
Question about things removed over the years

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Old 09-17-2011, 03:44 AM   #1
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Question about things removed over the years

Let me start by saying that I have been playing these games for 10 years or more and this is the FIRST time I have ever posted anything on any message board in my life. Basically something about this game is bothering me so mush I feel like I need to ask other fans of the series and college football what they think. So here goes . . .

Is it just me or did NCAA Football used to be a much more COMPLETE package in terms of representing the real thing. For example, I can't remember which installments had what, but I do remember that the older games had cool vignettes recorded on campus during the intros. Also, I remember playing games where the stadium was packed and if I routed the opponent people would slowly trickle out until the place was nearly empty in the 4th.

And here's my main gripe. WHY DID EA TAKE OUT THE FCS??? I remember the older games having the 1-AA teams and it was such a great touch! I like teambuilder and the FCS project is awesome, but I can't add these teams without replacing an existing team. I can't really "customize" a conference due to all the limitations. I just don't get it. I'm not an EA ***** or anything, but it just seems like the overall feel and quality of the total package used to be MUCH better than what it is currently.

Am I just bitching about semantics or do others feel the same way? I mean, I really like NCAA 12 and feel that it was worth a preorder purchase, but I just remember the older games being more "fun" and capturing the subtle nuances of college football a lot better. Maybe I'm just starting to outgrow my enjoyment of videogames or maybe I'm just turning into a bitter crank. Oh well, I got it off my chest so I guess that's all that matters.
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Old 09-17-2011, 05:00 AM   #2
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Re: Question about things removed over the years

Originally Posted by olhickory
Let me start by saying that I have been playing these games for 10 years or more and this is the FIRST time I have ever posted anything on any message board in my life. Basically something about this game is bothering me so mush I feel like I need to ask other fans of the series and college football what they think. So here goes . . .

Is it just me or did NCAA Football used to be a much more COMPLETE package in terms of representing the real thing. For example, I can't remember which installments had what, but I do remember that the older games had cool vignettes recorded on campus during the intros. Also, I remember playing games where the stadium was packed and if I routed the opponent people would slowly trickle out until the place was nearly empty in the 4th.

And here's my main gripe. WHY DID EA TAKE OUT THE FCS??? I remember the older games having the 1-AA teams and it was such a great touch! I like teambuilder and the FCS project is awesome, but I can't add these teams without replacing an existing team. I can't really "customize" a conference due to all the limitations. I just don't get it. I'm not an EA ***** or anything, but it just seems like the overall feel and quality of the total package used to be MUCH better than what it is currently.

Am I just bitching about semantics or do others feel the same way? I mean, I really like NCAA 12 and feel that it was worth a preorder purchase, but I just remember the older games being more "fun" and capturing the subtle nuances of college football a lot better. Maybe I'm just starting to outgrow my enjoyment of videogames or maybe I'm just turning into a bitter crank. Oh well, I got it off my chest so I guess that's all that matters.
I think the vast majority feel like you do. Now we get some "new feature" announced like it's something brilliant, when the reality is it was in the last-gen game.

To add to that, one thing they took out this year which makes no sense... when you motion a WR... the QB no longer lifts his leg... subtle things like that get removed for no reason.

Only EA can provide the answer and unfortunately.... they ain't talking.
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Old 09-17-2011, 05:20 AM   #3
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Re: Question about things removed over the years

You have to remember that they didn't actually take out things from last gen. This gens games are a completely different engine. So if it was in last gen they just didn't put it in this gen. At least thats how I understood it.
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Old 09-17-2011, 02:01 PM   #4
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Re: Question about things removed over the years

Just look at how long it took to get formation subs back in the game. I don't know what it is about the games on the new systems (NCAA and Madden) but they both seem to be missing a whole lot from the last gen. I think the #1 thing they care about is online gaming which is also horrible imo I just can't call it.
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Old 09-17-2011, 02:38 PM   #5
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Re: Question about things removed over the years

I think it is a combination of limited resources and lack of overall programming prowess. I imagine games on last gen (XBOX and PS2) were, overall, easier to manage and develop. With expanded limits on the current generation, I think the current development team is struggling to keep up.

I think we've just about approached the graphics cap on this generation, other than some refinements and bug fixes. With that, I hope the game can begin to expand outwards, but there is no guarantee. And besides that, the art department is separate from the rest, so really, upgrading graphics should not inhibit the rest of the game from moving forward.

Other than a lack of resources (including time constraints) and ability, another problem may be simple directional issues--and by that I mean the game has poor direction. There is perhaps little consensus about how to proceed. The priority list may vary for each individual, or it is just a poor list overall. This is all just speculation, of course, as I don't work at EA.

Some of the gimmicky things they have added over the years also took up needless time that could have (and should have) been devoted to progressing the series. Instead these things are added for a year then removed by the next cycle.
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Old 09-17-2011, 02:55 PM   #6
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Re: Question about things removed over the years

I still don't get why they diminished the uniform/face options. I flip through my roster and I have 5 sets of identical twins. It's ridiculous.
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Old 09-17-2011, 02:58 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by 31
You have to remember that they didn't actually take out things from last gen. This gens games are a completely different engine. So if it was in last gen they just didn't put it in this gen. At least thats how I understood it.
There is no chance in hell they rebuilt the engine for the current gen. There are way too many subtle aspects that are EXACTLY the same. If anything, they ported it to current gen and couldn't implement certain aspects because of other limitations to the coding.
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Old 09-17-2011, 03:17 PM   #8
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Re: Question about things removed over the years

Originally Posted by BGarrett7
There is no chance in hell they rebuilt the engine for the current gen. There are way too many subtle aspects that are EXACTLY the same. If anything, they ported it to current gen and couldn't implement certain aspects because of other limitations to the coding.
I believe this was discussed around here in that the current engine is NOT new. It is the same from the last-gen, hence why it behaves poorly in certain areas. AFAIK they did not rebuild it at all (nor change a whole lot), much like the very old commentary engine. Madden just now is fixing the latter issue.
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