05-04-2013, 11:18 AM
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Bloomington, Indiana
TW14: Gallery in the way of shots?
Last night my buddy and I encountered something three times we had never encountered before in this game. When missing the fairway on two different courses we found we had a tough choice to pitch back to the fairway or try a punch shot because of trees so close to our fronts. Well the punch would have been the nest option since it would get us closer to the pin and honestly in better position.
One problem though.... there are people standing in our way around 50 feet away.
Thinking it might just be a graphic thing we hit the first one and sure enough beaned some dude in the chest. The next two occurrences were really to just test the issue. We even went back and purposely shot it into the weeds to replicate the issue and sure enough more often than not there are people in the way. In fact we tried hitting similar balls and found that indeed if we tried a normal shot we would peg the trees.
Anyone else experience this or know if its a known issue?