
NFLHITMAN'S Hex created teams for download and more...

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Old 02-13-2011, 08:51 PM   #1
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NFLHITMAN'S Hex created teams for download and more...

I will try and post every time I make a roster file for anyone to use. I will have file saves of each NFL Division with proper uniforms for all four teams of that division along with some college teams. It will take some time but I will post what I have so far and will add to this as I get more teams made.

Every time I make a team for someone I will post that team here in case someone likes the build. Ok here we go...

Legend of abbreviated attributes:

SS - Signal Stealer
Scrambler - Scrambler
RA - Rocket Arm
QR - Quick Release
PP - Pocket Presence
PF - Play Fake
PT - Pass Threat
LA - Laser Arm
QBE - QB Evade
TN - Tough as Nails
Deception - Deception
Cadence - Cadence
QF - Quick Feet
4QC - 4th Q Comeback
S - Strength Bonus
Stamina - Stamina Bonus
SB - Speed Burner
SBB - Secure Ball Bonus
RC - Run Coverage
LB - Leadership Bonus
H - Hops
DB - Durability Bonus
C - Clutch
AC - Acrobatic Catch
BT - Branching Tackles
BAB - Break Away Burst
BB - Bump Buster
CBA - Cutback Ability
DT - Deep Threat
M3D - Mr. 3rd Down
PR - Possession Receiver
RS - Return Specialist
RG - Route God
AB - Ankle Breaker
BR - Battering Ram
GD - Goal Line Dive
Spin - Spin
AS - Arm of Steel
SOD - Stop on a Dime
TIM - Tough in the Middle
WH - Workhorse
BW - Brick Wall
BD - Bulldozer
SH - Soft Hands
STD - Special Team Demon
SK - Scissor Kick
F - Finesse
P - Power
FP - Finesse & Power
MF - Magic Feet
SW - Stonewall
BS - Ball Strip
Big Hit - Big Hit
Bull Rush - Bull Rush
BM - Bump Master
CS - Closing Speed
Club - Club
LBM - Loose Ball Magnet
RT - Reach Tackle
Rip - Rip
RR - Run Reader
SM - Sack Master
WT - Wrap Up Tackler
CB - Coverage Bonus
PRB - Pass Rush Bonus
BH - Ball Hawk
FS - Footsteps
CC - Coffin Corner
KA - Kick Accuracy Bonus
KP - Kick Power Bonus

NFL roster saves:

NFC South Teams - Buccs, Panthers, Falcons & Saints


RB - Bullet Time, BAB, CBA, QF, S
WR - RG, AC, C, BAB, S
DT - C, PRB, RC, S, Swim, HHT
DE - C, PRB, QF, SB, Swim, HHT
SS - C, CS, Big Hit, FS, CB, HHT

Bronze Players:

RB - Bullet Time, BAB, CBA, QF, S
WR - RG, AC, C, BAB, S
DT - C, PRB, RC, S, Swim, HHT
DE - C, PRB, QF, SB, Swim, HHT
SS - C, CS, Big Hit, FS, CB, HHT

Note: All defensive players have a 6th ability called Helmet High Tackles. You won't be able to see this hidden ability unless you take 1 ability off one of the defensive players. All Running Backs also have the hidden ability Bullet Time.

AFC West Teams - Raiders, Broncos, Chargers & Chiefs


RB - Bullet Time, BAB, CBA, QF, S
WR - RG, AC, C, BAB, S
DT - C, PRB, RC, S, Swim, HHT
DE - C, PRB, QF, SB, Swim, HHT
SS - C, CS, Big Hit, FS, CB, HHT

Bronze Players:

RB - Bullet Time, BAB, CBA, QF, S
WR - RG, AC, C, BAB, S
DT - C, PRB, RC, S, Swim, HHT
DE - C, PRB, QF, SB, Swim, HHT
SS - C, CS, Big Hit, FS, CB, HHT

Note: All defensive players have a 6th ability called Helmet High Tackles. You won't be able to see this hidden ability unless you take 1 ability off one of the defensive players. All Running Backs also have the hidden ability Bullet Time.

AFC North - Ravens, Steelers, Browns, Bengals


Silver QB - LA, QR, C, LB, RA
Silver RB - S, QF, WH, BT, LB
Silver CB - CB, Big Hit, RC, BH, LBM
Silver WR - C, AC, TIM, QF, PR
Silver TE - AC, TIM, C, BD, PR
Silver OLB - CS, QF, SB, PRB, CB
Silver SS - CS, QF, FS, LB, BH

Bronze CB - QF, CB, BM, BH, SB
Bronze OLB - PRB, CS, LB, CB, RC
Bronze FS - CS, QF, CB, BH, LB
Bronze WR - TIM, RG, QF, SH, SB
Bronze OLB - SB, Rip, PRB, RR, CS
Bronze WR - SH, AC, DT, BAB, SB
Bronze TE - BD, S, LB, BAB, AC
Bronze QB - RA, C, LB, LA, QR
Bronze RB - S, QF, BAB, SB, CBA
Bronze DE - S, Swim, PRB, SM, Rip
Bronze DT - S, Swim, PRB, SM, Rip

NFC North - Bears, Vikings, Packers, Lions


This set of CAPs are based more on a tough 3-4 defense with a smash mouth offense...

Gold NT - WT, RC, S, Swim, Rip - Note: He has been edited in strength, run coverage & pass rush so he makes a difference like a real 3-4 team needs to be successful
Gold OLB - CS, RR, PRB, QF, BR
Gold QB - PF, TN, LB, LA, RA
Gold RB - WH, SBB, Stamina, S, GD
Gold WR - TIM, AC, M3D, MF, C

Silver DE - RR, PRB, QF, S, Club
Silver OLB - SM, PRB, RC, Club, Rip
Silver ILB - LB, RR, WT, PRB, QF - Note: All the ILB on this team have had there line backing stats increased to match an OLB in this game since everyone uses OLB's for ILB because they are not as good but now they are!
Silver CB - LBM, BH, BM, CB, RC
Silver SS - CS, Big Hit, FS, RR, WT

Bronze QB - QR, TN, LB, S, LA
Bronze RB - BAB, Cyclone, QF, S, F&P
Bronze FB - BW, BD, SH, S, P
Bronze WR - M3D, C, BD, QF, S
Bronze TE - TIM, AC, C, BD, SBB
Bronze TE - RG, TIM, BD, SH, S
Bronze C - LB, SW, BW, BD, QF
Bronze DE - RR, QF, SB, S, Rip
Bronze ILB - CS, CB, PRB, Swim, Rip - Note: All the ILB on this team have had there line backing stats increased to match an OLB in this game since everyone uses OLB's for ILB because they are not as good but now they are!
Bronze FS - RS, STD, C, CB, SB

AFC South teams - Titans, Colts, Jags, Texans


silver qb - rocket arm, clutch, leadership, laser arm, quick release
silver hb - strength bonus, quick feet, break away burst, speed burner, cutback ability
silver wr - clutch, acrobatic catches, tough in middle, quick feet, possession receiver
silver olb - closing speed, quick feet, speed burner, pass rush bonus, coverage bonus
silver olb - closing speed, quick feet, speed burner, pass rush bonus, coverage bonus
silver cb - quick feet, coverage bonus, bump master, ball hawk, speed burner
silver cb - quick feet, coverage bonus, bump master, ball hawk, speed burner
silver fs - closing speed, quick feet, foosteps, leadership, ball hawk
silver ss - closing speed, quick feet, foosteps, leadership, ball hawk

bronze hb - strength bonus, quick feet, break away burst, speed burner, cutback ability
bronze wr - clutch, acrobatic catches, tough in middle, quick feet, possession receiver
bronze wr - clutch, acrobatic catches, tough in middle, quick feet, possession receiver
bronze te - acrobatic catches, tough in middle, clutch, bull dozer, possession receiver
bronze dt - strength bonus, swim, pass rush bonus, sack master, rip
bronze olb - closing speed, quick feet, speed burner, pass rush bonus, coverage bonus
bronze olb - closing speed, quick feet, speed burner, pass rush bonus, coverage bonus
bronze cb - quick feet, coverage bonus, bump master, ball hawk, speed burner
bronze cb - quick feet, coverage bonus, bump master, ball hawk, speed burner
bronze fs - closing speed, quick feet, foosteps, leadership, ball hawk
bronze ss - closing speed, quick feet, foosteps, leadership, ball hawk

NFC West - Seahawks, Cardinals, 49ers, Rams


Gold OLB - QF, PRB, CB, WT, LB
Gold SS - CS, C, CB, BH, QF

Silver TE - SB, BAB, SH, TIM, RG
Silver WR - SB, DT, AC, PR, C
Silver QB - LB, C, PP, Stamina, RA
Silver RB - WH, BT, BR, QF, S
Silver DE - LB, PRB, QF, Swim, Rip
Silver OLB - CS, CB, QF, RC, S
Silver CB - BH, CB, RS, QF, SB
Silver FS - LBM, BH, CS, CB, QF

Bronze RB - P, QF, CBA, SB, WH
Bronze FS - CS, CB, BH, LBM, WT
Bronze OLB - CB, PRB, QF, S, LB
Bronze CB - CB, QF, BH, SB, RS
Bronze WR - AC, DT, QF, BAB, SB
Bronze CB - CB, QF, BH, LB, C
Bronze WR - DT, RS, BAB, QF, SB
Bronze QB - LB, C, 4QC, LA, RA
Bronze TE - RG, TIM, BAB, BD, S
Bronze DT - PRB, RC, S, Swim, Rip

NFC East - Eagles, Giants, Cowboys, Redskins


Note: Michael Vick was edited to show his true game changing speed. I also wanted to see if an ILB was edited would he be better than what the game does so I created an ILB and increased his speed, run coverage and pass coverage a little more than it started from. All other 18 players in this roster have only attributes added to them.

Gold QB ( Michael Vick ) - Scrambler, QF, SB, RA, QBE

Silver RB - WH, Stamina, S, GD, P
Silver WR - TIM, AC, PR, DT, RS
Silver TE - BAB, CBA, QF, SB, S
Silver DT - QF, SB, S, Rip, Spin
Silver DE - C, SM, PRB, Swim, Rip
Silver OLB - CS, RT, RR, WT, S
Silver CB - BM, WT, QF, RC, S
Silver FS - SS, CS, FS, LB, CB

Bronze FB - AC, PR, BD, QF, SH
Bronze WR - TIM, M3D, MF, BD, SBB
Bronze TE - RG, C, CBA, LB, QF
Bronze C - LB, BW, BD, QF, S
Bronze G - SW, BW, BD, QF, S
Bronze T - LB, BW, BD, SB, S
Bronze K - KP, KA, C, CC, S
Bronze OLB - LBM, BH, CS, FS, CB
Bronze ILB ( Patrick Willis ) CS, LB, CB, PRB, RC I know he should be gold I didn't think about it until roster was loaded
Bronze CB - BH, RS, STD, CS, QF

AFC East Teams - Jets, Patriots, Dolphins & Bills


Silver QB - 4QC, TAN, LB, LA, RA
Silver RB - Bullet Time, Cyclone, CBA, SB, GD
Silver WR - RG, AC, DT, RS, BAB
Silver TE - AC, BAB, C, LB, BD
Silver DT - PRB, QF, SB, S, Swim
Silver DE - PRB, QF, SB, S, Swim
Silver OLB - CS, RR, CB, PRB, QF
Silver ILB - BH, CS, LB, RR, QF
Silver CB - LBM, BH, RS, CB, SB
Silver FS - LBM, BH, CS, LB, CB

Bronze QB - TAN, Scrambler, LB, RA, QBE
Bronze RB - Bullet Time, Cyclone, CBA, QF, SB
Bronze WR - DT, STD, CBA, QF, SB
Bronze WR - BB, TIM, M3D, PR, C
Bronze DT - RT, RR, PRB, S, Rip
Bronze DE - RR, WT, PRB, SB, Swim
Bronze OLB - CS, LB, RR, CB, PRB
Bronze OLB - CS, RR, WT, CB, S
Bronze CB - LBM, BM, FS, LB, CB
Bronze SS - CS, Big Hit, FS, CB, RC

College Teams - Miami Hurricanes, Alabama Crimson Tide, USC Trojans, Florida Gators


Gold FS - BH, CS, FS, LB, QF
Gold RB - RS, CBA, QF, SB, S

Silver QB - PP, QR, C, LB, RA
Silver WR - AC, RS, C, BAB, QF
Silver DE - C, QF, RC, Swim, Rip
Silver OLB - CS, LB, CB, QF, RC
Silver CB - CS, BM, CB, QF, SB
Silver CB - LBM, BH, BM, CB, QF
Silver SS - C, CS, FS, LB, QF

Bronze QB - PP Scrambler, LB, RA, LA
Bronze RB - Bullet Time, CBA, QF, SH, SB
Bronze WR - TIM, AC, PR, DT, BAB
Bronze WR - TIM, AC, PR, BAB, S
Bronze TE - TIM, AC, M3D, BAB, S
Bronze DT - C, PRB, QF, Swim, Rip
Bronze OLB - CS, CB, PRB, RC, S
Bronze CB - C, CS, CB, QF, SB
Bronze CB - C, CS, CB, QF, SB
Bronze SS - LBM, BH, C, CB, QF
Bronze FS - C, SS, LB, CB, QF

College - Washington Huskies, Oregon Ducks, Michigan Wolverines, Texas Longhorns


Gold DT - LB, PRB, QF, S, Swim
Gold QB - 4QC, TN, C, LB, RA

Silver QB - QR, TN, LA, RA, QBE
Silver RB - CBA, WH, QF, SB, S
Silver WR - RG, AC, BAB, QF, S
Silver TE - TIM, M3D, MF, BAB, S
Silver DT - RT, RR, S, Swim, Rip
Silver CB - BH, RS, CB, QF, SB
Silver SS - BH, C, FS, CB, S

Bronze FB - LB, BW, BD, QF, S
Bronze TE - RG, MF, BD, SH, S
Bronze C - SW, BW, BD, QF, S
Bronze T - LB, BW, BD, QF, S
Bronze K - STD, CS, KA, KP, SB
Bronze DE - RC, SB, S, Swim, BR
Bronze OLB - CS, RR, CB, PRB, S
Bronze OLB - CS, PRB, QF, S, Swim
Bronze CB - CS, BM, CB, QF, S
Bronze FS - LBM, BH, C, LB, CB

Custom teams - Wasps, Black Death, Werewolves, Spiders, Nightmares, Villains, Untouchables & Ninjas


Gold OLB - CS, LB, RR, CB, QF
Gold OLB - STD, RR, PRB, S, Swim

Silver QB - QR, C, LB, LA, RA
Silver RB - BT, WH, QF, Stamina, S
Silver WR - AC, C, BAB, LB, S
Silver WR - AC, RS, BAB, QF, S
Silver TE - AC, C, BAB, BD, S
Silver CB - LBM, C, CS, CB, QF
Silver CB - LBM, C, CS, CB, QF
Silver SS - LBM, CS, Big Hit, CB, QF

Bronze QB - Deception, TAN, C, LB, RA
Bronze RB - BR, SOD, CBA, QF, S
Bronze WR - BB, TIM, MF, BD, SH
Bronze WR - AC, RS, BAB, BD, SH
Bronze TE - TIM, M3D, MF, BD, SH
Bronze DE - PRB, QF, RC, SB, SWIM
Bronze ILB - CS, LB, RR, WT, CB
Bronze CB - LBM, BH, CS, CB, QF
Bronze FS - LBM, BH, CS, CB, QF

One more for you guys today. This file is a little special.

1. Deion Sanders was made a Gold CB with his speed, stamina, coverage, and Agility all manually entered at 6E. He also has 7 abilities that he is known for in Ball Hawk, Quick Feet, Return Specialist, Coverage Bonus, Loose Ball Magnet, Closing Speed and Speed Burner.

2. Every players height has been set at 00. This means when you edit them you can make them as tall as you want. The height goes from 0 - 21'3". To get this to work there are a few things you must make sure to do...

A. Turn your auto save off!
B. When you get to the height editor you must go LEFT on your d-pad and go from 21'3" down. You can go right after you have went left first. If you keep going right and go past the 21'3" it will reset to default setting of 6'6" max height.
C. To use a player like Harold Carmichael at 6'8" in a league you can.
D. You can go online with these players.
E. The only way you can save this file for future use is to leave all height at 0".
F. Once you save any portion of this file with any player not at 0" or over 6'6" it will set everything back to the default.
G. If you plan on using a player like this on your team but like to scrimmage to see if the team is the way you want it you must do so without saving.

This team was made for someone at Operation Sports so three players were created for him specifically and that is Deion Sanders, Dez Bryant and Tony Romo. Everybody else is the standard mix of players I choose.

NFC East team - Cowboys, Redskins, Giants, Eagles


G: Deion Sanders CB - BH, CB, QF, LBM, RS, SB, CS - Speed, Stamina, Catch, Coverage, Agility and Recognition at 6E which is 110 to make the most realistic game changing Deion Sanders I could make for the guy who requested it.
G: WR - RG, AC, C, QF, SB
G: OLB - CS, Big Hit, LB, RC, S

S: Tony Romo QB - QR, PT, Scrambler, LB, LA
S: TE - AC, C, BAB, LB, S
S: DT - C, PRB, Stamina, S, Swim
S: OLB - C, CS, PRB, S, Swim

B: RB - Bullet Time, CBA, QF, SB, S
B: FB - CBA, BD, QF, SB, S
B: Dez Bryant WR - BB, AC, BAB, SH, S
B: WR - TIM, M3D, PR, C, BAB
B: C - BW, BD, LB, SB, S
B: T - BW, BD, LB, SB, S
B: DE - C, CS, PRB, S, Swim
B: OLB - C, CS, RR, CB, S
B: ILB - C, CS, RR, CB, S
B: SS - CS, Big Hit, LB, CB, S
B: FS - BH, C, CS, Big Hit, CB

Video on how to get my roster on your 360. Ignore everything about his teams because that is not what you just downloaded from me. If you would like to use the roster he is showing you than I suggest you go to his site at http://www.ratesports.net

Thanks to BBHighlights for this tutorial...


More will be added so if you would like a team made let me know and if I will see if I can make time for you

Keep in mind that I create 90% of these players in the default settings that you can change after you download it. For example...

Default settings of APF for CAPs...

Name = First Last
Height = 6'
Weight = 220
Body Type = Skinny

You can change anything about these players except TIER, POSITION or ATTRIBUTES.

If you change the Tier, position or attributes you will reset your player and you will not be able to give that player what he had in attributes unless you hex that team again or download the roster again.

Shoes, Facemask, Weight, Name, Number, Body Type, School and anything else can be edited without worry of losing your attributes. You can always take away attributes but you can't add any like you can in the hex editor.

My advice is to save the file as a season as soon as you download it so you can skip all the steps required with the USB.

One more thing...

If you pick a roster with the intention of using them in a league where rosters need validated please make sure you understand that if I gave any of my players attributes you couldn't normally give them in the game like Swim, QB Evade, Tough as Nails, Goal Line Dive, Return Specialist on WR's and more than you won't be able to subtract that from that player at all without the hex editor and it will show up on that player.
Operation Sports APF 2K8 Ladder:

Season 1 CHAMPION!!!

Last edited by NFLHITMAN; 03-14-2011 at 06:53 AM.
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Old 02-13-2011, 10:16 PM   #2
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Re: NFLHITMAN'S Hex created teams for download and more...

holy crap I wish I could do all that on my PS3
Seems like that took a ton of time to do and you did it for the community and thats a very nice thing to do! thank you!
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Old 02-13-2011, 11:34 PM   #3
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Re: NFLHITMAN'S Hex created teams for download and more...

NFC North - Bears, Vikings, Packers, Lions


This set of CAPs are based more on a tough 3-4 defense with a smash mouth offense...

Gold NT - WT, RC, S, Swim, Rip - Note: He has been edited in strength, run coverage & pass rush so he makes a difference like a real 3-4 team needs to be successful
Gold OLB - CS, RR, PRB, QF, BR
Gold QB - PF, TN, LB, LA, RA
Gold RB - WH, SBB, Stamina, S, GD
Gold WR - TIM, AC, M3D, MF, C

Silver DE - RR, PRB, QF, S, Club
Silver OLB - SM, PRB, RC, Club, Rip
Silver ILB - LB, RR, WT, PRB, QF - Note: All the ILB on this team have had there line backing stats increased to match an OLB in this game since everyone uses OLB's for ILB because they are not as good but now they are!
Silver CB - LBM, BH, BM, CB, RC
Silver SS - CS, Big Hit, FS, RR, WT

Bronze QB - QR, TN, LB, S, LA
Bronze RB - BAB, Cyclone, QF, S, F&P
Bronze FB - BW, BD, SH, S, P
Bronze WR - M3D, C, BD, QF, S
Bronze TE - TIM, AC, C, BD, SBB
Bronze TE - RG, TIM, BD, SH, S
Bronze C - LB, SW, BW, BD, QF
Bronze DE - RR, QF, SB, S, Rip
Bronze ILB - CS, CB, PRB, Swim, Rip - Note: All the ILB on this team have had there line backing stats increased to match an OLB in this game since everyone uses OLB's for ILB because they are not as good but now they are!
Bronze FS - RS, STD, C, CB, SB
Operation Sports APF 2K8 Ladder:

Season 1 CHAMPION!!!
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Old 02-14-2011, 12:51 AM   #4
badasp83's Arena
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Re: NFLHITMAN'S Hex created teams for download and more...

I downloaded the AFC North file & the Ironmen are just the regular 2K8 legends & generics.
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Old 02-14-2011, 01:49 AM   #5
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Re: NFLHITMAN'S Hex created teams for download and more...

Could you make a 1993-1994 or 1994-1995 roster file? I'm a big fan of retro players and teams.
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Old 02-14-2011, 05:20 PM   #6
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Re: NFLHITMAN'S Hex created teams for download and more...

Originally Posted by badasp83
I downloaded the AFC North file & the Ironmen are just the regular 2K8 legends & generics.
None of the caps are on any teams. If you went to the edit screen you would see them or if you went to create a team you should see the players listed as an option.
Operation Sports APF 2K8 Ladder:

Season 1 CHAMPION!!!
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Old 02-14-2011, 05:36 PM   #7
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Re: NFLHITMAN'S Hex created teams for download and more...

Use this as directions on how to get the rosters I made on your 360.

Operation Sports APF 2K8 Ladder:

Season 1 CHAMPION!!!
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Old 02-14-2011, 05:38 PM   #8
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Re: NFLHITMAN'S Hex created teams for download and more...

Operation Sports APF 2K8 Ladder:

Season 1 CHAMPION!!!
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