
Backbreaker Info Thread

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Old 03-06-2010, 03:57 PM   #1
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Backbreaker Info Thread

The other games have one and it's becoming confusing with some previews giving certain details and others not so I tried to collect the major things I have read so far. If someone has info other than what I have or contadicting info, I'll change it. This isn't really "official" cause I'm just a nobody, lol.

General Info:

June 1st release date. Price: $49.99, $44.99 at Amazon and Walmart pre-order discount

Demo due out May 21st for Xbox360 and May 25th for PS3. Includes an exhibition mode and tackle alley.

Euphoria--Physics based system. Involves creating on the fly contact animations. Is used in regards to tackles,blocks, and other contact such as lbs hitting wrs going over the middle. (Much more to it than I originally thought) For a complete breakdown of every aspect it involves, read this thread. http://forum.backbreakergame.com/showthread.php?t=184

Powerful logo creator like seen in Forza. Can be used to create logos, uniforms, end zones.

2 Camera views. Over the shoulder 3rd person view presenting an “on the field” experience. Coach Cam can be used to pick plays and let cpu play itself.

60 ready made teams and the ability to create 32 user teams. Some of the cities include Columbia (Colonels),Charleston(Cougars),Indianapolis(Sparta ns),Oakland(Scourge), Denver,New England, Philadelphia,Pittsburgh (Pioneers),San Francisco,Buffalo,Chicago(Talons),Columbus(Blitz), Michigan,Omaha,Little Rock(Maulers), Arizona(Assassins),New York(Redtails), Albuquerque(Atoms),Atlanta(Firebirds) and Tennessee. Custom Teams cannot be taken online if the have exact NFL names, but abbreviations work. There is also a slider to allow you to custom the number of Gold players on each created team.

Players can also be created, however the game will not allow gamers use exact names of past or present players. For instance, the game will not accept Adrian Peterson or Peyton Manning but will allow Adriun or A. Peterson. The player name limitations appear to be for online teams only. Exact size and weight are not customizable. Offline teams/players are not limited according to the devs.

No commentary as the game is going for an on the field experience. Players call out play directions,audibles etc. stadium PA announcer. In game music as well. The devs have said you will be able to replace the music with your own.

Weather: Rain/Sunny, Day/Night are the weather options for this game.

Injuries or fatigue are not included in the game. (Gamerpops) Devs explained the injuries were left out intentially because they want them determined by physics and not "dice rolls".

The franchise modes have a player "form" system. Between season games, players will be evaluated. If they have good "form" they get a ratings boost. Bad form means the ratings will go down and the player will not perform as well. (Conference call with Devs)

Penalties confirmed in vids. Devs have said penalties and rules are like NFL rules.

13 Stadiums 10 available at start, 3 locked. A few stadiums include Denver,New England, Philadelphia(Liberty Arena), Pittsburgh, and San Francisco(Locked at Start). Some stadium names are Queens Field,Sky-Reach Stadium,Bluesky Arena, Everlight Stadium and Trinity River Stadium.

Audibles confirmed by vids. Will have at least 4 plays to choose from as well as the option to flip the play.

Team playbooks. Not customizable due to balancing issues.(Gamerpops)

Player Ratings based on Gold, Silver and Bronze system. “Attribute system works hand in hand with Euphoria and takes away the dice roll system” (Gamerpops) Players are given these ratings in 4 areas: Focus, Speed, Strength, and Agility. There are also additional position specifiic ratings such as QB throwing accuracy.

2 player local games will be done in split-screen. 1vs1 online play. Co-op play appears to be local only, not online.(IGN)

Instant replays are in the game for any play. There is no option for choosing the camera angle that you view them.

Hot routes and line shifting are not in the game.

Coaches Challenges are not in the game.

Gamers are allowed to use custom music. (strengthgamer.com)


Ball Carrier:
Analog running, no turbo.
Right stick does jukes to left/right, flick up makes you leap a defender while rotating the stick in a circle does spin moves.
Holding the right trigger does power moves with the right stick. Left/Right would be stiff arms, up would be “trucking”. “A“ button on X-box switches ball hand. (IGN: August 2008 and June 2009)

Passing: Primary WR can be set pre-snap by holding Left trigger and flicking the stick. After the snap, flicking the stick right/left scans field. Flicking up is a bullet pass, pulling back is a lob pass. (IGN March 2010)
Left trigger puts the QB into focus mode. It tracks the movement of your primary receiver during the play while narrowing field of vision. Ability to lead your wr confirmed through twitter of Todd who is a staff administrator.

Defense: Defensive players controls built with evasive and aggressive mode similar to ball carrier. Evasive mode gives defender maximum agility. Rt trigger enters aggresive mode. Aggressive mode on defense allows the player to take down the ball carrier via a number of tackle types that are triggered by gestures on the right analog stick. Not only can the type of tackle be chosen, but also whether the tackle should be aimed high, to the torso or low to the legs. (Ask a Dev Response)

Kicking: Aim with the left stick, pull back on right stick to start and release as kicker reaches football.(Similar to All Pro Football)

Gamers will also have the ability to maps controls to the face buttons if they choose.

Traditional franchise with 8,16, or 32 team leagues involving either pre-existing or custom teams. Includes trades, scouting and drafting players. (Gamerpops March 2010) This franchise mode will allow gamers to play games for every team in the league or sim them. Gamers have the ability to name their leagues, conferences, and divisions.

“Road to BB” Franchise. Try an conquer an 8 team league, finishing in top moves you to a 16 team league. Finishing in the top again moves you to a 32 team league. Finish in the bottom and go down to the lower league. (Gamerpops March 2010)

Improving teams is different between these modes. Road to BB allows gamers to earn credits by accomplishments which they can use to buy better players. Traditional franchise is done with scouting, drafts, trades etc.

Tackle Alley mini game online and locally. (Gamerpops March 2010) Can be played 2 player split screen or 1 player vs cpu.

Additional unnamed minigames. (Destructoid, March 2010) Training drills among these. Some examples are running play drills that allow gamers to practice inside runs, counters, and toss plays.

3 ways to play each mode. Arcade, Pro and Custom. Arcade gives the user on the field glowing indicators and 4 play types: Run, Pass, Special and Ask Coach. Pro turns the indicators off and allows the user to choose specific plays. Custom would appear to allow you to choose parts of Arcade and Pro.

3 levels of difficulty for each mode. Easy, Medium and Hard. You can also select the form of your team on a sliding scale that goes from very poor to very good. This is a feature commonly seen in soccer games.

Sources for Info:

90 Minute Audio Q & A with the devs: http://spawnkill.com/2010/04/23/the-...er-rob-donald/

Hands-on Impressions/Previews:

IGN: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/901/901664p1.html
IGN (Original Preview): http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/814/814249p1.html
GameSpot: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/spor...&mode=previews

IGN: (E3) http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/993/993701p1.html
(Dec. 1) http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/105/1050670p1.html
Pastapadre: (E3) http://www.pastapadre.com/2009/06/11...reaker-preview
Gamespot: (E3) http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/spor...&mode=previews
(Dec. 1) http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/spor...&mode=previews
Operation Sports: (April 08) http://www.operationsports.com/preview.php?id=33
(E3 Hands-Off) http://www.operationsports.com/preview.php?id=74
1up preview

Ask a Dev Threads (Backbreaker Forum):


Training Camp Customization Video: http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/9...deo_42810.html

Running Game Tutorial Video:
Passing Game Tutorial

Developer Diaries/Interviews (Video):
Dev Diary Episode One: A New Way to Play Football http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/sports/b...eloper-diary-1
Youtube Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUa-sx9kjWE

Dev Diary Episode Two: Euphoria http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/spor.../video/6251527
Youtube Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa4lRt2Vsrg

Dev Diary Episode Three: Down in the Trenches:

GVTV Interview With Rob:http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/70...news360-703395

Gamespot Interview with Rob: http://www.gamespot.com

GDC10 Gametrailers Interview with Rob: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gd...kbreaker/63326

Miscellaneous Videos:
All gameplay video

Other IGN Vids:

Passing Gameplay Alpha build video
TV Commercial: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...ler_42310.html
First Trailer: http://download.naturalmotion.com/video/BB_28mb.wmv
Tackle Alley Gameplay Footage: http://download.naturalmotion.com/video/BB_TA_GP2.wmv
How Does It Feel - aka the G4 Trailer: http://download.naturalmotion.com/video/BB_HDIF.wmv
Smashmouth Football Trailer: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...all_60909.html
Newest Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/ex...kbreaker/60473

Small Videos (these are small videos showing the little things of Backbreaker)

Ragdoll: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...ll_101707.html
Walk Evolution: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...on_101707.html
Tackle Variations: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...on_101707.html
Brushing By: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...ng_112707.html
Morpheme Engine: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...me_112707.html
Transition: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...ns_112707.html
No Transition: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...ns_112707.html
Crowd Demo 1: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...907Video1.html
Crowd Demo 2: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...907Video2.html
Crowd Demo 3: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...907Video3.html
One By One Additions: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...additions.html
Material Reflections: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...flections.html
Light and Lens Effect: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...s_effects.html
Self Shadowing: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...shadowing.html
Depth of Field: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800..._of_field.html
Color Correction: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...orrection.html
Material Reflections: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800...flections.html
Audios 1-4: http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800..._1_022808.html ; http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800..._2_022808.html ; http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800..._3_022808.html ; http://ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/95800..._4_022808.html

Forza Creator Demonstration:
start to finish video of someone using Forza(amazing)

Screenshots: http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/958/958007/imgs_1.html

Last edited by kjcheezhead; 05-21-2010 at 12:25 AM.
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Old 03-06-2010, 04:53 PM   #2
strawberryshortcake's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Info Thread

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
No commentary.

Ball Carrier: Analog running, no turbo.

Passing: Primary WR can be set pre-snap by holding Left trigger and flicking the stick. After the snap, flicking the stick right/left scans field. Flicking up is a bullet pass, pulling back is a lob pass. (IGN March 2010)

Arcade and Pro.
Good thread.

1. No commentary. But Players do "talk" to one another, sort of. Not really, but sort of (e.g. run/run/run, pass/pass/pass, left side/right side, etc.).

2. Ball Carrier: '2 hand on the ball' trigger. I have seen in game footage with ball carriers having two hands on the ball. Unofficially confirmed by user in post#2 http://www.operationsports.com/forum...ench-tuck.html

3. Ball Carrier: Top Speed. If there is no turbo boost:
-how will runners achieve top speed? (i.e. 40 yard dash speed/time; Does it actually take backbreaker players 4.3 seconds to run 40 yards? Has this been timed in the game?)
-do different runners (attributes/abilities) have different top speeds?
-would pushing the running analog stick all the way up bring the runner to top speed?
-would pushing the analog stick up half way up bring the runner to "half" top speed?
-do all runners run immediately at top speed?
-do all runners slowly adapt to top speed? (start slow, build momentum, then top speed)
-do all players (offense/defense) move at their top speed from the get-go?
-do all players (offense/defense) have to build their momentum?
-if fatigue is in play, will top speed be affected by fatigue?

3. Passing: What if there are two receivers in the same vicinity, same location (i.e. 5 yards +/-). Would the "stare down your receiver" button operate properly?

4. Has there been confirmation on "Difficulty" settings? What if "Pro" becomes too easy? That would be a problem. Does the game have something in place to prevent this from happening? (e.g. Pro-Rookie (easy), Pro-Veteran (medium), Pro-Hard, Pro-Bowl, Pro-Hall-of-Fame, etc???)

Last edited by strawberryshortcake; 03-06-2010 at 04:56 PM.
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Old 03-06-2010, 05:17 PM   #3
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Info Thread

Good questions. I really haven't found any anwers to them personally. Maybe someone will be able to confirm with solid info.
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Old 03-07-2010, 05:43 PM   #4
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Re: Backbreaker Info Thread

Good job kj. Here is the info that I have come upon by reading and hearing what the developers have stated. The controls are interesting.

No Vision cone passing. It's a Focus system. The goal is to simulate what a real QB sees on the field. A QB's accuracy is increased if he is zoning in on a selected receiver like his primary receiver. Left trigger puts the QB into focus mode. It tracks the movement of your primary receiver. Moving the stick left or right switches the qb to his next receiver. The longer, you focus on a target. The higher the accuracy but the risk is high of getting sacked if you stare at a receiver too long. Switching the receiver reduces your accuracy slightly. The right stick is for throwing and you can throw the pass any way you want. It is determined by how you move the right stick.

The control system in BB is much different than any football video game ever made.

The Analog stick is a big factor in this game. The left stick controls movement. It determines a players direction and speed. If you push forward a bit, The player jogs if you push forward further, The player sprints. The Right analog stick controls in game actions like passing, tackling evading, etc

A circular motion on the right analog stick performs a spin move. If you move left or right with the right analog, you perform a juke. You go into aggressive mode if you hold down the right stick. You can stiff arm right or left or attempt to run over a defender with power.

There is no need to remember alot of buttons. All of your player actions are tied in to the analog sticks and they are natural to the motions you use.

There are two modes. Evasive and Agressive. Evasive on offense helps you avoid the threat(defensive player). Evasive on defense helps you target the ball carrier or receiver/qb.

In evasive mode on defense, You run toward the target and trigger the tackle or pass break up/interception. In agressive mode, You have the option of attempting big hits. You can attempt to tackle a player high, low or around the torso.

The developers of Backbreaker have stated that this game is inspired by Friday Night Lights, Any Given Sunday and The Nike Gridiron commercials. Their whole design is supposed to be cinematic in nature. Close up angles, quick cuts, intense audio etc
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Old 03-08-2010, 10:17 AM   #5
sb24's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Info Thread

Great thread . Please keep this up to date so I can check this thread and keep up on the info. The rest of the forum is starting to mirror the madden forum logic. Thank you for this thread.

PS. If you keep this well up to date it will become the official info thread.
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Old 03-08-2010, 03:59 PM   #6
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Re: Backbreaker Info Thread

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
2 player local games will be done in split-screen. 1vs1 or 2vs2 online play.
Has anyone heard any more info on this? I was worried after seeing the gameplay videos how they were going to be able to do offline multiplayer. One of the only reasons I still buy madden is the ability to play 4 player co-op (all on the same team) dynasties, and as much as I want to love backbreaker, without that feature its not for me.
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:25 AM   #7
Hova57's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Info Thread

we prob get more info on this game in april i doubt we'll see much for the month of march.
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:45 AM   #8
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Re: Backbreaker Info Thread

Originally Posted by mattbooty
Has anyone heard any more info on this? I was worried after seeing the gameplay videos how they were going to be able to do offline multiplayer. One of the only reasons I still buy madden is the ability to play 4 player co-op (all on the same team) dynasties, and as much as I want to love backbreaker, without that feature its not for me.

R u serious!!! It has 2 vs 2,but if it doesnt have 4 player co-op so you and your friends can play on the same team,you wont buy it?? Thats pretty dumb. BB wil fail with excuses as bad as this.
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