
Attack Strategy

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Old 07-15-2010, 08:53 AM   #1
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Attack Strategy

As I have said in my other posts, I am new to the sport, and I had some attack strategy questions. First - in Futbol, how do you attack? Specifically, what are the strategies that teams employ?

In hockey - for example - you can crash the net, play some dump & chase, you can run the overload, and play a shooting umbrella, and numerous other things. In soccer, I am aware of "the cross", and basically trying to attack the front of the net, clearly these are layman descriptions, and maybe someone can point me in a direction to learn this stuff? I am having trouble scoring, and it's most likely because I just try to plod forward and pass a lot, and then shoot. SO.. anyone out there want to help me out? I played 7 game online yesterday, and lost all of them. My goal differential was like 11-12 to like 4-5. Every game that I played was with equal star ratings, so my guess is the teams were even.

I used: Bayern, Real Madrid, Chelsea, Americo, Sporting, and a few others...
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Old 07-15-2010, 09:50 AM   #2
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Re: Attack Strategy

I'll put myself in the category of novice but I'll start the discussion:

I don't play online, but I know certain unrealistic set ups seem to work online. For instance I've seen formations like 4-0-6 that take advantage of the generous fatigue allowance. This allows the opponent to dominate in the attacking third. So my discussion is mainly around how I try to enjoy the beautiful game. All of my thoughts can be implemented by adjusting the formation of your team and the custom tactics. I will also add it’s important to know your players and their abilities….take advantage of their strengths.

Disclaimer: These names aren’t something you’ll find in the Encyclopedia of Soccer…they are made up by me.

Counter attack: Germany executed this perfectly in this World Cup. Look to use the lob through pass to hit your strikers bombing forward. You’ll want strikers that can push defenders off the ball and have good acceleration.

Use the wings: If you have fast wing players with decent skill move capabilities, try zipping down the flanks and cutting in or crossing. Usually you’ll have 1 on 1 opportunities where a step over to exit move can shimmy you past the defender. If you have a tall player with great heading accuracy, you can create a deadly scoring combination with a high crossing rated player.

Short pass attack: South American teams are more known for this kind of play. They are proficient at triangle passing and one-twos. Often this is useful when facing a high pressure opponent. Making sure you always have someone to pass to can open up their defence.

Short pass but slow build up: Spain is awesome at this. Basically keep possession of the ball because without the ball, the other team can’t score. They will often pass the ball back into their own third and restart their attack. With enough skilled passing they find enough opportunities to slip a through ball to David Villa at the top of the box.

Long ball: The US national team seemed to resort to this strategy at some points in the tournament albeit unsuccessfully. If the other team plays a very compact formation you can use that to your advantage and play wider in the attack. This gives your players more space to receive long passes and their defenders will have to play catch up or at least they may be 1 on 1 opportunities.

Don’t be afraid to change your strategy in game using the tactics selector.

Last edited by c0ldlimit; 07-15-2010 at 10:36 AM.
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Old 07-15-2010, 10:07 AM   #3
rckabillyRaider's Arena
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Re: Attack Strategy

I would start playing vs the CPU first, but then again I hate online. Too much cheesing and not enough sim players online.
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Old 07-15-2010, 11:48 AM   #4
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Re: Attack Strategy

Thanks for the tips fellas - I watched a ton of World Cup soccer, and loved the German counter-attack, it was impressive to watch. I think I really need to do what you said, and learn the strengths of my forwards, to know how to set up my attack. I take for granted stuff like that when I play Maddnen. If I am the Vikings, for example, I know to pound the rock. In soccer, I am not enlightened enough to know how to employ different strategies with the different teams I use. I basically employ the same strategies with every team I use.. I will start by looking closely at the rosters. Thanks again.
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Old 07-15-2010, 11:49 AM   #5
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Re: Attack Strategy

Originally Posted by rckabillyRaider
I would start playing vs the CPU first, but then again I hate online. Too much cheesing and not enough sim players online.

The funny thing is that I don't even know when someone is being a cheeseball. LOL! I mean - I see people hit these floaters from the top of the box, and if it happens more than once, I am like - "that's F'n dumb".. hahaha.
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Old 07-15-2010, 12:55 PM   #6
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Re: Attack Strategy

Ultimately you're both the coach and the individual player. So as coach you need to come up with a strategy that is best suited for your team. I recommend playing higher star CPU teams to test out your strategies because good passing and aggressiveness will beat lower star teams. If your midfield players are weak then consider a 4-2-3-1 or 4-2-2-2 formation. Basically devise the best plan around the players you have. Finally knowing which strikers have a good long shot is good information. If somehow that striker ends up with an open 25-30m shot, I instinctively know to let it rip. These are my favorite goals. If you ever want to play some time....look me up.
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Old 07-15-2010, 01:11 PM   #7
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Re: Attack Strategy

I usually play either a 4-4-1-1 formation or a formation called the hawk, which is basically the equivalent of a 5-2-1-1-1. I play a zonal marking system usually with side overload. I play FIFA 10 on PC. I have an issue with stamina though. I'd like to figure out a way to make it so my players don't run as much so they have more energy late in the match.

I try to prevent goals as my first priority, so I rely heavily at times on the counter attack. I also do lots of short passing in my own half and clearances from time to time.
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Old 07-15-2010, 02:51 PM   #8
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Re: Attack Strategy

Those deep shots are my favorite as well! I love practically tearing the net on a nice rip. HA! As for the formations. I have been researching online what they mean, beyond what they apparently are. What I mean is this.. I understand that the numbers relate to the amount of people in that portion of the field. I am just not sure which formation best suits my talent. Is it a simply an "ecomnomy of force", meaning- do I just base my formation on my depth of talent at that position on the pitch?

As for someone's idea of using higher rated teams against lower to start - I think I am going to do that.. part of the reason I am not scoring goals online, is because I am not use to scoring goals at all. If I can play a weaker team, to just learn the mechanics of scoring, maybe I can start to employ that offline. I feel like I practice a lot, but I don't actually practice scoring a lot, because I don't find I get many chances. I am not looking for 4 goals a game, but I would love to just get a couple a game. I would be okay with winning 2-1 or 2 nil. But losing 3-nil time and again is challenging.

You guys have given me a lot to look into, and I can't wait to get home to play!
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