
Was the development of IE the reason we got such a glitchy game this year?

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Old 01-31-2013, 08:03 AM   #1
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Was the development of IE the reason we got such a glitchy game this year?

More than any madden in recent history, this years game was bug tastic. Messed up uniforms (where did they get the idea that the Bears would have Orange pants?) reversed wind kicking meter, broken auto subs (still broken after 3 patches!!!!), salary cap crazyness, AI playcalling, etc.

I appreciate the IE because it brought the game play a lot closer to effective and real football simulation. I do not feel as cheated by the game as i have in year past (unless im running a toss play) but I think that there was a significant sacrifice of polish this year because of it.

Still i guess what sticks out most is the fact that so many (actually all i think) of the aforementioned glitches were NEVER patched this year and likely will not be patched.
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Old 01-31-2013, 08:30 AM   #2
reddogmaddogbul's Arena
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Re: Was the development of IE the reason we got such a glitchy game this year?

Originally Posted by feeq14
Was the development of IE the reason we got such a glitchy game this year?
I dont think so,poor programming/AI ,is the reason for the maddness.The IE/Physics are just augmentaded off of the animations.Meaning once a tackle animation is triggered,then and only then, the Physics sytem/IE is in play.In other words the IE is nothing more than players falling in style.
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Old 01-31-2013, 10:39 AM   #3
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Re: Was the development of IE the reason we got such a glitchy game this year?

No i dont blame IE. NCAA is super glitched this year also and does not have IE.

When you don't update the gameplay/coding for 10000 years and the same glitches still work year in and year out guys become exploit pros.

Just a few things

Why cant i run down hill effectively vs Quarters man press? how does this still work even if i'm in a heavy formation?

How can someone run an A-gap blitz untouched with only 3 guys rushing?
How can a DT ever get through the line untouched?

Why do lineman on power-O stop running forward once they reach the LOS if no defender is there to block?
Hell why do lineman ever stop running forward to begin with? It's like there is an invisible barrier at the LOS that pulls them back inside lol.

Why is it impossible to for CPU controlled playes to cover the TE?

The only things they've taken away are "rocket catch" and "nano-blitz"
but with pass lead and show blitz these things are easily worked around.
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Old 01-31-2013, 12:08 PM   #4
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Re: Was the development of IE the reason we got such a glitchy game this year?

Originally Posted by dghustla
No i dont blame IE. NCAA is super glitched this year also and does not have IE.

When you don't update the gameplay/coding for 10000 years and the same glitches still work year in and year out guys become exploit pros.

Just a few things

Why cant i run down hill effectively vs Quarters man press? how does this still work even if i'm in a heavy formation?

How can someone run an A-gap blitz untouched with only 3 guys rushing?
How can a DT ever get through the line untouched?

Why do lineman on power-O stop running forward once they reach the LOS if no defender is there to block?
Hell why do lineman ever stop running forward to begin with? It's like there is an invisible barrier at the LOS that pulls them back inside lol.

Why is it impossible to for CPU controlled playes to cover the TE?

The only things they've taken away are "rocket catch" and "nano-blitz"
but with pass lead and show blitz these things are easily worked around.
Absolutely not. The physics team was a separate team. The gameplay team was supposedly doubled, yet we got no changes to player movement, AI, line interaction or ball physics. Instead you can throw a ball over a defender and telepathically change a receivers route with the left stick. But hey, in the words of the Madden development team, they really did a lot in this year's game!
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Old 02-01-2013, 12:20 AM   #5
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Keep in mind that EA told us it would be a 3 year cycle. You should expect these imperfections to continue until we hit year three. Once we hit year three and things aren't bug free, blast away!

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Old 02-01-2013, 01:11 AM   #6
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Re: Was the development of IE the reason we got such a glitchy game this year?

Originally Posted by jaymee13
Keep in mind that EA told us it would be a 3 year cycle. You should expect these imperfections to continue until we hit year three. Once we hit year three and things aren't bug free, blast away!
Where exactally did we set the expectations of what should be wrong in a game from a year to year cycle? I missed that thread along the way.

We aren't talking about something omitted from the game, which I would have zero issue siding with a development cycle.

For example, player customization wasent included because its part of a 3 year plan too be incooperated next year. With the next draft classes in CCM it made the players distorted when edited.

Thats a 3 year program kinda problem and one we can all accept. Complete with a excluded feature, valid reason for removal and description of what game addition created negative results.

We aren't even talking about features or options, we are talking about the fundemental principles of the game. Some of these are aspects which the gameplay should be BUILT AROUND, not viewed as a supplemental addition.

You can't give me valid reasons of a three year plan for line play being predicated on "win / loss" set of animations. Very few times will DT or DE generate pressure by collapsing a pocket. Rather the OL will either strafe behind or just lose the battle and give a free shot at the QB.

Likewise when the game fails to include reaching and allows LBs to skim past lineman or forces them to motion shift together.

The three year argument isnt that valid anymore. Unless your willing to admit a physics based engine was included into the game, knowing it would compromise football principles of the sport it simulates. Read that a few times and let it sink in.

If your willing to buy into that concept then your telling me all I need to know. Your letting them tell you this is football and believing it, even when you can see that it's not.

Last edited by RyanMoody21; 02-01-2013 at 01:13 AM.
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Old 02-01-2013, 01:33 AM   #7
juggalotusx's Arena
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Re: Was the development of IE the reason we got such a glitchy game this year?

Originally Posted by jaymee13
Keep in mind that EA told us it would be a 3 year cycle. You should expect these imperfections to continue until we hit year three. Once we hit year three and things aren't bug free, blast away!
Really they had more than 3 years when it came out in 06 for xbox, thats 6 years which brings us to 12 a very poor game IMO.
Then EA said we are building this years game from scratch from the ground up, um wrong EA ya tricked us again they just layered it over the top, the IE that is. Which then caused more problems than STEVE O in a crack house. EA has had plenty of time over the years to get it right, heck it only took sega 2 to make a pretty special game back in the day. EA knows the game makes money so why put alot of rework into a franchise that has the only rights to the NFL and is a house hold name. Honestly Ive loved madden over the years only because I had no other fix for NFL football. The only way for EA to really make a great game out of the box is if people stopped buying for a year, but we all know that will not happen...
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Old 02-01-2013, 07:54 AM   #8
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To me, Madden us a football video game. A video game. Not something to simulate real life. I play this game like I used to play Tecmo Bowl, "This is great, I can play as real NFL players and accumulate statistics as I go through a season to win the Super Bowl". I play video games to escape real life, not trying to emulate it. I keep things even more interesting when playing because I try to get my players and my opposing team to get semi-realistic stats. My only real gripe is the simulation engine. I could care less about offensive line play, man vs zone mishaps, and less than perfection AI play calling. It simulates enough of football to get by. That's all I require for my $60.

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