
A couple of ideas for next year...

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Old 03-19-2012, 06:05 AM   #1
OVR: 32
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A couple of ideas for next year...

[Mods, if there is a better spot for this thread, please move it, as it's more along the lines of a wishlist/something I want to see in future iterations of the game thread.]

Absolutely love this game... That should go without saying. I do think there could be some minor improvements to the game, however. I am not even talking about game play issues, as I feel I have nothing valuable to add there.

I am in my ninth season with my RTTS pitcher, and it is a blast. One thing that does make me cringe, however, is all of the wrong hats on players as the years go by. This is a purely aesthetic thing, but it looks pretty bad when I am playing the Red Sox and eight out of their nine starters have the wrong hat on. I realize that perhaps the technology is not there yet to make it so that the player portraits "change" hats if the player switches teams. If it could be done, SCEA would have it implemented already.

Player portraits are nice, but I'd rather see a digitized face where the hat could easily be changed when a player switches teams. The graphics in this game is superb so I think that a digital face portrait would work just as well. I'd argue that it would make the game a bit easier on the eyes with respect to presentation.

Secondly, and I know this has probably been covered a great deal here, but I do wish that there was some way that we could edit contracts. There is less player movement than years past, but it is still way too much. Within two years, 75 percent of the M's MLB roster was gone. Guys like Ackley, Smoak, Montero, Felix, and a few others were on different teams by 2013. I am not sure if this is an MLBPA issue and that's why we can't edit contracts, but if we could curtail this a bit, it would make for a more realistic franchise experience. I know there are a couple of ways around this, but it still leads to way too much player movement. I would like to see a bigger emphasis on the game valuing young, elite players/prospects more.

One other quick suggestion... In RTTS, I wish more value was given to performance and statistics. In my second year, I was 14-4 with a 2.5 or so ERA, but because I missed some goals, I was sent to the bullpen during a pennant chase. I had missed goals before that, but these goals were tough to attain. A WHIP below 1.00, surrendering fewer than 18 hits, etc... Usually, I noticed that even if you didn't hit the statistical goals but succeeded in raising your attributes, you were good... But this time, I failed to reach one of the statistical goals and caught the brunt of my manager's fury and he sent me to the bullpen where I finished the year. This is just kind of a minor complaint, but it was frustrating nonetheless. After a 17-5 year and finishing second in the Cy Young voting, I started the next season in AAA and didn't get called up until the first part of June. I thought that was a bit wonky.

Still the best game ever. I don't give my .02 like this very often and I don't mean for this to be a complaint thread, but I think they are worth bringing up.
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Old 03-19-2012, 04:34 PM   #2
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jan 2012
Re: A couple of ideas for next year...

Not to be nit-picky but for players you could make it so they are from a specific country and their exact birth-date just to make it more accurate. Obviously not a problem but just the first thing that comes to mind
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Old 03-20-2012, 10:22 PM   #3
OVR: 0
Join Date: Mar 2011
Re: A couple of ideas for next year...

I just wish we had a better training opportunity in RTTS. For example, incorporate some offseason training chances to help build up your player a little faster. Even if it was once a week or so, it would help. Also, I wish they would let you use your whole training opportunity. For example, the other day I finsihed my training with like 7 chances left. I think once your goal is met, you should still be able to earn more training points with the rest of your opportunities. Even with the new preferences options, it takes a long time to have your player built up to the point of an even average player. I am one of those players who is a lot more likely to play my RTTS character for two-three seasons max, before starting a new one. I made my guy a purse speed guy, and have only had a steal green light for a very small part of one season. I put most of my training points into speed and baserunning ability, but it still is a slow process. As a father in a three child, single income family, I really can't afford to spend any real cash just to buy training points, especially after purchasing a vita and both versions of the game. The Vita version of this game is AWESOME, even with a few small glitches that I have experienced. (all were mentioned in the glitch thread)
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