
Undisputed 3 Career Mode Freezing after 40 fights.

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Old 02-23-2013, 11:43 AM   #1
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jul 2012
Undisputed 3 Career Mode Freezing after 40 fights.

Okay, so I know others are having this problem, I am just not sure how many of you have experienced it and if anybody has figured out a solution without a patch.

After 40 fights in career mode when entering to manual train before my 41st fight, the game freezes and I have to manually restart my Xbox. I can auto train fine without a freeze, but when I go to fight it will also freeze. I completed 4 careers without a problem. On my 5th career it froze. I thought there was just an issue with the save. I deleted that save and started a fresh career again and bam, it froze after 40 fights again. I noticed under the "headlines" portion of the menu that instead of saying my fighters name it says something like That isn't exactly what it says, but something similar. (sorry it wouldn't let my type some fo the characters. Basically it says something like " 'Less than sign'CAF'underscore'144'greater than sign'"

Some information that might be of value considering the situation:
-My first 3 careers and retired fighters were all done normally. I did do the overwrite save-->new save thing to have a completely editable fighter to redistribute his stats. I did not have a problem with any of my first 4 careers, and I edited all 3 of my first 3 retired fighters in this fashion.

-For my 4th career I only did 2 or 3 camp sessions and only did training sessions after that, only doing the drill that would give me the most points. I would exit to menu and redo the drill if I got less than 4 stars. I finished my career with a 99 rating. The goal of this career was obviously to make the highest rating template fighter possible. I then did the rewrite save-->new save trick to make this CAF completely editable, then I applied a boost pack. The fighter was rated 106 after this.

-My next career is where I had the freezing issue after 40 fights. I played this career normally, mixing camp sessions with training sessions. The only thing I did different was after I finished a fight I would exit and reload the save to get different options for scheduling my next fight. I also did a new save aroung fight 35. After about 5 saves and seeing all of the different combos I would pick the best fight possible. I did this because I was trying to become a 3 division UFC and Pride GP champion. To do that I had to fight the highest ranked opponent possible, get the earliest title shot possible, earliest entry into the GP in whatever division I was in, etc.

-I did a 6th career after deleting the corrupted save and it happened again, after 40 fights again.

My theories on possible reasons for the glitch:

-My retired career CAF that I applied a booster pack to somehow glitched any type of future CAF. (possibly from the booster pack download, or the fact that he is 106 OVR rated.
-A random glitch that occurs when rewriting saves and new saving retired fighters that affects all future career CAFs.
-The new save I did in my 5th career, corrupting the save and somehow corrupting all future career CAFs.

Theories on possible solutions (beyond deleting all files and having a fresh game with no unlocked items):

-Deleting the 106 rated super CAF.
-Deleting all retired fighters and CAFs and starting fresh.
-Not deleting the corrupted fighter file this time.
-Simulating both the training before my 40th fight and the 40th fight itself.

I know this is a long read, but any and all information about this glitch and possible fixes would be much appreciated. I never even got to my "real career" before this occured. My first 3 careers were intended as practicing as a striker, ground and pound wrestler and a back fighting BJJ guy respectively. My 4th career was solely intended to create a super fighter and my 5th career was a dry run at the 3 division thing/creating a balanced career CAF without doing the no camp sessions/only max points training thing. I REALLY want to do 1 or 2 more careers and this has been a buzzkill on the game for me. Thanks!
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