05-24-2010, 12:11 PM
Dabucks 2010 Dynasy!!! PS3!!!!
Hey I know I'm a noob here but Ive been a commissioner of the same dynasty since NCAA 2008 game. I have 3 other members that have been playing since day one. Here are some details on the dynasty.
- We will have a lottery once we get 12 people committed to the dynasty. The lottery will determine the order in which we pick our teams.
- The difficulty will be on Heisman with sliders which will be voted on by dynasty members.
- We will advance once a day (unless people get done early or something comes up)
-Once we get 12 people will will vote on what kind of dynasty it will be. for example will it be a one Conf dynasty or multi or even any team.
- Of course it will be a Mic dynasty which means must have mics to join.
- Its not a sim dynasty!!!
That's it for now if interested post here or PM me. Got 8 spots open