
Late 1990's - 2000's teams.....

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Old 08-13-2010, 10:09 AM   #1
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Late 1990's - 2000's teams.....

Could 2ksports add in some late 1990's to early 2000's teams in the game along with all the other nes they have. Via dlc of course, but which teams would you want to see in the game from this time period?

I live in Charlotte, NC and would love to play as the old Hornets with Baron Davis, Jamal Mashburn, Elden Campbell, PJ Brown, David Wesely....etc.

Also, how about the Hornets with Alonzo Mourning and Larry Johnson??

Other teams I would like to see:

Lakers with Kobe/Shaq and Kobe has the mini fro
Sixers with AI back when he was a beast!
Pacers with Reggie Miller. Would make for sick games againest MJ or whatever...
Knicks with Ewing(Not sure if this will be in the game or not...pretty sure it isnt)
Raptors with Vince/T-Mac

Any more?
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Old 08-13-2010, 10:11 AM   #2
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Re: Late 1990's - 2000's teams.....

no this is about Jordan and his accomplishments....if you want old school teams get the PC version where they can be modded in...
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Old 08-13-2010, 10:30 AM   #3
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Re: Late 1990's - 2000's teams.....

Hypothetically I'd be down with all those squads. In fact, I piece together all of those teams myself each year. I said this in another thread but that's the good thing about the more recent classic teams. It's possible, especially combined with people's skills on 2KShare to start a base of a classic roster - say, sending Shaq back to the Lakers and upping his stats - then you can look on 2KShare for realistic portrayals of the supporting cast (Rick Fox, Ron Harper, Brian Shaw) and before you know it, a roster is spliced together. It'll be nothing like having 2K create a full 12 man roster but it works for what we have. In fact, the more recent you get (I liked creating the 2007 Warriors) the easier it is to make it happen, with most players still playing in the NBA.

I know for a fact there was a pretty great looking created Jamal Mashburn, since you were speaking of the early 2000 Hornets.

This year is about Jordan but I can't help but wonder if 2K will try to take this classic thing and expand on it at some point down the line. Hopefully the response from consumers is powerful enough to encourage 2K to continue down this path (yes, while also improving gameplay).
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Old 08-13-2010, 12:34 PM   #4
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Re: Late 1990's - 2000's teams.....

This is why we have 2Kshare, we will be able to create more classic teams and players and share them with eachother.
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Old 08-13-2010, 01:17 PM   #5
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Re: Late 1990's - 2000's teams.....

I'd just wish this game had something like Team Builder in NCAA Football where you can edit everything from the players uniforms to the arenas. Then have it available for download on the web.

The Team builder concept is probably one of the most innovative concepts in sports video game history. I'm not sure if it's been used in other video games but I haven't seen it in a sports video game until EA implemented it in their college football game.
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Old 08-14-2010, 02:59 PM   #6
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Re: Late 1990's - 2000's teams.....

That would be awesome...but I doubt 2K will add something like that, not for 2K11 at least. I think they're already "happy" with the create a team mode they have right now...
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Old 08-14-2010, 03:07 PM   #7
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Re: Late 1990's - 2000's teams.....

I know this about Jordan but you can still use the "classic" teams in separate games. So why couldn't they decide to add in a few other teams?

Its just a suggestion.
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Old 08-14-2010, 03:22 PM   #8
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Re: Late 1990's - 2000's teams.....

So what happens to all the Jordan specific stuff for 2k12 (i know, lets speculate about a game that far away), does it just go away and they go back to the old style with decade "all-star" teams, will they expand on the MJ experience even more?

Ideally I'd like to see an APF type of NBA game with a robust player and team creator, but that may be asking for a bit too much.
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