
Online Pass factoring into reviews

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Old 05-11-2010, 01:03 PM   #1
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Online Pass factoring into reviews

I don't mean to go off on a tangent...

But if EA is going to theoretically say the online modes of a game like Madden is worth $10 separately, shouldn't the online portion of the game factor in more to a review?

Reading reviews of most sports games, online modes get maybe a small paragraph at the end at most. If something like Online Franchise comes out buggy and an all-around bad experience, it should hurt a review much more.

A lot of casual gamers still buy games based on what their favorite site scores the game at. Shouldn't those sites be fair and actually review all of these modes and make sure the consumer actually is getting an accurate representation of how good/bad the game is?

Sorry if this topic turns bad, I'm just curious what you guys think.
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Old 05-11-2010, 01:15 PM   #2
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Re: Online Pass factoring into reviews

Originally Posted by rp71284
I don't mean to go off on a tangent...

But if EA is going to theoretically say the online modes of a game like Madden is worth $10 separately, shouldn't the online portion of the game factor in more to a review?

Reading reviews of most sports games, online modes get maybe a small paragraph at the end at most. If something like Online Franchise comes out buggy and an all-around bad experience, it should hurt a review much more.

A lot of casual gamers still buy games based on what their favorite site scores the game at. Shouldn't those sites be fair and actually review all of these modes and make sure the consumer actually is getting an accurate representation of how good/bad the game is?

Sorry if this topic turns bad, I'm just curious what you guys think.
It's a difficult position for a reviewer, because you want to have your review out as early as possible, but it's very difficult to review the online portion of a game outside of the small ecosystem of their office or the EA play session.

Maybe they should amend their review with the online features? But in that case, who would care (from a reader's standpoint, they would have already played the game for themselves).

I think a game like madden, where the online component is a supplement to the main game, should have the online features explored in a review, but I'm not sure they should score the online component separately. A game like MW2, on the other hand, should absolutely have 2 scores, one for campaign and one for multiplayer, as they really are two different games.
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Old 05-11-2010, 01:44 PM   #3
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Re: Online Pass factoring into reviews

Everyone with internet access and reading up on the game should know about online pass.

The reviewer can mention it as a side note or mention as much as they want.

I'm not sure what the ratio is of buying new vs used?

So, are you suggesting they have two different ratings?

1 rating for people who purchase Madden new and another who purchase Madden used?

I don't see where it would be factored into purchasing Madden new unless the review had an agenda.

Last edited by roadman; 05-11-2010 at 02:00 PM.
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Old 05-11-2010, 01:59 PM   #4
NoTiCe_O's Arena
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Re: Online Pass factoring into reviews

This is why I don't go by the reviews or Gamespot or IGN anymore, I'm more interested in what Pastapadre has to say because he always puts up gameplay video's of online and offline gameplay so you can see for yourself. Operationsports too, they always have pretty previews, let alone reviews.
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Old 05-11-2010, 02:15 PM   #5
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Re: Online Pass factoring into reviews

i guess it would depend on the game. I'm not sure of the onlineffline ratio for madden players but if online is a major part of the game then it should get good coverage in a review.

i got uncharted 2 and didn't even realize there was a multiplayer mode. very pleasant surprise
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Old 05-11-2010, 02:34 PM   #6
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Re: Online Pass factoring into reviews

Really the only time you are going to be forced to buy the pass is when you buy the game used. If you buy the game new then you have no worries of having to pay 10 extra bucks for a pass. It comes free with brand new copies. I have to agree making people pay extra to play online is going over board some. But times are hard they got make the extra money somewhere else. Go figure.
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Old 05-11-2010, 03:10 PM   #7
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Re: Online Pass factoring into reviews

semi offtopic but reviews shouldn't come out until a week after the game when the reviewers have had enough time to get a good solid feel of the game

M10 was good for the 1st couple days but after that you realized the same problems(and more) were still in the game. the gameplay got old(and frustrating) fast and franchise was not deep

better than previous next gen maddens? yes but lets be honest that would not have taken much
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Old 05-11-2010, 04:07 PM   #8
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Re: Online Pass factoring into reviews

Most review builds go out 3 weeks to a month before release. For example, Alan wake and super Mario galaxy (which both come out later this month) got to reviewers about 2 weeks ago.
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