Futureshop.ca has an after hours sale for two nights only and tonight (Sept. 30th) would be the last night to get it at 10% off. However i dont see info on their website about the pre-order promo to include the add-on content ASW, although 2ksports does have futureshop as one of the stores that should have the pre-order promo.
On the fine print says " See participating retailers for details ". I've called futureshop and only info they were able to give me is what you would find on their website so calling them was pointless.
Does anyone have any info regading this or perhaps someone has already made the pre-ordered from futureshop.ca. I know $6 is not worth the risk if it turns out the add-on content ASW is not included, but just wanted to know i am not alone on this if i were to pre-order from futurshop.ca