09-01-2010, 03:31 AM
NHL eashl club tryouts
I have a club started for NHL 11 and I am looking for more people. We have four people and have two starting slots left. Those positions are RD and either RW or LW. Not sure yet . Goalie, C and LD are locked in and we are looking for some experianced players. Preferably players on well known nhl 10 eashl teams. We are a solid team and have potential to make the playoffs so we just need a couple more solid players. The forward style we are looking for is a playmaker and the D man we are looking for a deffensive style of play. Message me about it if not on here at Jdangles23 on xbox 360.
BuFfAlLo BIlls, Sabres, bulls, Bandits run the show! Two Hours afta school!!!!