
DPP = Momentum? Anyone else found this?

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Old 08-12-2011, 02:38 PM   #1
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DPP = Momentum? Anyone else found this?

Okay, first of all apologies if you think this could have gone in the impressions thread but I thought it might get lost there and it's kind of a separate thing.

Anyway, after having a few goes against the CPU on the demo I started to notice that genuine momentum appeared to be occurring when a team started stringing some passes together or getting some gains on the ground - also if they were struggling it seemed like everything was going against them. I assumed that maybe I was imagining this or it was just a coincidence but...

I played a few 2 player games today with a friend. I'm better at the game than him and usually win but I did find it harder if I messed up a couple of plays. We both tested this out and it genuinely gave a feeling that if you hooked a few plays up you got into a groove and if you struggled it really felt like you were up against it.

I don't know if this is really the DPP in action but it was impressive how subtle it was, there was no obvious cause behind the momentum, nothing silly was happening. Maybe it was down to some kind of behind the scenes rating boosts/drops and if so they work really well to create the effect of momentum.

What made it especially interesting to me was that we tried things like calling short little passes and simpler runs when the game was going against us just to get something going again and it really did seem to help get things back on an even keel. I know that might seem kind of obvious but the way it worked was impressive.

Maybe I am just imagining this stuff but either way it does seem like there's something there, try it out if you can. If it does work this way then it could be very interesting when people get hit or blitzed a bit and have to change their gameplan/play-calling to get their guys back in the game. It also addresses the old problem I used to have in 2 player games or even against the CPU where you'd nail them back on their first 2 downs but on third and long they'd just get the 15 yard completion. Of course that still happens sometimes like it should, but hitting that QB really does knock his confidence and make it that bit less likely.

Have a look into it if you can and see what you notice.
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Old 08-12-2011, 02:57 PM   #2
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Re: DPP = Momentum? Anyone else found this?

Originally Posted by Johns Jets
Okay, first of all apologies if you think this could have gone in the impressions thread but I thought it might get lost there and it's kind of a separate thing.

Anyway, after having a few goes against the CPU on the demo I started to notice that genuine momentum appeared to be occurring when a team started stringing some passes together or getting some gains on the ground - also if they were struggling it seemed like everything was going against them. I assumed that maybe I was imagining this or it was just a coincidence but...

I played a few 2 player games today with a friend. I'm better at the game than him and usually win but I did find it harder if I messed up a couple of plays. We both tested this out and it genuinely gave a feeling that if you hooked a few plays up you got into a groove and if you struggled it really felt like you were up against it.

I don't know if this is really the DPP in action but it was impressive how subtle it was, there was no obvious cause behind the momentum, nothing silly was happening. Maybe it was down to some kind of behind the scenes rating boosts/drops and if so they work really well to create the effect of momentum.

What made it especially interesting to me was that we tried things like calling short little passes and simpler runs when the game was going against us just to get something going again and it really did seem to help get things back on an even keel. I know that might seem kind of obvious but the way it worked was impressive.

Maybe I am just imagining this stuff but either way it does seem like there's something there, try it out if you can. If it does work this way then it could be very interesting when people get hit or blitzed a bit and have to change their gameplan/play-calling to get their guys back in the game. It also addresses the old problem I used to have in 2 player games or even against the CPU where you'd nail them back on their first 2 downs but on third and long they'd just get the 15 yard completion. Of course that still happens sometimes like it should, but hitting that QB really does knock his confidence and make it that bit less likely.

Have a look into it if you can and see what you notice.

I'm finding streakiness....either Rodgers and Cutler complete everything or human WR start dropping balls left and right when hit and Cutler starts missing anyone...not liking it so far...too streaky.
"I'd rather lose to the cpu with realistic stats than win with ridiculous stats."

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Old 08-12-2011, 03:05 PM   #3
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Re: DPP = Momentum? Anyone else found this?

Originally Posted by mjhyankees
I'm finding streakiness....either Rodgers and Cutler complete everything or human WR start dropping balls left and right when hit and Cutler starts missing anyone...not liking it so far...too streaky.
That's certainly part of it yeah, try playing a couple of short completions across the middle and see if that helps get things back. I like it as will stop people constantly going for long throws.
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Old 08-12-2011, 04:30 PM   #4
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Re: DPP = Momentum? Anyone else found this?

Originally Posted by mjhyankees
I'm finding streakiness....either Rodgers and Cutler complete everything or human WR start dropping balls left and right when hit and Cutler starts missing anyone...not liking it so far...too streaky.
Same thing dude, 1 dropped catch with Aromoshodu, Hester, or Knox and it goes to Drops Open Passes 'Yes'
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Old 08-12-2011, 05:26 PM   #5
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Re: DPP = Momentum? Anyone else found this?

Honestly hasn't NCAA had something similar to this for years just not to the extent Madden is adversitisng this year? If my QB or HB are having some good passes/runs they will have a yellow icon under them. If they continue to do well the icon will become red then flash red. Conversely if they struggle the icon will become blue(cold). I'm not sure if the ratings are affected under the hood or not but when the feature was introduced EA claimed it did.
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Old 08-12-2011, 06:28 PM   #6
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: DPP = Momentum? Anyone else found this?

I've noticed it too, not just with individual players either. I have been trying to return punts and often call for the fair catch too late, get popped and wind up fumbling. Every time this has happened early in a game, the momentum just swings the cpu's way and I have to really work to swing things back the other way again.

If it's true and not just my imagination, I think it's been done really well.
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Old 08-12-2011, 11:45 PM   #7
BlackJackRabbit's Arena
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Re: DPP = Momentum? Anyone else found this?

For a while there I thought I was imagining things. I've had games where I've quit and started over (because my butt was headed to me) only to play that same team again and blow them out. It seems like if you get a couple of big plays, a couple of good drives, or especially turnovers on defense, the a lot of things start to go your way. It really gives you that " Any Given Sunday" feeling of the NFL.

If you get enough sacks on a QB, it seems like he way more prone into coughing it up or throwing into coverage.

Could it be that EA has captured the "ebb and flow" of the NFL ?

The great thing about it is it you don't feel cheated. When things are going well, if there's a play where things could go either way, they tend to go your way. When you don't have momentum, those plays typically don't go your way.

If you've got the momentum, and a wr catches a pass just sort of the first down, many times it seems like he'll break a tackle or elude the defender to get the first down. If you don't have the momentum, he gets tackled or drops the pass.

Originally Posted by JaZart
Honestly hasn't NCAA had something similar to this for years just not to the extent Madden is adversitisng this year? If my QB or HB are having some good passes/runs they will have a yellow icon under them. If they continue to do well the icon will become red then flash red. Conversely if they struggle the icon will become blue(cold). I'm not sure if the ratings are affected under the hood or not but when the feature was introduced EA claimed it did.
NCAA did have momentum, but it really doesn't play in the game the same way. I don't know if it really worked.In my NCAA 12 in dynasty, sometimes there where games were it was like I was meant to lose before the game started. With the M12, it seems to be activated by plays you do or do not make, and it's seems easier to get it started with the Packers ( as they're a better team) than the Bears, but you can get it going with both.

Last edited by BlackJackRabbit; 08-12-2011 at 11:57 PM.
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Old 08-13-2011, 09:21 AM   #8
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Re: DPP = Momentum? Anyone else found this?

I think there are going to be a few people complaining about it until they realise what's happening.

For example, there have always been times in the past when playing my friend and he'l come out with 5 wide on first down, incomplete. 5 wide on second down, sacked. 5 wide on 3rd and long, 1st down. Once or twice that's okay but it was so cheap how it would happen so much. I really think this new way will stop a lot of this kind of thing.

Once people realise that they're not going to get back into the game by just forcing long throws from the gun every down and actually have to change their play calling to short passes and safe runs for a while before their players get back in the game I think it's going to be really good.

It also helps to keep things a bit more defensive as you might have to sacrifice a drive or two just doing short little completions to get players confidence back before going for the score next time or to just be a bit more careful so that you don't get that momentum shifting INT or fumble as opposed to previous years where you were just aiming to score on every drive.
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