08-07-2011, 02:35 PM
A positive about this game
Going into our 5th year of OD, and having played 1 season in my personal dynasty, one of the big things I and my buddies have noticed is how much rivalry games mean. Even if a team isn't that good when you play them, or if you're team is struggling that season, the rivalry game brings out the best in each opponent. For instance, last season I was 9-2 and ranked 6th going into my rivalry game against Florida. They were 3-7. Long story short, they played much better than their record and stats showed and snuck up and beat me at home. Now you're probably thinking that it's just me and i suck right? Wrong! Other players in my dyansty, which are pretty dang good, have lost respective rivalry games thorughout the course of our OD. It's just one of the subtle changes that I have fallen in love with in this game. Any others notice this or other similar subtle loves?