Hi NHL 11 Community. I have used MKharshes sliders and I made a few adjustments, so I am giving credit to him. But I went ahead and made a small video to show you how the following sliders look in game and explain the differences they make :
NHL 11 Sliders
(Two numbers listed are human/cpu to save space)
Level Superstar
Period Minutes 11
Tuner 1.03
Broken stick 3
Game Speed 3
Attributes 6
Fatigue 4/4
Fatigue Recovery 4/2
Injury 5/5
Puck Control 1/1
Puck Acceleration 1/1
AI Learning 6
CPU Strategy 5
Human Strategy 1-6 (Depends on how much hands on you want with coaching)
Faceoff Difficulty 5
Fighting 3
CPU Penalties 4
CPU Teammate penalties 6
Pass Assist 1
Manual Pass on
Pass speed 3
Saucer Pass Speed 4
Pass reception 0/0
Pass Interception 1/0
Wrist Shot Accuracy 0/0
Wrist Power 4/0
Slap Accuracy 0/0
Slap Power 4/3
One Timer Accuracy 0/0
Hitting assistance 0
aggression 6/6
Hit power 2/2
stick Lift 4/4
Poke Check Effectiveness 4/4
Goalie Pass 4
Goalie cover 3
Screen Effect 4/4
Goalie react 6/5