
Saber metrics alternative for my lineup

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Old 05-02-2013, 02:42 PM   #1
GritNinja's Arena
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Saber metrics alternative for my lineup

I started a fantasy draft Red Sox team with an absolutely stacked lineup. I'll admit I have no real pitching, and my bullpen is the oldest every created, with Mo Rivera as my closer. I did it that way intentionally. I drafted every single round. I told a buddy I was, "bringing Coors Field to Fenway." Last team at bat wins, hopefully. Lol. Here it goes:

Austin Jackson
Bryce Harper
Carlos Gonzales
Ortiz (DH)
Hanley Ramirez
Brett Lawrie
Eric Hosmer
Jesus Montero
Manny Machado.

I'd like to hear some other lineups than the traditional speed leadoff/contact/power-cleanup version.

Whatcha got?
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Old 05-02-2013, 06:49 PM   #2
The Commish's Arena
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Re: Saber metrics alternative for my lineup

I don't have a fantasy draft roster but my lineup is a little different than most. I tend to employ a balanced lineup rather than a top heavy one.

I'll "hide" a player at positions 2, 6 & 8

That gives me at least 2 solid hitters between the weaker ones. Generally I put my pitcher at 8.

I know that statistically this is a flawed system, because you are theoretically giving a worse batter more attempts per game, but this approach allows me not have a section of my lineup that runs dry.

Now if I have more than 3 batters to hide then I'll go back to the standard approach.
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Old 05-02-2013, 07:15 PM   #3
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Re: Saber metrics alternative for my lineup

Originally Posted by The Commish
I don't have a fantasy draft roster but my lineup is a little different than most. I tend to employ a balanced lineup rather than a top heavy one.

I'll "hide" a player at positions 2, 6 & 8

That gives me at least 2 solid hitters between the weaker ones. Generally I put my pitcher at 8.

I know that statistically this is a flawed system, because you are theoretically giving a worse batter more attempts per game, but this approach allows me not have a section of my lineup that runs dry.

Now if I have more than 3 batters to hide then I'll go back to the standard approach.
FYI for the Boston Red Sox last year (I just chose a random team), the #1 spot had only 133 more at-bats than the #9 spot in the lineup, total, for the whole year. Too lazy to do math but I'm guessing that's like .8 more at-bats a game

So statistically your strategy is hardly detrimental. It actually makes a lot of sense, especially if you have a weaker lineup.

Anyway, as for my lineup.

Well I like to always take one of my fastest player and put him in the #8 spot (in the NL), that way I'm punishing the opposition for pitching around him to get to the pitcher

And I care more about alternating Lefties and Righties, than I do traditional lineup rankings... so for example I will take the #4 hitter and bat him 5th or 6th so that I never have two guys batting consecutively from the same side of the plate. I think this gives me a big advantage late in games, when the opposing team starts going to the bullpen.

So for example, taking the OP's starting 9:
Austin Jackson
Bryce Harper
Carlos Gonzales
Ortiz (DH)
Hanley Ramirez
Brett Lawrie
Eric Hosmer
Jesus Montero
Manny Machado.

I'd have my order as follows:
Austin Jackson
Brett Lawrie
Carlos Gonzales
Hanley Ramirez
David Ortiz
Jesus Montero
Bryce Harper
Manny Machado
Eric Hosmer

Last edited by Bobhead; 05-02-2013 at 07:23 PM.
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Old 05-02-2013, 09:30 PM   #4
fran33s's Arena
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Re: Saber metrics alternative for my lineup

In fantasy drafts I often put my best hitter from the first round as leadoff unless he is super slow or really powerful(I wouldnt put big papi, stanton, etc.) If I take trout, I would Bat him lead off as I hit really well with him and can basically always take second. Same goes for McCutchen, Kemp, or even Braun. I do this not because they get on base, but I can usually steal a decent hitter later in the rounds to bat third(Chase Headley, sometimes Will Middlebrooks etc). This works well for me because with my best guy at 1 I can almost guarantee that he will get the most at bats, and when my best hitter gets the most at bats I feel confident in my lineup.

I also like to Sleep on Young or Youthful Pitchers. I lock down my ace in round 1 or 2, (Hitting and Pitching in rounds 1 and 2, or vice versa) and then snag a closer later in the game or transfer a relief pitcher to a closing role.

You can get guys like Nova, Pineda, Zito later in the draft and get decent starts from them if you know how to pitch to their tendencies

I have done countless drafts to see what type I am best with before I really do one soon.
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