03-16-2010, 01:11 AM
Uniform mistakes
I noticed there is a thread on the official 2Ksports forums about stadium/uniform feedback, which is nice yet a bit discouraging since 2K Sports' track record with uniform accuracy was been horrible so far.
From what I've read, these are some of the errors so far:
- Number placement is wrong/too big
- Road teams don't wear gray pants with alternate jerseys
- The undershirt colors on the uniforms are wrong for some teams. The Mets Alternate Pinstripe Home Jersey undershirt should be blue to match the hat. The Red Sox and National Away undershirts are also the incorrect colors.
- Rockies wear purple sleeves under black vests
- Braves navy alternate is almost royal blue
Not really an error, but most Cool Base jerseys are simply "shiny" copies of normal jerseys.
I don't have this year's edition yet, so please help in listing the errors found.
Also...do the Mets still have their horrible Frankenstein alternate from MLB 2K9? Seriously, it had the black NEW YORK top, pinstriped pants and a blue hat. Ugh.