
NBA 2k11 Association Roundup:Southeast Division

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Old 09-29-2010, 06:03 PM   #1
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NBA 2k11 Association Roundup:Southeast Division

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The Association. The preferred mode for many people will again draw you in and wont let you play another mode. This year they have built on the strong showing from last year with many improvements and additions to authenticate things further. Are you still trying to figure out what team you're going to embark on your digital journey? This guide will help you chose which team fits your style and what you want outta this mode. This will be a rundown of every team in the league with a few advantages as well as disadvatages with choosing them. I will also show you some reccomended pesonnel moves to fill those problem positions as well as concerns for you as you move along.I will be doing a division a day with the Southeast today .Hope you enjoy!

Atlanta Hawks

Roundup: A-Town's team, the Hawks are a great team to play the association with. Why, because they are Offensive powerhouse from top to bottom. Athletic at every position, as well as long on the wings. They are just a player or two from being elite.

Advantages: Dont leave this team open ANYWHERE on the court. Even their big men can rain midrange J's on you. J-Smooth is arguably the best athlete in the game and it's easy for him to lock down the paint on one end and throw thunderous jams on the other. They also have one of the best benches scoring wise in the league leg by the man with the best crossover in the league Jamal Crawford

Disadvantages: As athletic as this team is they're not that tall down low and teams like the Lakers and Celtics will give this team fits inside with their length. Scoring off the post up could be problem some.

Problem Positions: There is a small hole on the three spot on this squad, Marvin and Maurice can be streaky at times and aren't the best team/help defenders you can find. Mike Bibby's skills as well as averages are on the decline so if your playing against a fast point you will give up penetration

First moves: First thing I would do is find a younger point guard preferably more athletic and defensive oriented to hold me over until Teague takes it over. Need to fill the hole at sf to round out the roster.

Charlotte Bobcats

Roundup: I honestly dont know what kind of team the Bobcats want to be. With an owner like Jordan I do see big changes soon. All the players separately are great, but coming together something doesn't work out. Too many different styles are the Achilles heel of this squad.

Advantages: Great starting wings led by Captain Jack and Gerald Wallace are very dynamic and play together well. Their crop of centers are both good defenders and rebounder's.

Disadvantages: No floor leader for this team. Stephen Jackson just wants to shoot bad shots(career 42% 32%3pt) and lack of a pure and consistent point guard kill this team. Lacks flow in it's offense which leads to many bad shots in the latter points in the possessions.

Problem Positions: DJ Augustin is a better 6th man that starter, look to draft a pass first point or sign one if available. Shaun Livingston has been a bust despite his potential(injuries) so try to develop him cause he's a cheap option.

First moves: Find a post up scorer, Tyrus Thomas is a either a good trade piece or a postman to build around. Then figure out your pg situation, you could develop DJ into a pass first guy but it could take a few years if you're willing to wait.

Washington Wizards

Roundup:Now things get juicy, the wiz kids. They are actually my choice for my permanent franchise because they are fun to use and the upside is tremendous. With the speed demon John wall leading the team you have to force the issue and get quick points

Advantages: The best two things to have, youth and potential. This team is built for you to run, run, and run with Wall and bang inside with Andray Blatche and Mcgee. Has a few expiring contracts as well as the best 2k trade bait in Gilbert.

Disadvantages: The only real problems you will find is developing your big men to productive guys. If you dont score quickly you will struggle in half court sets due to no knockdown 3pt shooters to space the floor

Problem Positions: Since Javale Mcgee got shafted by 2k(i see you to Linas) your primary focus is developing him into an NBA center(think Tyson Chandler). Post scoring will be a problem because Blatche cant carry the whole load inside

First moves:Get rid of Gilbert first and foremost. You will get back either role players and picks or you could go for a guy like David West or Lamarcus Alderidge to move Blatche to the 5. Then you have a playoff team YAY!!

Orlando Magic

Roundup: The Magic have been a powerhouse over the last few years and on this new campaign nothing has changed, Except they're better in just about every aspect. Bringing in shooters defenders while keeping their strong core intact will possibly bring them back to the finals after a year off. If you want to win now then this is the team for you.

Advantages: Four of their five starters can stroke it from deep, the one that can't is the 2-time defending defensive player of the year. You can play inside out or outside in. With this team it's impossible to double anywhere because they will find shooters or D-12 in the paint.

Disadvantages: Perimeter Defense will be a problem for you if you chose this team. They rely too heavily on D-12 to stop penetration and just like in real life he has racked up many fouls for me and once that happens your only post scoring threat is gone. I've also struggled with this team when their jumpers aren't falling the offense gets bogged down and I tended to turn the ball over. Keep your guys moving!!!

Problem Positions: Believe it or not there is not one problem spot on this team. AT ALL!!!(can we get to the Heat already?)

First moves: If you chose this team your goal is to win now, not really much you need to do either other than stay healthy. To me this(And the Celts) are the only teams that can compete with the last team on todays list because their tough team defense.

Miami Heat

Roundup:The team you've all been waiting for, the Dynasty, no just the Heat. Users of the Heat takeover one of the most explosive offensive teams this league has ever seen led by the Three a Mi-Ego's.(sorry had to do tht). Taking over this team you are essentially title contenders for 5 years. But not without huge flaws!

Advantages: The biggest three Iv'e ever seen led by the 06' finals MVP D-Wade, 2 time regular season MVP L-B-J and the other guy(sorry, he wasn't even apart of the canseco massacre video). All you have to do with this trio is just iso them up in effective positions and get the hell outta their way. The D cant double them. And each one with space will put up big numbers.(i cant guard them in my wiz chise').

Disadvantages: This team does have a few gaping holes. The bench is terrible(c'mon, their bad). Not one guy on the bench can create his own shot so you will need to leave at least one of the big three on the floor with the bench mob to keep the O moving. This team in real life and in the game is one injury away from really being a normal team so watch out.

Problem Positions:They have no real point guard on the team so does Lebron have to start the offense every time down the court or what? they also dont have the height to match up with the tallest teams in the league. Bynum and Pau will take advantage of this in the finals year after year so get someone who can defend.

First moves: Your really gonna have to hammer and tape a supporting cast to support the big three or you can kiss that dynasty goodbye(only role players worth mentioning is Haslem and Miller) I dont care how you do it, trade draft picks(they're gonna be 29th ore 30th anyway) or something just get players that play.

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment and discuss what team you are gonna use.

will be doing the Central Division tommorow between 2-3pm pacific time
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Old 09-29-2010, 06:48 PM   #2
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Re: NBA 2k11 Association Roundup:Southeast Division

This is very interesting. I like these writeups
"I'm so far ahead of my time, I'm bout to start another life
Look behind you, I'm bout to pass you twice
Back to the future and gotta slow up for the present
I'm fast, dudes can't get past my past
How they supposed to deal with my perfect present?"
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Old 09-29-2010, 07:52 PM   #3
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Re: NBA 2k11 Association Roundup:Southeast Division

Iv2Bll I have a question i've always use miami an I want to trade lebron james cause i don't need him to be successful an i am not a fan of prince james do you know who i can trade him for an make my heat team deeper
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Old 09-29-2010, 08:06 PM   #4
RocketTMac1's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k11 Association Roundup:Southeast Division

Breh I really appreciate this. I love insight like this. What a way to contribute to the community. This is my divison since im from N.C. Don't be surprised if all the teams from this divison make the playoffs
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Old 09-30-2010, 04:22 AM   #5
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Re: NBA 2k11 Association Roundup:Southeast Division

move gilbert?

no thats stupid.
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Old 09-30-2010, 06:50 AM   #6
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Re: NBA 2k11 Association Roundup:Southeast Division

Originally Posted by broncos24
move gilbert?

no thats stupid.
okay, i've tried the wiz twice:

Trading Gilbert: I traded gilbert for lamarcus aldridge and a first round pick. this move puts andray blatche down to the 5 where to me he has been effective. I then traded hinrich to the lakers for blake and brown and i kill to birds with one stone and get good backups for both guard positions. I sneak int the playoffs at the seventh seed and lose to the celtics in six. i then proceed to the ofseason letting howard go and drafting a sf rated 69 in the draft. This is my perfered strategy as it works for what i want this team to be.

Keeping Gilbert: so i tried keeping him and having him at the two with decent success. scoring isnt an issue, its defending the big two guards(kobe,joe johnson). i missed the playoffs by 3 games to the bobcats and used my lottory for a big man(pf rated 64). i kept howard this time as i did like how he played with the two guards tho. i cant afford much this offseason so im a little worse off than bafore

I put alot of thought in what i say and getting rid of gilbert seems like the best thing to do for the team. his contract is expensive and he doesnt fit well with wall(he turns into a jumpshooter) so i factored that in. And draft pics are good too
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Old 09-30-2010, 07:32 AM   #7
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Re: NBA 2k11 Association Roundup:Southeast Division

Moving Blatche to the 5? come man hes way too thin to play center. He can play the 3 or the 4 he causes match up problems at the 3 and 4 with his size and speed.

McGee's rating is really bad, but if he has decent rebounding, good shot blocking, solid rebounder and his athletic ratings are too the roof then its about right. He has TERRIBLE on ball defense, his offensive game is really really limited, and hes very turnover prone.
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Old 09-30-2010, 08:30 AM   #8
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Re: NBA 2k11 Association Roundup:Southeast Division

Originally Posted by tony01313
Moving Blatche to the 5? come man hes way too thin to play center. He can play the 3 or the 4 he causes match up problems at the 3 and 4 with his size and speed.

McGee's rating is really bad, but if he has decent rebounding, good shot blocking, solid rebounder and his athletic ratings are too the roof then its about right. He has TERRIBLE on ball defense, his offensive game is really really limited, and hes very turnover prone.
he's 6-11 260, thats good for a 5, when brendan haywood is 7" 263 and he played 5, noth that big of a difference. when you try it in 2k11 your gonna bring the opposing teams center outta the paint so it opens up alot
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