
Playing of Varsity seems to fix a lot of gameplay issues.

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Old 07-29-2012, 10:18 AM   #1
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Playing of Varsity seems to fix a lot of gameplay issues.

I got sick and tired of the cpu cheating in order to stay in the game so I turned the difficulty down to Varsity and turned a lot of the cpu's sliders up and mine down. For me its the best the game has played so far, but more significantly a lot of the games quirks seem to be gone.

1- User catch is now just as it was in old games, no more guys letting the ball hit them in the face.

2- The AI defense no longer seems psychic. They hardly ever crash the hole at the snap in 3 out of 4 run plays.

3- I have only seen 1 or 2 times a defender get frozen in option coverage (for those who dont know sometimes AI defenders will just stand there when you run the option) I think this is because I turned run defense up a lot so that it would still be competitive.

4- The option in general is much more effective if you know how to run it. This is mostly because the defensive pursuit is much more realistic and blockers are better at holding the point of attack and safeties aren't in you backfield before you get to the line of scrimmage.

5- Blockers seems to be much better at not being idiots. There are still blown blocks and missed blocks, but i have yet to see a blocker run away from the point of attack to block someone who is not an eminent threat, and they do not get in the way nearly as much.

the only flaw is that the challenge is still a bit lessened regardless of the sliders, but i chalk that mostly up to me being good at the game and the fact that my team is a complete powerhouse. When i play other powerhouses i dont blow them out. The big problem still present is that the cpu offensive playcalling still calls to many screens and still can hardly run them. I have yet to lose a game, but personally i would rather win against a game that is not overly difficult than be challenged because the game is cheating me.

I am not going to go into figuring out any slider sets or anything (this maybe should be moved to sliders section idk) but i have definitely seen an improvement in realistic football simulation gameplay with the game on Varsity
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Old 07-29-2012, 10:33 AM   #2
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Re: Playing of Varsity seems to fix a lot of gameplay issues.

I agree with this 100%.
I was working with authentic in his slider project,but still found them to be to easy,so I just worked by myself and came up with some tougher (imo) but yet fair playing sliders.

Unfortunately the qb screen sack issue can't be taken care of with sliders (at least not that I'm aware of) but the defense seems to play alot better,and I was also get it to where the cpu can actually run on me.....granted it was only 1 game,but Toledo's RB put up over a 100yds on me.

Overall,I would say varsity plays a real nice game of football,and I haven't seen any wth moments like I have with heisman.
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Old 07-29-2012, 11:49 AM   #3
DirkDiggler12's Arena
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Re: Playing of Varsity seems to fix a lot of gameplay issues.


Care to share your Varsity Sliders? I'm interested in trying this out.
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Old 07-29-2012, 11:52 AM   #4
shifty1's Arena
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Re: Playing of Varsity seems to fix a lot of gameplay issues.

Originally Posted by feeq14
I got sick and tired of the cpu cheating in order to stay in the game so I turned the difficulty down to Varsity and turned a lot of the cpu's sliders up and mine down. For me its the best the game has played so far, but more significantly a lot of the games quirks seem to be gone.

1- User catch is now just as it was in old games, no more guys letting the ball hit them in the face.

2- The AI defense no longer seems psychic. They hardly ever crash the hole at the snap in 3 out of 4 run plays.

3- I have only seen 1 or 2 times a defender get frozen in option coverage (for those who dont know sometimes AI defenders will just stand there when you run the option) I think this is because I turned run defense up a lot so that it would still be competitive.

4- The option in general is much more effective if you know how to run it. This is mostly because the defensive pursuit is much more realistic and blockers are better at holding the point of attack and safeties aren't in you backfield before you get to the line of scrimmage.

5- Blockers seems to be much better at not being idiots. There are still blown blocks and missed blocks, but i have yet to see a blocker run away from the point of attack to block someone who is not an eminent threat, and they do not get in the way nearly as much.

the only flaw is that the challenge is still a bit lessened regardless of the sliders, but i chalk that mostly up to me being good at the game and the fact that my team is a complete powerhouse. When i play other powerhouses i dont blow them out. The big problem still present is that the cpu offensive playcalling still calls to many screens and still can hardly run them. I have yet to lose a game, but personally i would rather win against a game that is not overly difficult than be challenged because the game is cheating me.

I am not going to go into figuring out any slider sets or anything (this maybe should be moved to sliders section idk) but i have definitely seen an improvement in realistic football simulation gameplay with the game on Varsity
I know you're right because I'm not an advanced player and keep it on Varsity anyway and never understood why everyone was upset about the user catch functionality, it's always worked fine for me and even though my blockers lack a sense of urgency they're not horrible
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Old 07-29-2012, 01:10 PM   #5
Old School SD Fan's Arena
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Re: Playing of Varsity seems to fix a lot of gameplay issues.

Same experience I had last year, ended up playing Varsity as well. Egos seem to lead many people to obsess over playing Heisman, but I've never felt Heisman provided the best gameplay.
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Old 07-29-2012, 01:29 PM   #6
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Re: Playing of Varsity seems to fix a lot of gameplay issues.

I just switched in my coach mode dynasty with UMass. I like what I see thus far.
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Old 07-29-2012, 01:32 PM   #7
cparrish's Arena
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Re: Playing of Varsity seems to fix a lot of gameplay issues.

Varsity typically has the best gameplay, but the lack of difficulty makes it hard to play for some people sadly
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Old 07-29-2012, 01:49 PM   #8
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Re: Playing of Varsity seems to fix a lot of gameplay issues.

My ego wouldn't allow me to play on less than Heisman either, but this intrigues me....all for better gameplay, I'm going to try this out
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