
Hex Editor Ruined Lobby Play

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Old 03-28-2011, 04:45 PM   #1
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Hex Editor Ruined Lobby Play

I wanted to comment that I think the hex editor has done more harm than good. Here is why...
  • Jacked up rated Generics with no way of knowing
  • To many ways to hide changes and cheats to a team
  • Lobby play is now useless if you plan on using standard 2-3-6 balanced star system

Now the way I see it is like this. APF will never look exactly like the NFL teams and just names does little to draw in extra immersion.

Staying with NFL2k5 and updated rosters would be the correct route. Sure APF has refined the gameplay some. But what you lose in gameplay from NFL2k5 you GREATLY make up for it in amazing presentation, DEEP franchise mode, Crib, Weekly training, TRUE NFL TEAMS, Chris Berman, Suzy Kolber, Post week highlights, etc etc.

Now I say this while looking at both sides of this story. I know everyone wants to enjoy the NFL teams on APF gameplay. But NFL2k5 gameplay is not very far off from APF. Plus you get the real looking NFL teams + a Franchise mode you can actually go through seasons (plural).

While APF biggest strong point was the extremely balanced online system. The game did not come with a franchise mode so the core foundation of the game was having a strong online component. Which has been ruined because now users can edit and tweak the game to a level which many would be considered CHEATING.

I applaud what was done and I to was excited for the feature. But after witnessing the ramifications of the Hex editor. I honestly wish it was never created. Just one football gamers perspective!

Last edited by Phobia; 03-28-2011 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 03-28-2011, 05:08 PM   #2
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Re: Hex Editor Ruined Lobby Play

i think your problem is with some users of the editor and not the editor itself
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Old 03-28-2011, 05:29 PM   #3
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Re: Hex Editor Ruined Lobby Play

Originally Posted by 1WEiRDguy
i think your problem is with some users of the editor and not the editor itself
Not really, because the editor is the root of the problem. If something can be exploited and used as a means to get a advantage then you will have users doing that.

Most here will know I have been around since day 1 and this is not just a "agggg I am sooo mad" type of post. I assessed the positive and negatives this editor will have and believe it will hurt this amazing game much more than it helps it. Main reason being that the game does not have great OFFLINE legs, with no franchise mode. So the core game still relies on ONLINE.

While I have a good group of friends to play who play the game correctly and doesn't do any kind of cheating. You can clearly see the level of frustration the editor would bring to the lobbies for guys not knowing how to use the editor to do their own editing OR to guys who just don't know about it and looking to get a game in.

I to like to get in a random lobby game in from time to time. But will refrain even more now because of the power the editor gives users.

Lets look at Fight Night Champion for instance. Online OWC was crippled early on because of the XP packs. Users needed to buy XP packs to be able to compete against others who were doing same thing. This same mind set will be applied to APF just like every other online game.

Users will then resort to using the same cheap tactics of editing teams unrealistically to compete against other users doing the same thing. So then the users who are not willing to do this or don't have the technically know how to do it will get screwed.

I can create NFL "looking" teams in APF but the only difference is the names don't match. What more does the editor supply other than names & adjusting ratings?? You can't make the teams look exactly like the real NFL teams AND there is no Franchise mode to take advantage of these. So you are left with a shallow, wanna be looking NFL teams, and exploitable Online.

I understand fully not everyone will agree with me on this stand point. But I did want to bring it up as a valid topic of discussion.
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Old 03-28-2011, 05:56 PM   #4
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Re: Hex Editor Ruined Lobby Play

Read this thread...


Second to be honest I like the classic players and teams more than current players. My team was the 1990 New York Giants and what is best of all the game has the players and faces in the game to relive this great team.

Third. NFL 2k5 is not as good in a lot of areas that it is not even close. I played 2k5 in leagues for years if you don't believe me check this thread....


Fourth lobby play was minute at best for a now 4 year old game. The legend lobby was always if not empty leaving only the all pro lobby with 2 to 4 guys if your lucky. That to me does not scream great activity.

Fifth, why are do many people care for franchise modes, they all stink! I have not played a single sports franchise that was remotely playable over time because of poor cpu decisions or gameplay. Season mode is fine. I've debated this before and I will stand my ground their has never been a well built franchise mode. Not in all pro and not in any other game I have played. If you want great franchise play get a text base game. We talked about in this thread....


and another


Sixth, I'm ok with not have the real NFL logos. You make do with what you have. I can make a kick a@@ 1990 giants jersey and logo which comes close and I love it.

There are many more points but I think the threads speak for themselves.
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Old 03-28-2011, 06:12 PM   #5
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Re: Hex Editor Ruined Lobby Play

Well catch, lets discuss the 3 areas which are relevant to this discussion.
  • NFL 2k5 Not being as good
  • No Football Game having good franchise mode
  • APF Not having high traffic in lobbies
  1. NFL2k5 falling short of APF in terms of gameplay is true. But the short comings are much smaller than editing a entire game to get another type of game you want. NFL2k5 had coverage issues, some animation issues, some speed issues, and some CPU INT issues. But outside of a few gameplay issues which can also be fixed pretty good with ratings adjustments and rosters, the core game is more complete than APF.
  2. NFL 2k5 is by far the best Franchise released. While it might not meet your standards, many many people love franchises. They like to build up teams, Draft players, and trade with other teams. So while modern franchises don't have the depth of a text based program. They are still HIGHLY HIGHLY important .
  3. APF having poor numbers in Lobbies is a legitimate concern but is it worth ruining the lobby play even more than it already is for the sake of giving ANYONE the ability to cheat or edit their own teams in a unrealistic manner which hampers others experience online?

So while I respect what you guys have done, I just ended up sour on the whole situation.
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Old 03-28-2011, 06:24 PM   #6
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Re: Hex Editor Ruined Lobby Play

Are there people who go online and jack up their stats, yeah. However those were the same people who did all the glitches and exploits in the game since day 1.

Now obviously you can play against "those" kinds of people but I don't which is another reason why the game failed online.

I rarely played online even before the editing and since I have only played in a league or against the AI. 2K5 even with extensive ratings adjustments (believe me I have tried everything) does not even comes close to All Pro.

I can understand that people will play a "lesser" mode or "deal" with weaker gameplay due to not having a choice but I for one can't. If it is no good or been surpassed I move on to something else. This was the case with 2K5 and many other games I supported with sliders, rosters and such over the years on OS spanning many, many years.
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Old 03-28-2011, 06:38 PM   #7
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Re: Hex Editor Ruined Lobby Pl*y

Originally Posted by c*tc*tch22
*re there people who go online *nd j*ck up their st*ts, ye*h. However those were the s*me people who did *ll the glitches *nd exploits in the g*me since d*y 1.

Now obviously you c*n pl*y *g*inst "those" kinds of people but I don't which is *nother re*son why the g*me f*iled online.

I r*rely pl*yed online even before the editing *nd since I h*ve only pl*yed in * le*gue or *g*inst the *I. 2K5 even with extensive r*tings *djustments (believe me I h*ve tried everything) does not even comes close to *ll Pro.

I c*n underst*nd th*t people will pl*y * "lesser" mode or "de*l" with we*ker g*mepl*y due to not h*ving * choice but I for one c*n't. If it is no good or been surp*ssed I move on to something else. This w*s the c*se with 2K5 *nd m*ny other g*mes I supported with sliders, rosters *nd such over the ye*rs on OS sp*nning m*ny, m*ny ye*rs.
The default APF there was only a small number of exploits. Hot Corner and bunny hopping........I know I am missing 1 or 2. But there w*s VERY little in regards to the *mount of exploits the Hex brings to the table. That I don't even think is debatable.

I also agree 2k5 comes short in terms of gameplay to APF. APF refined the 2k5 engine. But when you are comparing editing a entire game to "mimic" NFL teams when you can play a game out the box released by the same developer which does a great job with the NFL license. Then add to the fact APF only allows you to play one season, the shallowness of APF in terms of Offline is very noticeable.

I agree with your stance on moving on to a better product. But that is part of my issue. I HAD the better product in default APF. But now with the ability for anyone to edit the game to be better than anything I can make takes the game I love and makes it "so so", because now online play has been tarnished.

APF remained the greatest online football game. The balance, the difference in players, the legends, etc. Now it has removed most of these great things and in their place implemented "substandard" replacements. So like you said, "If it is no good or been surpassed I move on to something else." This is how I feel *bout the once great APF Online.

Last edited by Phobia; 03-28-2011 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 03-28-2011, 06:39 PM   #8
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Re: Hex Editor Ruined Lobby Play

Who put the Letter A as a bad word
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