03-01-2009, 05:25 PM
Hall Of Fame
OVR: 48
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 23,185
Re: Failed Goals - Playbook Knowledge
If the guy you're trying to accomplish the goal with has 50 or less learning, punt the goal - it's just not gonna happen, and you'll hurt the overall team preparation for the season by not getting the rest of them play knowledge. The penalties for not accomplishing those goals really isn't all that great anyway. Aside from looking at the ratings themselves, you can tell if the guy you're trying to train learns at a snails pace - if the same plays keep coming up in a particular rookie's practice, it means they're taking forever to learn it. It won't move on to others until THAT player learns THAT particular play. That's why it hurts the team in the long run to focus on one idiot - while all the smart guys have long since mastered it, the one guy is holding back the team from learning new ones.
Beyond that, I find the train rookies option to be FAR more useful than individual plays for obvious reasons - every player on that rookie's side of the offense gets play knowledge on 5 different plays. When you train on one play, even the slowest learning players may master it in one practice, but it's just one play when you're trying to learn a whole % of the playbook.