03-06-2013, 01:15 PM
OVR: 8
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 934
CCM took a terrible turn in the playoffs
Things were going great for two years until we got to the 2nd post season. In the AFC championship game our owners couldn't complete their game because they kept getting kicked out. After trying several times one of the owners quit the league.
The remaining owner played the AFC championship and he won to advance to the Super Bowl. He played against me and I was beating him 28-14 in the 3rd Quarter and the game froze.
We tried again and this time we got cut off at the end of the 2nd quarter. By that time we were so frustrated that the other owner decided he wasn't going to win and that we should just run out the clock. For 3 quarters we only used running plays to drain the clock.
What a horrible way to win the Super Bowl...