
What exactly is the cause for the problem with the running animations?

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Old 06-21-2009, 05:25 PM   #1
nuckles2k2's Arena
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What exactly is the cause for the problem with the running animations?

Could it be that the guys who are mo-capping the animations for Madden can't hit a full stride in the limited space they have? So we're pretty much getting an overlapping animation of a guy starting his run (or possibly a guy running in place trying to emulate a top speed full stride?)

Edit: Turns out this was part of the problem and the new running animation in NCAA looks much improved. Like I said in my last post, hope this improvement is seen in Madden as well.

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Old 06-21-2009, 05:30 PM   #2
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Re: What exactly is the cause for the problem with the running animations?

you know what they should do? They should give someone like reggie bush a mo-cap suit to wear for a few games next season under the pads. probably not possible but hey, that would be some real good stuff.
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Old 06-21-2009, 05:32 PM   #3
Reggie16's Arena
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Re: What exactly is the cause for the problem with the running animations?

Originally Posted by OSTAJ34
you know what they should do? They should give someone like reggie bush a mo-cap suit to wear for a few games next season under the pads. probably not possible but hey, that would be some real good stuff.
that would be cool if it was possible they should do it during preseason games! haha but highly doubt it would happen
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Old 06-21-2009, 05:33 PM   #4
adembroski's Arena
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Re: What exactly is the cause for the problem with the running animations?

The running animations currently in the game... which, btw, were presented to the community when they were made and people liked them, especially compared to the old ones... were mostly hand-made.

The problem I see is that it seems the mo-cap talent is running sprints to capture basic running. The old animation looked like the guy was running a 100-yard dash rather than toward an endzone. He's upright, exposing his core. Ray Lewis would break three ribs on a guy running like that.

But, anyways, regarding the complaints about running animations; personally, I do think they're an improvement over the stiff, high kick goose stepping animation they had before. But if the community at large does not, it only has itself to blame. We approved 'em.
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Old 06-21-2009, 05:35 PM   #5
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: What exactly is the cause for the problem with the running animations?

If I'm not mistaken I think some of the guys that work on the game do the mo-capping. This could be the problem, imo. If you take the average joe and capture him trying to look like a running back. That's what you get, some dude trying to look like LT or Steven Jackson. They need to capture real running backs running to get it right.
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Old 06-21-2009, 05:39 PM   #6
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Re: What exactly is the cause for the problem with the running animations?

btw i def think they are way better than last year.
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Old 06-21-2009, 05:39 PM   #7
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Re: What exactly is the cause for the problem with the running animations?

Every player has his own way of running, some actually have long strides that makes him look like he's jogging, like Madden 10.

Randy Moss doesn't look like he's running extremely fast but he is .. he runs like a deer .. lol.

They should try and implement like a couple different running styles in next year .. have some of the guys run like deers (like now), some with shorter steps, and some guys who's legs are moving so incredibly fast but they are practically running on the spot (worst way to run but lots of guys do it).

I think they also need to fix the cut back animation, as it seems slow, and when they cut you lose a second, when a RB in the NFL cuts he's always moving up field, and it's like a second cut. In Madden the animation seems like it's 3 seconds long, and they lose speed.

All in all, they've gotten better, but some things need fine tuning. Like the spin move ..
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Old 06-21-2009, 05:43 PM   #8
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Re: What exactly is the cause for the problem with the running animations?

Yea the strides are too long but for the wildcat animations it seem like they had quite a bit of space to run so i don't think its the limited space thing. Which is weird cause i dont think i remember saying hey the motion man in the wildcat looks like he's running weird, so hopefully they fix it, but personally it doesnt bug me nearly as much as it seems to bug a lot of people in the community.

With that said they should try and bring some actual receivers to do running animations. Whether it's the general stuff like (power back, scat back) or they actual do play specific running animations. Eitherway it would be awesome if the fix was relatively simple (unlikely) and Ian or somebody could shorten the strides and make the legs move faster.

I seen a highlight clip of Deven hester returning kicks and then a Madden 08 punt return using hester, it was so off. This is one of those small things that would do a long way if they fix, and i think the running animations is something reviewers are gonna complain about a lot, so if you can fix it, i'm sure you will cause most ea games aren't meeting that goal of 90 on the metacritic scale so far even though theres a long way to go. (fifa looks like a lock to break 90)
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