07-24-2009, 07:26 PM
OVR: 14
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: San Jose, CA.
Re: Run Blocking
After playing the demo I think the passing is pretty good but not what I expected. NCAA 10 passing is a lot better. In NCAA 10, you can drop the ball where you want it. If the corner has the inside on the receiver, push right on the analog stick and pass the ball. It will put the ball on the right side of the receiver thus giving you a shut to adjust your route and make the catch. The problem with madded is that it's not there.
The running game is probably the hardest to play since everyone says have patience. I don't understand how patience will open up holes. The runner seems slow and he's always met in the backfield by a defender. The linemen are faster then the RB's so they catch up to me. I always use sprint off the line and it guarantees me 3 yards at best. I've tried motion even had daylight until a defender dove at me between two defenders. How is that possible? I have no idea.
Overall the game doesn't seem bad, but the demo is horrible. I hope the game itself is better then the demo which it always is. One thing that annoys me is the cut scenes. I just want to play the game I could care less for presentation on the field. If it's not like NFL25, I don't want to see it. Sometimes I mash the A button to hurry up the cut scene and accidentally pick a play I didn't want.
I also noticed there are far too many injuries and a lot of dropped balls. If you make a perfect catch, you are automatically hit and the ball is dropped. I understand that happens in football but not on every pass.