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Old 11-04-2012, 08:00 PM   #1
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WWE 14 wishlist

1. Make an actual wrestling game,not a fighting game with 3 counts. I went over how to do this last year so won't again. The 'epic' setting was a step in the right direction.

2. In case of failure of making an actual wrestling game allow setting of match objectives in exhibition/universe mode where the match can't end until the objective is complete so it can at least be a bit closer.

3. Make a PC version. We'll fix the rest ourselves. You'll have to accept you have to charge $10 less and will be making no money off of DLC as mods will cover anything that could be DLC along with doing it better and sooner. Also that it will have to be part of a sale and selling for $20-25 within 2 months. I want my Hell in a Cell Extreme Rules Ladder match back dammit! Could fix all those horrible faces too. If you're going to have 3 faces of Foley you'd think at least one of them would be right.

4. Make sure XBL Silver members can download community creations or change the PS3 version to need PSN+.

5. Make a demo everyone can actually play. Not just at Best Buy in Utah.

6. Have it be WWE 14. Don't just add Kaitlyn,call it WWE 14 and then charge another $20 in DLC to get it even close to up to date.

7. Editing ratings should be a standard feature. NOT paid DLC or something we have to download a save editor for. If EA or 2K did this they'd be strung up so THQ doesn't get a pass either. Especially when this was previously free.

8. Just re-do the whole audio situation. Change the way you do it. Fire everyone. Do something. It's a disgrace.

9. Better movesets. Don't cheap out and remove main eventers signature and finisher moves to charge for them later. Constantly insulting and alienating your customers isn't a good idea even if you are the only option. (Which applies to much more than just this.)
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Old 11-04-2012, 08:12 PM   #2
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

The overall thing is a new graphics engine, time to move into the next century THQ.
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Old 11-04-2012, 08:37 PM   #3
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TheBleedingRed21's Arena
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

My #1 wish, is that you do not play the game so we do not hear your all out complaining all the time.
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Old 11-04-2012, 09:06 PM   #4
Jattbreed's Arena
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

To the guy above, oh God forbid somebody doesn't provide VALID points (yes I actually read each one before giving the same generic "stop complaining" bull**** answer) and provide some criticism that they have paid their hard earned money for.

To OP, very valid points, shook my head to agree with a majority of them especially the WWE 14, just add couple superstars, etc.

Really, I don't see how some superstars didn't make the cut when they were in major storylines during WrestleMania last march.
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Old 11-04-2012, 09:16 PM   #5
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

Replace Attitude Era with something similar to another timeline, maybe just continuing on after the Era for some story lines. Heck if they wanted to continue this attitude era thing they could just do it from the WCW perspective in WWE 14
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Old 11-04-2012, 09:45 PM   #6
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TheBleedingRed21's Arena
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

Originally Posted by Jattbreed
To the guy above, oh God forbid somebody doesn't provide VALID points (yes I actually read each one before giving the same generic "stop complaining" bull**** answer) and provide some criticism that they have paid their hard earned money for.

To OP, very valid points, shook my head to agree with a majority of them especially the WWE 14, just add couple superstars, etc.

Really, I don't see how some superstars didn't make the cut when they were in major storylines during WrestleMania last march.
Intentionally finding flaws and complaning about it is totally different than having valid points which is constructive crticism. Which he never does.
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Old 11-04-2012, 09:59 PM   #7
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

WWE 13 is quite good and improved from previous years in many regards. To move it forward now, there are a few areas they can continue to focus on (granted that they don't break anything that already works in the process).

This year's audio improvements at least attempt to make the crowd louder, even if there's not much variation in their responses. For 2.0 of WWE Live, focus on making the crowd more responsive and reactive. During epic matches, have them count along on late pins and pop for a last-second kickout (and you have to add those first). Have them lead chants after OMG moments. Have them stomp in unison for moments like when Michael's is tuning up the band. All of these are little things that would make them seem more alive.

Also focus on sound effects as a way to underscore the impact of moves and tie it to the weight detection system. The impact of Mark Henry's moves should resonate more than Rey Mysterio's. And things should really start to pop and shake when Big Show suplexes or slams Henry. It's inexcusable that some moves lack sound altogether, like they just didn't finish them.

Match Flow:
This is much improved this year, but still needs some refinement. Continue to populate the game with new reversal animations that make sense. We have some solid ones with corner grapples, now do the same for the ground grapples. How many times can someone get their eyes poked or raked in a single match? Also, expand the use of signatures and finishers. If someone has one of these stored, they should be able to use it to initiate a 2.9 last ditch kickout -- both using the finisher and depleting any stored momentum. This would add some drama to the matches and make storing a finisher more meaningful. Why have a momentum system in place when people can be just as easily pinned when in possession of signature or finisher as long as you hit them with yours first? Another thing to consider is to disallow reversal spamming. There's a window and you get one press. Too soon, too late, you miss out. Pick and choose wisely or watch the animation play out - that ensures give or take and adds a layer of strategy.

Create modes:
Continue to expand upon create an arena by adding interactive set pieces similar to what was present in Legends of Wrestlemania. Certain historic matches had things like a drumset that could be manipulated or interacted with, broken apart after use, and parts that could be used as weapons. Players should be able to choose from these pieces to reside in the ramp wings of their created arenas and stage sets. These pieces could be thematic to fit with the sets or include basic set pieces like an audio / video cabling box, a dumpster, a row of wooden tables, etc. OMG moments should then be made available from the stage to the arena floor or the ramp side to the arena floor.

Another piece of the create a stage that could be improved is the interactivity of the stage sets. Instead of invisible walls, give them properties so that they become active barriers like the announcer's table. Let us slam people into them, ram their heads into them, or toss them through anything made of glass. Also, let me climb atop certain portions (if not the entire structure). And if there's a need to keep this scripted, make it an OMG moment also.

Expanding ringside interactivity:
Simple improvements here. Allow a wrestler to climb the black railings at ringside to do running or aerial attacks. Allow ladders to be positioned horizontally between the ring and railing, plank style: then allow players to climb these to do moves or have them serve as a big spot for top rope and ringside powerbombs, chokeslams, and suplexes. Allow players to drape their opponents across the guardrail to set up apron to ringside moves like RVDs legdrop. For those without such moves a running knee or something similar would suffice or even a club to the back. Perhaps select rope moves like Orton's DDT would also work here. Strong ringside Irish whips should send players more than one weight class crashing and buckling into the side of the guard railings, not against them. And add the limb targeting system of attacks to the ring posts: head = head smash, arm = arm wrap, leg = throw them into the ring and then initiate a groin pull or figure four ring post leg lock.

Many more ideas to post, but those are the first to come to mind.
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Old 11-05-2012, 10:04 AM   #8
Nothing to see here folks
oneamongthefence's Arena
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Can we get some commentary that wasn't cut and pasted?

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Because I live in van down by the river...
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