
Multi Football Games Coaching Career System

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Old 01-01-2010, 11:09 AM   #1
OVR: 2
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Location: Italy
Icon3 Multi Football Games Coaching Career System

Bullit's Multi Football Games Coaching Career System

What is it?

It's a system I developed to create a coaching career spanning to all the football games I own, using some tables I came up with. It gives you the possibility to play all the games/season rosters you have giving you the experience as a coach through the NFL (and optionally the NCAA) as the years go by.
Based on how do you perform in each season your contract may receive an extension, you could be fired and then look for a new NFL team (in a different game/roster thus a new season).

The aim of this system is to play with all the games you own (why not? you spent money in them after all) varying your gaming experience shifting from one title to another, and at the same time doing this with a sort of coaching career. You play well, you stay with your team, you play badly enough, you get fired and you start another season with another franchise, and possibly another game.

If it seems unclear, it will all explain itself once you'll read through.


[Note that this system I invented doesn't modify ANYTHING ingame, it's just something you do fictionally]

What do I need?

- More than one football game (Madden, NFL 2k, HC...)


  • The possibility to change the rosters to a different season (works well with NFL 2k5 with Finn's editor and nfl2khistory!)

- You will also need a random dice roller: there are a few freeware programs like this on the net which you can find over the net, such as: Random dice roller, Maxdice etc..

How it works

  • First thing you have to make a numbered list of all the games/rosters you own and wish to play. Here's an example:

Table 1

Game / Season
Madden 2005
Madden 2006
Madden 2009
Madden 2010
NFL 2k5 04 season roster
NFL 2k5 07 season roster
NFL 2k5 1991 season roster
NFL 2k5 1997 season roster

(Keep in mind that this is just an example, your tables (and mine) will differ depending on the games and the roster you own!)

  • Now to choose the game you'll be playing with to start your career just roll a dice (with the dice roller program) that has as many sides as the number in the first row of the table 1's column (the number will vary).
    So in my example I'll roll one 8-sided die to have a random number between 1 and 8. Let's say it comes up number 4. The game I'll play will be Madden 2010.

  • Ok, you have the game, now you need the team: roll 1 die with 32 sides to randomly choose between the 32 teams. You'll scroll down and see which team correspond to the number you got.
    Let's say you got a result of 32: it's the last team in the alphabetical order, the Vikings. You're now coaching the Minnesota Vikings starting on the 2009 season (that is, in the fictional level, you got hired by them after an interview)

  • Play the game! From now on you have these choices: if the game you're playing allows Coaches Firing (such as NCAA football games, Head Coach, NFL 2k5...) you can continue to play season after season until you get fired and then hit the market in search of a new team, or you can use the following rules after each season has ended.

  • The season is over, time to look at how well (or bad) you performed: use the following table to determine the chance (expressed in percentile) to be back the next year with the same franchise (and the same videogame)

Table 2

Base %
Playoff berth bonus %

Basically, you need to see how many wins you piled up, note your base % and add an eventual bonus if you reached the playoffs.
In my example let's say the with the Vikings I finished 12-4 (thus 12 wins) and made the pkayoffs. I check the table and I see that I have a 75% base plus 5% for making to the post season.
So it's 80% total chance to be confirmed the next year, but things are not over yet, there are other modifiers to this value that comes into play.

Table 3

Conference won
Division won
Last in Division
For every category (Total Offense/Defense, Passing/Rushing Offense and Defense) 1st in the league
3% each
For every category (Total Offense/Defense, Passing/Rushing Offense and Defense) 2nd to 5th in the league
1% each
For every category (Total Offense/Defense, Passing/Rushing Offense and Defense) 2nd to 5th to last in the league
-1% each
For every category (Total Offense/Defense, Passing/Rushing Offense and Defense) last in the league
-3% each
Every playoffs win
Playoffs loss
1st round playoffs loss

If you get to the SUPERBOWL there will be two scenarios:

  • W you win the superbowl! Automatic contract extension [Optional rule if you have a NCAA football videogame: you get offered a choice to coach a random top 5 team]
  • L you lose the superbowl...Anyway great result! Automatic contracti extension [Optional rule if you have a NCAA football videogame: you get offered a choice to coach a random top 25 team]

So, be sure to add every modifier you have depending on your situation at the end of the season. FINALLY you'll have the percentile roll representing the chances to remain ahead of the franchise for the next year.

In my example with the Vikings let's say I won my divison, the wild card round, the divisonal round and I lost the NFC championship. My team was 2nd in Total Offense, 1st in Rushing offense , 5th in Passing Offense and last in Rushing Defense (it's just an example). I look at the table 3 and the count will be like this:

80% (base modifier) + 1% (division win) + 10 % (2 playoffs wins) – 3% (playoff loss) +1% (2nd in total offense) + 3% (1st in Rushing offense) + 1% (5th in Pass Offense) -3% (last in rush D) = 90% final chance to be back next year ahead of the Vikings franchise

Now you roll a percentile dice (1 of 100) and if your roll is equal or less the number required (90 in this case) you're back...otherwise the front office decided that your time with the franchise is over!

In this case go back to table 1 and repeat from the beginning: you'll get to coach another team in another season (or game).
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Old 01-01-2010, 11:37 AM   #2
OVR: 8
Join Date: Oct 2006
Re: Multi Football Games Coaching Career System

Thanks, I always wonder why 2010 didn't have a coaching career. I don't have any games beside 2010, but I always thought about using the dice to determine fate of a franchsie.. Great detail.
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Old 01-01-2010, 06:37 PM   #3
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jan 2009
Re: Multi Football Games Coaching Career System

Thanks for this formula. I play a chise where I control all 32 teams. This will help at least in the firing of coaches in the off season.
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Old 01-02-2010, 06:50 AM   #4
OVR: 2
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Italy
Re: Multi Football Games Coaching Career System

Thanks for the feedback and for finding it useful.

You just found two other ways to use this system which I didn't think of it, so it's good!

Thanks again
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