
create a team mode

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Old 11-15-2011, 12:49 AM   #1
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create a team mode

This would be an amazing feature.

I think it could include the following
when creating uniforms, create 4 sets, option of pinstripes or other stripe options, and the ability to choose a word mark that is already on a real teams jersey and be able to recolor it and what not. because I think it would be so fun to experiment would the twins homes would look like without pinstripes, or the red sox with. so it would include every word mark that is on any of the teams current uniforms, including alternate jerseys too.

Or have the option to type in what you want and choose the font for the front of the jersey.

and then for the hats choose a real logo thats on a real mlb hat and have the option to recolorize it or have a generic one.

and then add many generic made up stadiums to use

I know i posted this in the mlb the show nation forums too
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Old 11-15-2011, 06:15 PM   #2
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Re: create a team mode

I like that idea! the ability to create the twins without pinstripes! or with different logos!
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Old 11-15-2011, 06:25 PM   #3
tnixen's Arena
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Re: create a team mode

Originally Posted by kg54mvp1
This would be an amazing feature.

I think it could include the following
when creating uniforms, create 4 sets, option of pinstripes or other stripe options, and the ability to choose a word mark that is already on a real teams jersey and be able to recolor it and what not. because I think it would be so fun to experiment would the twins homes would look like without pinstripes, or the red sox with. so it would include every word mark that is on any of the teams current uniforms, including alternate jerseys too.

Or have the option to type in what you want and choose the font for the front of the jersey.

and then for the hats choose a real logo thats on a real mlb hat and have the option to recolorize it or have a generic one.

and then add many generic made up stadiums to use

I know i posted this in the mlb the show nation forums too
A create a team mode is a wonderful idea!

It would be great to be able to pick my 25 man roster and then be able to give the team a name and design the uniform to my liking!

And then be able to use this saved created team and play against any other team.

Last edited by tnixen; 11-15-2011 at 06:30 PM.
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Old 11-15-2011, 06:36 PM   #4
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Re: create a team mode

This is what I said earlier to your post on what you expect on mlb 12. "I like that idea, kind of like the create a team in the EA NHL series.

But to piggy back off that idea here is an example of what I would love to create if the create a team went to this extent

I do like the idea of including each teams script that are on their uniforms and be able to put them on yours to make new ones for a team. I would also add that the hat loos should be included as well, plus the teams main logo so I can just recreate the twins and play them on a franchise mode. It would be so cool to be able to make uniforms like that for mlb 12!"

here is what the nhl 12 create a team is like just as my example

and the beginning shows that you can choose the logos
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Old 11-15-2011, 09:53 PM   #5
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Re: create a team mode

You know what would be even better than that? Create your own ballpark! This is kind of like the old dirt biking and skateboard games, where you could make your own arenas/tracks and skateparks. Imagine if franchise mode was actually creating your OWN franchise from scratch, like you're an expansion team and just starting out. That would be THE best thing ever. Gotta draft people, sign people, etc.
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Old 11-15-2011, 10:35 PM   #6
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Re: create a team mode

that would be awesome also, ahhh bringing me back to the old madden days!

yea a create a team where you create uniforms and a ballpark and they get my 60 bucks
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Old 11-16-2011, 04:11 PM   #7
Legionnaire's Arena
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Re: create a team mode

I think EA's old MVP NCAA Baseball's create-a-stadium feature (where you could get really creative with outfield dimensions and walls) is probably the only thing I really miss when playing MLB The Show. Everything else about this series is pretty great, but I do find myself sometimes feeling suffocated by the pre-set stadiums after briefly experiencing a game where I could go wild with my own stadium designs.

If we could create our own unique stadium (either as part of some expansion feature where we create entirely new teams to bump MLB up to 32 teams... or just allowing existing teams to move to a new stadium if they get their finances in order), it'd take the game to a whole new level for me.

Probably not something the design team would be too interested in (spending time and resources on an obscure customization feature is probably not their preference since they'd probably rather just focus on better capturing real-life baseball). But it'd be fun.
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Old 11-19-2011, 03:18 PM   #8
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Re: create a team mode

All Star baseball, circa 2001, used to have an awesome create a team feature. it was the only baseball game that I ever knew to have it. They gave you a list of like 10 cities/states including brooklyn, las vegas, alaska, hawaii etc. You could pick from a group of logos and mascots and they had a handful of generic stadiums. you would pick your league and a team that you wanted to replace. i have often wanted to go back and play this game just for this feature. it would be AMAZING if the show could incorporate a feature like this.
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