
Season - lineups. Am I missing something?

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Old 05-30-2012, 11:23 AM   #1
OVR: 4
Join Date: Feb 2009
Season - lineups. Am I missing something?

I started a season with the most recent roster update, and then set my lineups to match the most current lineup of my team before starting any games. Then I get into my first game and look at the lineup pregame to find that none of the lineups I had set and saved are actually applied. So I have to go through and do it manually before every game. Also, I've noticed that the lineups of other teams do not reflect the current roster that I had used to start my season. For instance, the Nats still have Michael Morse, Jayson Werth, and Wilson Ramos, when all 3 players are on the DL in the most recent roster update. What's going on here...am I missing something, or not doing something correctly? Thanks for any help.
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:33 PM   #2
MIKEY93's Arena
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Re: Season - lineups. Am I missing something?

I don't think the roster update pus anybody on the DL. I mean the rosters in the main menu don't have a disabled list (only in game modes like RttS/Franchise/Season.. etc.). The reason the lineups of other teams are like that is because after Spring Training ends & you advance to the regular season, the CPU has full control of the 40-man rosters, lineups, & rotations. So the CPU messes up other teams' lineups if you're only controlling 1 team. Idk if you know about 30-team control, but with that, you can control all 30 teams (2 profiles, 1 for your ream, 1 for the other 29). Also, there are OSFM rosters that have real minor league players. Also, you can injure any player yourself by setting injuries to manual, but if you're not controlling that team, you can't DL them, the CPU may/may not do it for you. Hope this makes sense.
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Old 05-30-2012, 09:27 PM   #3
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Re: Season - lineups. Am I missing something?

Originally Posted by smearz
I started a season with the most recent roster update, and then set my lineups to match the most current lineup of my team before starting any games. Then I get into my first game and look at the lineup pregame to find that none of the lineups I had set and saved are actually applied. So I have to go through and do it manually before every game. Also, I've noticed that the lineups of other teams do not reflect the current roster that I had used to start my season. For instance, the Nats still have Michael Morse, Jayson Werth, and Wilson Ramos, when all 3 players are on the DL in the most recent roster update. What's going on here...am I missing something, or not doing something correctly? Thanks for any help.
Did you set all your line-ups before you actually began the regular season? If you set all your lineups in preseason, they reset once you actually begin the regular season so you have to set them again. Of course, this is franchise mode.
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Old 05-31-2012, 12:04 PM   #4
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Re: Season - lineups. Am I missing something?

I had set my lineups and then simmed the preseason going straight into game 1 of the reg season. I think I tried setting the lineups again once I realized that my first lineups didn't stick, but I don't think that worked. It's weird, I have Chase Utley and Jim Thome on the DL, but they keep appearing in my lineup before every game.

And about the CPU control, I only have control of my team, so that makes sense. Well, it makes sense as far as that's probably what's happening, but it doesn't make so much sense to me that it happens at all. I think we should be able to use live roster updates during a season instead of having to go in and manually change all 30 teams. That's a lot of book keeping just to sim the current year. Maybe that's something they could add in the future? A mode called "live season" or something?

Anyways, thanks for the responses...I'll prob start a new season with non-CPU roster control, and I gotta figure out the DL thing too. It's a little confusing.
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Old 05-31-2012, 12:51 PM   #5
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Re: Season - lineups. Am I missing something?

Use a roster that has 25 players on it. First set the line-ups you want then save the roster for future use. Then load it and start a franchise with 30 team control. Have a CPU profile where almost everything is set to auto. There a couple settings that should be manual and I think it's training as well as line-up and pitching rotation.

Also make sure when you start the franchise you have cpu trading off and cpu roster control off. When you start your season all the line-ups and pitching rotations will be what you set when you loaded the roster file before you started.
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