Hello everyone,
First I would like to say that I am new here and though I've been to this website many times just so I can use everyone's info without being a member, I'd figurer I make an account and post a thread. Anyways, Today is 28th, of jan, 2011 and college football ended few weeks ago. I have already started my ncaa 11 dynasty when the real college football season started with "gamingtailgate" roster. Which is mostly accurate for the most part but it's only names and needed some small tweaks. But what I'm trying to do is make everything as realistic as possible when it comes to player ratings, numbers, who does and does not go pro, and all that for my 1st year only in dynasty and madden 11. That would include the ALL recruits going into college next year such as Qb jeff driskel who signed with the gators but I can make them in the recruiting part of the game. I make as much as I can.
Anyways what I want to know if there is any other roster that i can download with the proper ratings and such like in real life for all players for all teams because gamingtailgate roster is good but Cam Newton is like 82 overall and that's a problem
, I did'nt even tweak it because before the season started I never knew he was that good, anyways if anyone is willing to help that would be great. Even though I am in my 3rd season with my ncaa dynasty I am willing to start over again to make everything right. This would also include players going into the madden draft in madden 11, I want them to be realistic.
So any help would be nice, and thanks in advance.