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Old 04-02-2011, 11:08 AM   #1
cocacolaman's Arena
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Racing Wheels

I have a brand new Microsoft wheel and also a Brand new Logitech Drive FX
both for the 360.

They both work great....but I don't.....I must be broken.

I am trying to use them on Nascar 2011

I can use the controller just fine but when I switch over to the wheel it's pointless......I'm all over the place..... actually with the Microsoft one without touching the wheel at all I get the same results....

Even when I try to drive in a straight line I am having to saw the wheel back in forth.....
WTHeck????? Why is this???? I tried different assits and even set the setups to tight as
possible.... the car just is all over the place even on straightaways.

How the heck do you set it so it actually drives like a car steering wheel. Turn left goes left, turn right goes right.

I shouldn't have to turn right and left to go straight??? Or turn right to go left etc.....It's totally crazy.

Any help is appreciated........if I can't figure them out I'll just stick to the game controller and sell them. Thanks.
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Old 04-02-2011, 11:20 AM   #2
Go Irish
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Re: Racing Wheels

Originally Posted by cocacolaman
I have a brand new Microsoft wheel and also a Brand new Logitech Drive FX
both for the 360.

They both work great....but I don't.....I must be broken.

I am trying to use them on Nascar 2011

I can use the controller just fine but when I switch over to the wheel it's pointless......I'm all over the place..... actually with the Microsoft one without touching the wheel at all I get the same results....

Even when I try to drive in a straight line I am having to saw the wheel back in forth.....
WTHeck????? Why is this???? I tried different assits and even set the setups to tight as
possible.... the car just is all over the place even on straightaways.

How the heck do you set it so it actually drives like a car steering wheel. Turn left goes left, turn right goes right.

I shouldn't have to turn right and left to go straight??? Or turn right to go left etc.....It's totally crazy.

Any help is appreciated........if I can't figure them out I'll just stick to the game controller and sell them. Thanks.
There are many reports of a bug that you are describing destroying the Force Feedback Wheels. For now, I highly recommend turning OFF the force feedback until they get this problem addressed. It is sending a signal that is causing the wheel to saw thus burning up the gears and motor. I have stopped using the FF on my Logitech G27 as I cannot afford to ruin it. Sorry for the bad news but it is what it is. It is up on their forums if you want to check it out.
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Old 04-02-2011, 12:57 PM   #3
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Re: Racing Wheels

I have logitech GT wheel and it's doing the same thing. I'LL try anything at this point........thank for the info.
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Old 04-02-2011, 02:51 PM   #4
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Re: Racing Wheels

I have a Xbox 360 wheel and I experienced no problems however, with the storm of reports with the wheels breaking it would be your best bet to NOT use a wheel with Force Feedback it is possible it will break the wheel. If you hear any noise come from the wheel shut it off immediately. However, when I am going down backstretches I find the wheel shakes badly back anf fourth but have not heard the noise thats being described. But, if you can use a controller USE IT until the new patch comes out.
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Old 04-03-2011, 08:55 AM   #5
kennytomson's Arena
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Re: Racing Wheels

same thing here. xbox 360 microsoft wheel is see-sawing down strait-a-ways with NASCAR 2011. use the controller until patch #2 addresses the issue hopefully.


have yet to hear this noise when playing, but if you value your wheel wait until the 2nd patch.
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Old 04-04-2011, 02:50 PM   #6
Brew's Arena
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Re: Racing Wheels

I bought a G27 and tried it on NTG11 before trying any other game. I posted on the NTG11 forums saying that I thought the FFB was jerky and seemed "forced."
The jerky or sawing responses of the wheel made me think the game didnt implement FFB very well. The G27 is one of the best wheels you can get so I doubt its the wheel itself. The feedback from the NTG11 forums was that it was supposed to feel that way and I was just a bad driver. I find that hard to believe. Im not the most experienced with FFB wheels but I thought FFB is supposed to simulate the G-forces and bumps on tracks? Not just jerk randomly. I turned the FFB to low and steering sensitivity to low and found it much more driveable and less jerky. Supposedly that isnt realistic.

Mind you I only played for about 2 hrs with the wheel and most was with the FFB on low but I didnt experience any noise in my wheel.

With that said I am not going to continue using it with NTG11 until they confirm theyve fixed the FFB issues. I dont want to see my $300 investment go down the drain before I even get a year out of it. The controller is fun and competitive enough anyway for this game which is surprising. The FFB doesnt seem right on NTG11 and Im going to save using my G27 for other racing games like Dirt 3 when that comes out.
Does anyone here with the same wheel or a FFB wheel know what Im saying or am I just a novice FFB wheel driver?
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Old 04-04-2011, 04:43 PM   #7
shon's Arena
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Re: Racing Wheels

I use that wheel on my PC to play Dirt and Grid and it works fine and the FFB feels great.
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Old 04-04-2011, 04:50 PM   #8
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Re: Racing Wheels

I'm going to skew off topic here for a second...

If I use the Logitech Driving Force GT wheel could I hook up Club Sport pedals to them? I want to get a Logitech wheel rather then the Fanatec wheels but if I have to use the pedals that come with the GT I'll just get the Fanatec GT 2... I am trying to make a decision but its hard seeing as both wheels are so good...
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