
Why do we play?

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Old 07-11-2012, 09:10 AM   #1
whatcha's Arena
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Why do we play?

The reviews have been interesting. The impressions have stirred the pot. Why is it we play this thing we call NCAA Football 13? For some, do you envision yourself as the team you're playing with, listening to the crowd scream your name as you run down the tunnel and onto the field? Or do you see this video game as a change to enjoy some semblance of football with a few collections of pixels on your television?

For me, this is what it always has been, a video game. Never perfect, always enjoyable. It isn't real football and if I want to play real football there are a number of adult football leagues around the country for that. Nope, I'm good there. Played enough growing up and in my early adult life that I don't want to subject my knees and back to that anymore. So this video game experience requires me to suspend reality for a little while and use my imagination. I luckily haven't forgotten how to do that. It seems a lot of folks these days don't know how to use their imagination anymore and want EA to do everything for them. That's okay, I guess, but that's not why I play the game. It's never quite that serious to me. It's a video game. I play it for personal enjoyment. I typically don't do things that cause me the frustration that so many are displaying lately. In my mind, if it's that frustrating, turn off your Xbox and step away from the television. Some are probably the same folks that spew hatred towards the referees when their favorite team loses because it was obviously the referees that missed 4 or 5 tackles, walked 7 batters, or missed 50% of their free throws during the game.

It's a video game, and I play it for the enjoyment I get. I can still remember tecmo bowl tournaments and madden tournaments on sega genesis. I can remember the turbo controllers and people using Detroit because you could hold down turbo C and tacklers would bounce off Barry Sanders as he spun like a whirling dirvish. We had fun playing the game and when we wanted real football we'd grab a football and go play. I'm thoroughly enjoying NCAA 13 and will finish season 1 tonight after work. There are a few tweaks I'm sure I'll have to make to the sliders, but the game is enjoyable and a break from bills, work, the economy, politics, and everything else in this world that pounds on us incessantly.

So, back to the subject line....why do you play?
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Old 07-11-2012, 09:24 AM   #2
Wilson16NCSU's Arena
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Re: Why do we play?

because i love college football so much that even when I think I don't need this game I do. You see a great game on tv and it gets you pumped and makes you want to come onto this video game and create your own amazing games. You want to execute that one big play that changed the game.
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Old 07-11-2012, 10:10 AM   #3
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Re: Why do we play?

It's football, most men like football. I like football whether it's pro or college. This is the beginning of the football season.
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Old 07-11-2012, 10:34 AM   #4
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Re: Why do we play?

Originally Posted by whatcha
The reviews have been interesting. The impressions have stirred the pot. Why is it we play this thing we call NCAA Football 13? For some, do you envision yourself as the team you're playing with, listening to the crowd scream your name as you run down the tunnel and onto the field? Or do you see this video game as a change to enjoy some semblance of football with a few collections of pixels on your television?

For me, this is what it always has been, a video game. Never perfect, always enjoyable. It isn't real football and if I want to play real football there are a number of adult football leagues around the country for that. Nope, I'm good there. Played enough growing up and in my early adult life that I don't want to subject my knees and back to that anymore. So this video game experience requires me to suspend reality for a little while and use my imagination. I luckily haven't forgotten how to do that. It seems a lot of folks these days don't know how to use their imagination anymore and want EA to do everything for them. That's okay, I guess, but that's not why I play the game. It's never quite that serious to me. It's a video game. I play it for personal enjoyment. I typically don't do things that cause me the frustration that so many are displaying lately. In my mind, if it's that frustrating, turn off your Xbox and step away from the television. Some are probably the same folks that spew hatred towards the referees when their favorite team loses because it was obviously the referees that missed 4 or 5 tackles, walked 7 batters, or missed 50% of their free throws during the game.

It's a video game, and I play it for the enjoyment I get. I can still remember tecmo bowl tournaments and madden tournaments on sega genesis. I can remember the turbo controllers and people using Detroit because you could hold down turbo C and tacklers would bounce off Barry Sanders as he spun like a whirling dirvish. We had fun playing the game and when we wanted real football we'd grab a football and go play. I'm thoroughly enjoying NCAA 13 and will finish season 1 tonight after work. There are a few tweaks I'm sure I'll have to make to the sliders, but the game is enjoyable and a break from bills, work, the economy, politics, and everything else in this world that pounds on us incessantly.

So, back to the subject line....why do you play?
That's because we're old men and didn't have any of this stuff in the past. I remember taking my own stats in Bill Walsh w/paper and pencil. I think I still have them, but I guess the point is, now it's never enough (in anything)......
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Old 07-11-2012, 11:06 AM   #5
whatcha's Arena
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LOL @ Moz. Yeah, I remember those days, too. Front Page Sports was a pioneer in the way of stats and simulation, for those that played that series on the PC. They blew it when they tried to update the graphics engine back in 99 and now they're a relic that isn't talked about much.

I guess the bottom line for me is that folks are taking this game way too seriously. When someone gets visibly or audibly upset about a video game it's time to rethink priorities.
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Old 07-11-2012, 11:07 AM   #6
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Re: Why do we play?

I'm an international fan and my brothers and I have always loved the college football series. We know about every college from small to big. My favorite is the U Miami Hurricanes C A N E S. Due to the lack of playing in sun life stadium though is a drag I do miss the old orange bowl. Here's a hint for NCAA Football 14 since I haven't even played 13 yet. Put in the option for classic stadiums so if your stuck in a scenario like me you can put the old stadium back to life. I hope its good this year and the recruiting is the most enjoyable usually to me at times.
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Old 07-11-2012, 12:08 PM   #7
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Re: Why do we play?

So, back to the subject line....why do you play?
Uhhh. cuz its ALL WE HAVE !! if another company made football i dont think id play NCAA .. due to the laundry list of bugs.. and we pay to test it.
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Old 07-11-2012, 12:41 PM   #8
Colt45's Arena
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Re: Why do we play?

Originally Posted by whatcha
I guess the bottom line for me is that folks are taking this game way too seriously. When someone gets visibly or audibly upset about a video game it's time to rethink priorities.
I agree with pretty much everything in this topic, except this. Competition is the main reason for playing sports games, so if I feel like I've been cheated out of a fair competition, I will get pissed. I take the game fairly seriously while the game is going on. Washes away pretty quickly after the fact, win or lose, but during the game I am laser focused.
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