
My Review of FIFA Soccer PS VITA

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Old 02-16-2012, 03:44 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2011
My Review of FIFA Soccer PS VITA

I have been hammering at FIFA Soccer on the PS Vita and i thought i would provide an opinion on the game. Firstly, i would like to congratulate EA on releasing FIFA on the ps Vita. The tried to bring the experience over to the vita and i applaud them for that.

What is FIFA Soccer PS vita?

It is basically a port of FIFA 11 with new menus and tricks. The game is smooth and so are the controls. The next gen engine is on the vita and is nice to see.


Like i said, it is a port of FIFA 11 so much should not be expected. The same issues that plagued the AI are still there.

-Firstly, i will let you all know that the sweaty goals are still there. Crossing to the back post etc... The defensive ai is still a problem. They always part like the red sea. The one two passes causes serious problems for the AI in this game. You can basically one two your way down the field. The heat seeking defence makes its return in style. There is no tactical defence system in this offering. It works well though as long as you just don't just hold square and x down. Doing so will just split your defence like the Red sea and will result in a goal against.

-There goalkeepers also seem to struggle as well. Shots are way too accurate and the AI never seems to miss. The Ai is just too perfect as in 4 shots equals 4 goals. The Ai do challenge you in the way they pass and move the ball around but there is a problem with their shooting accuracy.


-The game has several modes but it is not as robust as its console counterparts. Career mode, Online and BAP all make an appearance but do not expect modes like ultimate team, 11 v 11, clubs etc.. Career Mode is rather shallow. The only highlight in this mode is the transfers. The online mode is similar to that of FIFA 11. There is no head to head seasons but there are head to head matches and custom matches. The online offering is weak when compared to its console counterpart. The main issue with online is the difficulty level. When playing online, the first thing you notice is how bad the keepers are. All shots from a reasonable range go in. I am not the best Fifa player but i was beating guys 5-0 and 6-0 at the end of the First Half.


-This game is meant for casual players. If you are a dedicated soccer fan, you will be disappointed with this offering for the most part. It is both fun and frustrating but its shallow modes and lack of depth holds it back. It seems like a cash grab to me because i feel that EA would have benefited from the extra development time. We all know that FIFA 13 is coming to the vita so why release this version. I would recommend this game to casual fans or those who don't watch or play soccer.


Last edited by LetsGoHawks; 02-16-2012 at 04:07 PM.
LetsGoHawks is offline  
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