10-15-2012, 07:43 PM
NBA 2k13 Disc save different from Digital Download save?
So today I got the game on disc from a friend who didn't want it any more for some reason. Anyway I had bought it from psn upon release. So as I put in the disc I expected a smooth transition and no problems at all with save files right? Wrong. It seems that the game on disc doesn't recognize the save files made while playing the other game. When I first launched the game mycareer was actually all there on the side and my character and the game schedule was correct but when I clicked it it said 'save file cannot be found' even though I know it's there and I have psn+.
So I check my save files and I was right all the save files are there, it's impossible for me to see what the difference of the save files are since it's just named the same thing so I noticed that it was different when I categorized by folder. All the digital 2k13 saves go into one folder, the disc saves go into another. Impossible to transfer (unless I'm unaware of how, tried everything I could think of)
But yeah, I'm hoping somebody knows a way for the game that's on disc to recognize the save filed I had made with the digital game cause I want to be able to play mycareer offline and I really don't feel like starting over.