Purples Roster Guide
Thought I would give those who are intrested a guide as how I edited the rosters. This can be used for either the PS3 or XBox.
Each players awareness, is being put in the 70-90 range. Freshman fall between 70 - 75, Non-starter between 75-80, and Starters 80 - 85. Playmakers get a boost to 85 - 90, while AA go to 85 plus.
This way, players just don't stand around run out of bounds, or just play dumb. Also, they take a hit if you have to put in a non-starter.
All-American - 90+
Playmakers - 85+
Starters - 80-85
Non Starters - 75-80
Freshman - 70-75
All players speed has will be adjusted using their 40 times listed on draftscout, to be used with my speed chart. If you noticed on the default roster most teams are loaded with high 80's, and lots of 90's. I have seen 300 lb DT with 80 speed but his 40 time is in the 5.27 area. I tried to give a fair ratings to those players not listed on the site. If you feel someone is way to fast, to slow...just change your roster. I don't have the time to look up players from other sites, just to change him from a 85 to an 86.
Also, it seems that on the unedited roster, all playmakers, and AA have great speed, which is just not the case. With the correct 40's, you will still have the playmakers, AA, but their other skills make them who they are.
Pursuit just like speed plays a major part in the overall gameplay. Most of your DL's have very high rating. These have been adjusted down to the mid 60's and some in the 40's - 50's for those players over the 300 lbs unless they are truely an AA or playmaker. These edits help the overall run game.
DB's & LB's:
90+ - All-American
85-90 - Playmakers
80-85 - Starters
75-80 - Non Starters
80-85 - All-American
75-80 - Playmakers
70-75 - Starters
65-70 - Non Starters/Fresh
**NOTE** - If the DT is over 300 lbs, he goes into the 45 -55 range, depending on how he is listed. An AA would be given the 55 area while a Fresh be given the 45 area.
70-75 - All-American
65-70 - Playmaker
60-65 - Starter
55-60 - Non Starter/Fresh
45-55 - Over 300 lbs
All LB's and Safetys have been given a rating to their run blocking skills to the 80's. This helps out the returns and KO, but getting the players to hold their blocks longer.
No blocking skills in the 90's due to the CPU moving those players to play TE, or OL.
Each DB, Safety has been given a max of 85 and min of 60, depending on their class and being a starter. Of course the AA's and playmakers get a boost. This helps out both offensive and defensively as now the WR can get some space from the weaker DB's and tied in with the speed, the better DB's can shut down a weaker, slower WR.
85+ - All-American
80-85 - Playmaker
75-80 - Starter
70-75 - Non Starter
65-70 - Fresh
90+ - All-American
85-90 - Playmaker
80-85 - Starter
75-80- Non Starter
70-75 - Fresh
85+ - All-American
80-85 - Playmaker
75-80 - Starter
70-75 - Non Starter
65-70 - Fresh
80+ - All American
75-80 - Playmaker
70-75 - Starter
65-70 - Non Starter
60-65 - Fresh
All WR's run block skills have been raised. This help a great deal for the outside runs because now they can block the CB that keeps crashing in on sweeps, or outside runs. Sometimes they will still miss the blk, but now they at least make an attempt to block.
85+ - All-American
80-85- Playmaker
75-80 - Starter
70-75 - Non Starter
65-70 - Fresh
This along with the DB's coverage adjustments, and speed will help out the passing game. Not every WR is a 90 speed, and not every CB is a 90 speed. Players get the space, if they are the better player.
90+ - All-American
85-90 - Playmaker
80-85 - Starter
75-80 - Non Starter
70-75 - Fresh
Finally, the acc rating for all Guards, and Centers have been put at 90 for the starters, and a very high 80 for the non-starters. This help these player to get off the ball during run plays, and along with the WR's blocking skills helps on those outside runs. All this help cut down on the DT blowing up the play in the backfield, along with the DT's pursuit ratings being dropped
As you can see, the rating are linked to each other so one has an effect on the other. I hope to play this game for many years, so you can use this inside your dynasty by adjusting your rosters. The game only upgrades each player about 1 - 5 pts so you will be set there and only have to do the incoming freshman.
Last edited by Purplepower_NC; 12-31-2011 at 04:39 PM.
Reason: update