
Your Review: NBA 2K13

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Old 06-14-2013, 09:20 PM   #1
OVR: 1
Join Date: Jan 2012
Your Review: NBA 2K13

One thing about the gaming industry is is that reviews for a video game come so early in it's life, usually before it's even released. Just like reviewing music, it might take a few months (or listens, in terms of music) to get a real opinion on something. I've had NBA 2K13 since release and I can say that my review from then would be a lot different than my review today. most of the Negatives things I have to say about 2K13 are technical issues that just throw me off

The Good/ General thoughts

Stating with the positives I can say that overall this is a good game. Good graphics, lots of game modes, and gameplay. There's something for everyone. The old school guys can enjoy playing the the retro teams, there's tons of fun to be had online with blacktop or ranked games, and offline is also impressive. 2K took a step forward with the dribbling systems which is much more authentic and true to the game than previous. One could enjoy this game from launch until the next iteration.

The Bad

Animations, Animations, more Animations, and then some. It seams to me that 2K tried waay to hard to make this game look pretty. practically everything you do is some kind of canned animation. We've all seen that over the top animation that's would play out when someone does an isomotion pull back (about 5 times a game). I might not be able to explain this well but 2K13 plays very unauthentic to real life. The way the game plays seems so scriped. Pretty but scripted. The animations are fluid, but almost to fluid when comparing to real life. A good example is the post game, if you try to post someone up you can see how "programmed" the game actually looks. You would push your defender once, twise, maybe they would push back, then you would try and execute a post move. It's all so unfluid.

People like to say NBA live has the worst animations in a sports game, and that's true. but what NBA live (at least live 10) plays really fluidly compared to real life. Things are spontaneous and people move kind of awkwardly, not all Programed Perfect like 2K. Maybe you don't understand.

My biggest gripe, and I think the biggest problem with this game was that. 2K should spend less time trying to make the game look pretty with 100 + animations. I mean moving in my player can almost have me out my controller down.

The gameplay just feels way too Programmed. This is the first year where I think we can agree that anybody can pick up this game with any video game knowledge and keep the match interesting. Everything's done for you. All you need to do is release right.

All in all this is a good game that most people will and do enjoy. Maybe my gripes are a hardware issue that will change with 14.

Overall I give it a 7 / 10

whats your review of NBA 2K13 Now that you've been playing more months and months. Is your opinion still the same as it was when you first played it?
UConcord11 is offline  
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Old 06-15-2013, 11:51 AM   #2
OVR: 8
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Re: Your Review: NBA 2K13

Originally Posted by UConcord11
One thing about the gaming industry is is that reviews for a video game come so early in it's life, usually before it's even released. Just like reviewing music, it might take a few months (or listens, in terms of music) to get a real opinion on something. I've had NBA 2K13 since release and I can say that my review from then would be a lot different than my review today. most of the Negatives things I have to say about 2K13 are technical issues that just throw me off

The Good/ General thoughts

Stating with the positives I can say that overall this is a good game. Good graphics, lots of game modes, and gameplay. There's something for everyone. The old school guys can enjoy playing the the retro teams, there's tons of fun to be had online with blacktop or ranked games, and offline is also impressive. 2K took a step forward with the dribbling systems which is much more authentic and true to the game than previous. One could enjoy this game from launch until the next iteration.

The Bad

Animations, Animations, more Animations, and then some. It seams to me that 2K tried waay to hard to make this game look pretty. practically everything you do is some kind of canned animation. We've all seen that over the top animation that's would play out when someone does an isomotion pull back (about 5 times a game). I might not be able to explain this well but 2K13 plays very unauthentic to real life. The way the game plays seems so scriped. Pretty but scripted. The animations are fluid, but almost to fluid when comparing to real life. A good example is the post game, if you try to post someone up you can see how "programmed" the game actually looks. You would push your defender once, twise, maybe they would push back, then you would try and execute a post move. It's all so unfluid.

People like to say NBA live has the worst animations in a sports game, and that's true. but what NBA live (at least live 10) plays really fluidly compared to real life. Things are spontaneous and people move kind of awkwardly, not all Programed Perfect like 2K. Maybe you don't understand.

My biggest gripe, and I think the biggest problem with this game was that. 2K should spend less time trying to make the game look pretty with 100 + animations. I mean moving in my player can almost have me out my controller down.

The gameplay just feels way too Programmed. This is the first year where I think we can agree that anybody can pick up this game with any video game knowledge and keep the match interesting. Everything's done for you. All you need to do is release right.

All in all this is a good game that most people will and do enjoy. Maybe my gripes are a hardware issue that will change with 14.

Overall I give it a 7 / 10

whats your review of NBA 2K13 Now that you've been playing more months and months. Is your opinion still the same as it was when you first played it?
I'd give it a 7.5. It is a very good game but there isn't one thing that stands out. The creators need to think outside of the box more. And they really need to do something with my career. I think it's pretty lame to be honest.
zten11 is offline  
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Old 06-16-2013, 06:50 AM   #3
OVR: 4
Join Date: Nov 2012
Thumbs up Re: Your Review: NBA 2K13

Classic game gameplay = 7/10
Classic court = 1/10 (it is so beautiful to play to nba 2k11 for that)
Triangle offense = 3/10
Dream team = 6/10 ( no challenge, no good shoes and accessories)
Classic roster = 4/10 (no new classic team and no webber, or dr J, russel jazz)

Online i played only 2 games, and it was 2 really good game, i think online is good 7/10
Today roster are well represented i think, some jumpshot are weird but it is the life, if they are not able to improve this, what do you want i say to them? 8/10

Never used creator shoe, just to modify some AJ 5/10

Blacktop never used 5/10
My player never used 2/10

Music i love 8/10
Graphism 6/10 due to classic court not respected ( orlando 95 for example)
Replay 2/10 no improvment and pushing RJ to close the windows it is just ugly
No possible to watch some action of the game = 2/10

Result for 2k13 4,7142/10
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Old 06-16-2013, 07:44 AM   #4
OVR: 0
Join Date: Oct 2011
Re: Your Review: NBA 2K13

Its very good compared to 2k12, but some huge gameplay problems are extremely annoying.

2k did a lot of things good, but left some gamebreakers.
cesnakas is offline  
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