02-16-2011, 05:24 PM
Your thoughts...
So I'm currently in the process of making my own sliders. Once complete I will post them on here for anyone interested. My aim is to create accurate stats without ruining the gameplay experience.
I'm pleased with how many Off Rebounds I'm getting and FG% is looking good. My major concern is turnovers....How do you guys go about creating an accurate number of turnovers? I have my steal and interception at 100 but the CPU (with good teams) barely turns over the ball at all.
Also, the dreaded dump into the post and turn around jumper - can this be limited even a little with sliders? I have set defensive low post strength at 100 for myself and the CPU and this seems to helps a bit (along with sink or swim at 80).
Appreciate your thoughts...cheers.
I also want to say a big thanks to all the slider makers already out there. I have taken into consideration all your sets when creating these!
EDIT: I realise this is in the wrong section...can it be moved?
Last edited by mh313; 02-16-2011 at 05:26 PM.