
Looking ahead to next year...

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Old 07-08-2010, 02:41 PM   #1
ReadyForTheShow's Arena
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Looking ahead to next year...

I for one must say that I like the game every year it comes out and no addition goes unnoticed with me. After what looks like a very good year, I feel safe saying we can begin to look ahead to next year's version. I personally don't expect an insane year for additions next year but from what I can say I would like to see the following year:

My Wishlist

- Hair/Substance to player facial elements/aspects (No I don't mean realism but I am a fan of eye-black, flowing hair, nasal strips etc.

- Crowd/Sideline action (give me more updated crowds and some coaches/realistic sideline actions and I would be satisfied)

- more tackle animations/player specific animations (I love the Back Breaker idea but when playing it I realized it's not the physics that is needed, although great, but more animations.)

So what about you guys. Reasonably and realistically, what would you like to see implemented in NCAA Football 2012?
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Old 07-09-2010, 12:23 PM   #2
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Re: Looking ahead to next year...

  • Recruiting Change - I would like to see decommits from recruits once they commit. This would also make it were you could still recruit a player once he is committed to another team. And the team that has the commit must keep having contact with him to keep him committed. It's not real right now. Once they commit it's over. Put more emphasis on signing day. Have it were some top recruits wait until NSD to commit and have a special display for them as they choose a hat or whatever for the school they are going to attend.
  • AD Mode - Simialr to Madden's GM mode a few years ago. You still play as a dynasty but it gives you the options to hire/fire Head Coaches, Off. Coord., Def. Coord., Special Team Coord., Recruiting Coord., etc. And based on the level of coaching is how your team will perform. Also, stadium expansions and upgrades within this feature.
  • Roster Size - Increase it to 85 to meet the NCAA limit.
  • Put coaches back on the sidelines and make player animation on the sideline more real and random. Also, put the chain gangs back out there and have them come out and measure for first downs when close. Also, put the bands back in the seats and make crowd graphics and animation more realistic.
  • Would like to see the set of College Gameday at the weeks biggest game and a nice pre-grame leading up to the kickoff
  • Conference expansions. Make it were a conference can add teams throughout a Dynasty (note: not every year or so but occasionally have conference expansions). Also, right now when you create a team and add them to a conference, you have to replace another team. Make it were you can just add them in and if there is an odd number the conference will go out and expand to even out. Make it more real EA.

Last edited by pjh12; 07-09-2010 at 12:34 PM.
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Old 07-10-2010, 03:44 AM   #3
RamblinWreck21's Arena
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Re: Looking ahead to next year...

Agree with everything said so far, a few more additions I'd like to add:

1. Custom playbooks
2. Option to watch a User vs User game going on in your online dynasty when you finish your game.
3. Four Pants and Four Helmet choices in TB. I don't get why they have four jerseys, but two of everything else!
4. Edit more things for your TB teams such as rivalries, make a stadium from scratch ex.
5. More stat overlays
6. They should talk about key injuries in the season. If your Heisman QB goes down in week 1 they should mention that your stars hurt in every game and maybe even show a replay of him getting hurt in a few pre-games.
7. Highlights from the teams season in pre-games
8. Confidence and Experience rating. That way if your freshman QB is going to be a phenom his senior year, he won't be a phenom as a freshman. He can have all the physical skills, but his confidence and experience ratings would be really low, causing him to be more ineffective than your Senior QB.
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Old 07-11-2010, 12:06 AM   #4
The Gunslinger's Arena
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Re: Looking ahead to next year...

1. Coaching Carousel
2. Add at least one commentary team (ESPN2 or CBS) to give more variety
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Old 07-11-2010, 02:16 AM   #5
KentuckyJared20's Arena
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Re: Looking ahead to next year...

1. More Equipment
2. Custom Playbooks (Not just the ability to cobble together formations, but the ability to create plays/formations.)
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Old 07-11-2010, 02:00 PM   #6
thescoop's Arena
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Re: Looking ahead to next year...

1. Real NCAA coaches and assistants in the game

2. Coaching Carousel

3. A.D. Mode- hire/fire coaches, have to deal with coaches leaving for bigger programs, stadium upgrades/replacements, etc. Could help take dynasty mode to another level.

4. Stadium builder- Teambuilder is great, but i hate using existing stadiums for my new teams. I say use the online feature to allow us to build stadiums. But don't just make the stadiums ones that can only be used for Teambuilder teams, allow us to download them in game, replace existing teams stadiums, if A.D. mode is made, we can build our stadiums or expand existing ones using this app and download them in game. If done right, could be huge for the game's future.

5. D1AA teams finally in game, complete with D1AA mode and playoffs. It is long overdue in this current gen. Teambuild is good, but doesn't give fans for these teams and chance live their seasons. Plus, no more fake D1AA teams in our dynasties either. Real match ups. Plus, if Stadium Builder is created and done right, they could just get the teams in and allow us to create the stadiums, saving them time.

6. A bowl/playoff mode like the one found in NCAA 2000. This mode was a great playoff mode that was fun and kept the bowl locations in place. It is a video game so those that believe we should have a playoff system should be able to live that fantasy out.

7. Second commentary team and maybe even network. It worked on NCAA Basketball 2010 so add this to Football. Helps add a little bit more to the realism of the game.

8. Conference expander and creator. I want to be able to create a conference or expand an existing one. If expanding one allow us to great a conference championship game if they don't currently have one.

9. Conference expansions in dynasty mode and A.D. Mode. Think about it, the Big East decides to expand and say they want to add four to five teams and have a conference championship game. You are playing with a mid-major and want to move up. You'll have to preform well enough to make them want you. Could add even more drama to the mode.

10. Dump the worthless RTG mode. No one plays it, it is horrible and wastes space. Dump it. There is no point in its still being in the game when no one likes it. Dump it and focus on new things like what we've talked about above.
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Old 07-11-2010, 02:01 PM   #7
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Re: Looking ahead to next year...

Custom conferences are a must in terms of being able to form a 12 team league and form a league championship, like making the Pac Ten into one, etc. Or whatever conference you wanna make have one, it would be cool if you ask me.
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Old 07-11-2010, 04:28 PM   #8
TallyBoi7's Arena
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Re: Looking ahead to next year...

1. FCS schools and FCS Dynasty...it's time

2. Coaching Carousel...It would be nice to see coaches retire and have other coaches come in and inplement a new style of play and a different recruiting strategy. It would be nice to see Offensive Coordinators and Defensive Coordinators and allow them to come in and become head coaches.
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