone for the safety. smh.
very minor but aren't there any flags on goalposts at outdoor stadiums? when the wind is blowing hard I want to see those flags blowing too. again very minor but for me just adds to the level of realism
The bug where if you complete a pass right at the sticks on 3rd down it counts as a completed pass for someone other than the QB is back from M12.
Has anyone else having trouble putting pressure on the QB? Like no matter how many right-stick moves I try to make I can barely get close to them and it seems they can just spend and age in the pocket.
Curl,drag and out routes all money play.
I'm noticing if a fumble occurs on a play where there is an injury the fumble is not counted, or mentioned.
I had knocked the ball out of Pitta's hands the ball was CLEARLY out before he went down and it went right into the injury animation/commentary.
And maybe it's just me, but the collision detection seems to be somewhat off at times. I was running down the sidelines with Gore and one of the defenders dove behind me landing in Gore's shadow but Gore falls without being touched.
As for the issue I had, and I believe I encountered this in last years demo as well, was that for whatever reason both teams players fatigued at a ridiculous rate almost like the setting was at 100 when it was only at 50. It was either that or players not regaining stamina after losing it. In just a quarter I saw five or six injuries and the majority of them serious as well as having linebackers sub in for tight ends and fourth string running backs come into the game.
Had two issues.
One I tried a free run combo, player ran backwards, against direction of stick.
To be fair I also had an awesome run with Lynch where he broke through some tackles and it looked sweet.
I also had one player warp pick and the defensive ends appear super fast.(Not really a complaint but I scrambled a couple times with Wilson just to see what would happen.