
Player Potential

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Old 09-21-2011, 01:12 PM   #1
OVR: 3
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Player Potential

I have a question about player potential. Lets say you have a WR with D potential but you start him and he has a huge season. Lets say he has 100 catches 1000yds and 10tds. Will he get good progression and go up?

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Old 09-21-2011, 01:17 PM   #2
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Re: Player Potential

My understanding is that the "D" potential caps his maximum rating. So he would progress based on good stats, but stop at that "D" cap, which would be rather low.
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Old 09-21-2011, 03:53 PM   #3
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Re: Player Potential

yea, unfortunately, as a D potential, he wont progress any higher than a 69 OVR. pretty lame that this potential still caps players from progressing further. Makes no sense how somebody can judge how well a player will progress two or three years down the road. Remember when Arian Foster was a C potential? Yea...bullish...
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Old 09-21-2011, 03:59 PM   #4
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Re: Player Potential

Originally Posted by lilgame06
yea, unfortunately, as a D potential, he wont progress any higher than a 69 OVR. pretty lame that this potential still caps players from progressing further. Makes no sense how somebody can judge how well a player will progress two or three years down the road. Remember when Arian Foster was a C potential? Yea...bullish...
It makes a lot of sense. Everybody has a max/cap potential. Every athlete has a max/cap potential. What makes no sense at all is if everybody had unlimited potential. It's not bullish to have a max/cap potential, it's realistic.
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Old 09-21-2011, 09:10 PM   #5
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Re: Player Potential

Agreed, but seeing from the outset that a player is a "D" means you can decide his fate long before you give him a chance to reach his potential (which of course is limited as was pointed out).

Possibly if you didn't see the "D"???
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Old 09-21-2011, 09:43 PM   #6
Dwaresacksqb's Arena
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Re: Player Potential

Player potential is so stupid. I won't even start a player with c or lower potential because I already know no matter how great of a season I have with him he won't be properly awarded down the road. How is it realistic to have a great season with a D overall player only to see that madden doesn't care one bit and only let him get to 69 overall. When in REAL LIFE if that d overall player has a great season, madden scrambles to fix this through roster updates. WHY IS THIS OK?????
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Old 09-21-2011, 10:08 PM   #7
TMJOHNS18's Arena
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Re: Player Potential

The bad part though is that the potential system hurts the CPU more than the player.

If you have a 2000 yard rushing season with a D rated player, then it doesn't matter what their potential is. If you can do that good with that player then he doesn't need a rating increase. On the flip side though, this player will NEVER do this on a CPU team because he will either be deep on the depth chart, or his 60ish OVR will cause the sim stats to say "he sucks." So if you have 4 2000 yard years and then cut him loose, he'll just float around in the FA pool till he disappears as a 69 OVR scrub.

That's what I dislike about the potential system. I think it would be better to strip it or at least make young players all A potential and have stat's progress them using age as a factor.

Basically, if a 21 year old and 27 year old rush for 1500 yards, the 21 should progress more, regardless of potential. Yet, in Madden, if the first guy is a D and the other guy is an A, they'll probably both gain very little because one is young and capped low while the other is "aging" and can't progress much more.

If at the very least EA could let guys who rank in the top xx% of their position receive an increase in their potential grade at year end. Just because Donny Moore (or whoever designates potential) decides what they believe is a player's potential should be, doesn't mean it should stay static. Much like Moore's weekly updates that can swing upwards to 6+ points (even for guys in the league for a while), and have guys like Foster who go from scrub to stud in one season, why can't we have this in Franchise.

The biggest part that irks me too is there are guys sub 65 in the FA pool that have A potential, yet have never played. Why do these guys have this and other guys, who are on an active roster, who made the team and who have a chance to be on the field on Sunday, are stuck with D/F potential? Where's the logic on THAT.

Last edited by TMJOHNS18; 09-21-2011 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 09-21-2011, 10:13 PM   #8
mavfan21's Arena
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Re: Player Potential

Originally Posted by niftyjets
I have a question about player potential. Lets say you have a WR with D potential but you start him and he has a huge season. Lets say he has 100 catches 1000yds and 10tds. Will he get good progression and go up?

If a D rated WR has that kind of season you need to up the difficulty...a lot.

A D rated player should be set at an OVR of 69 or less, so if you have a player rated 69 or less that can get those stats you're playing on Rookie.

There are a ton of threads discussing potential.
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