
Why do past players thinking Suing E.A. sports for their likenesses will do any good?

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Old 07-12-2013, 09:27 AM   #1
GisherJohn24's Arena
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Why do past players thinking Suing E.A. sports for their likenesses will do any good?

They have no case. They are not using player names, never have. Most of the faces look nearly identical to the next guy. Case closed. What the fans do with the players after we buy the game, name them, give them new hairstyles, what have you, that's our God given right. They have no right to sue what people do in the privacy of their own home. They don't have a case. It better be dropped. IF they win, we may never be able to share rosters again...
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Old 07-12-2013, 09:41 AM   #2
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Re: Why do past players thinking Suing E.A. sports for their likenesses will do any g

Is your take on those players not having a case based on facts, or is it based on your desire to continue to share rosters? A fair question based on your post I think.

I have followed the case just a little bit so I'm not sure how strong their case is, but the way I see it if a judge/ jury or whoever decides that those players were actually wronged in any way then I say let justice prevail.

And just to add a little bit more to this. Last gen I remember vividly how close the players resembled their real life counterparts, even though the graphics were limited compared to now. A great example was the former Hawaii QB Timmy Chang. The dev team went out of their way to make him look Polynesian in that game. There were years when even the cities the players were from were accurate in a lot of cases and it could not have been a coincidence. I do admit that current gen the devs have seemed to use a much more generic approach in regards to the players, but last gen that was not the case IMO.

Last edited by Sundown2600; 07-12-2013 at 09:46 AM.
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Old 07-12-2013, 09:50 AM   #3
GisherJohn24's Arena
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Re: Why do past players thinking Suing E.A. sports for their likenesses will do any g

Fair enough. I can't deem my view on how much they looked like the actual guys. But I can't see the last gen games being very similar for the thousands of players that were on the game. I never really thought E.A. took the time to do that many faces. lol

But if you rule out the "name" factor. I don't see how they can impliment anything as an argument. Objectively, they are suing them for how the play on the game right? I just think it's a quick cash in for these people who think they can get some money. The colleges are making a ton of money by these games and the players have to ruin it. I doubt not every player in the NCAA is like "I'm mad, taht guy looks like on that XBOX game that my friend plays." I think it's a handful of greedy people who just want money. I still say they don't have a case. Especially for the current games, most of the faces are very generic looking.
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Old 07-12-2013, 09:58 AM   #4
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Re: Why do past players thinking Suing E.A. sports for their likenesses will do any g

I should have explained a bit more. I'm not suggesting the devs did their best to match every single player to their real life counterparts, but as far as a lot of star players you better believe they did. A thread was started here a few months ago about a story where a whistle blower admitted that EA used player likenesses to some extent. Can't remember all the details and I'm not sure if the thread is still in here. Either way there was a great discussion about all this there.
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Old 07-12-2013, 10:01 AM   #5
Haze88's Arena
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Re: Why do past players thinking Suing E.A. sports for their likenesses will do any g

Not just faces but back on the PS2 you could give any face a different hair style like in Madden so it wasn't like today where it is just skin tone height and weight
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Old 07-12-2013, 10:02 AM   #6
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Re: Why do past players thinking Suing E.A. sports for their likenesses will do any g

Players have to ruin it????? EA and the schools are exploiting them to make money off of their likenesses. As soon as players in game are programmed with ratings and jersey numbers with the intention of representing an individual they are attempting to use their likeness to generate revenue.

The only argument for this is that when becoming a student athlete the individual signs over all rights to their likeness to anything they do while representing the university. The NCAA is trying that with the O'Bannon case and the belief is that its not going to fly.
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Old 07-12-2013, 10:03 AM   #7
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I think that the players suing are just butt hurt that someone is making money, and not them. None of the NFL players are mad about this (as far as I know). It's because their careers didn't pan out. If they do succeed in winning this case against EA, then it's not just gonna put an end to shared rosters, it'll probably be the end of the entire game. Most college athletes consider it an honor to be in the game (I know a player for UL Lafayette). It's a culture of taking from the haves and giving to the have nots. EA and NCAA is a have and you can't seem to make anything of yourself, so it must be their fault for giving you an opportunity. This will be the end of the college football game (real life and video game).
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Old 07-12-2013, 10:04 AM   #8
BadAssHskr's Arena
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Re: Why do past players thinking Suing E.A. sports for their likenesses will do any g

Why do past players thinking Suing E.A. sports for their likenesses will do any good?
take for instance a real success story, say like sam keller. his washed up, washed out life didn't pan out quite the way his daddy told him it would.

he needs to make the buck, because pouring drinks when you 50, well the girls aren't buying that one anymore.
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