09-15-2010, 11:49 PM
Being Robbed in the Auction Block
Now Some People spend real money on Ultimate team. I am not one so to get coins is a bit more difficult 4 me, I've posted players to Auction Blocks n notice limits as far as maximum n minimum asking prices. Somehow some thieves have figured out how to bypass this and ask 10000 or more points more than cards are worth like for rookies Chris Cook and Toby Gerhart for the vikings you will pay MINIMUM of 17000 a piece even though they are only worth 5000, the reason they get away with this is those cards are the rare cards to complete your rookie 2nd round collection..its not right i can score Sam Bradford for 8,000 n have to pay double for Brandon Spikes cause UNDERSIEGE22 is buying up every Spikes card for 22000 points n selling em for 24000 to 40000 with no buy it now or price limits.