02-09-2009, 11:35 PM
Online Dynasty Glitch/Problem
I'm currently the commissioner for an online dynasty. Two users are having trouble playing each other. It won't even let them start to play (one is Clemson the other Oklahoma). The same thing happened once before with Oklahoma vs. another user in the dynasty so I suspect the problem might be on his end. I tried having Clemson sim the game vs. cpu oklahoma with the hope that I might throw out the result and somehow reset it so that they might be able to play it themselves. I set Oklahoma to unactive to allow Clemson to sim the game vs. the cup but once Clemson had simmed the game the result wouldn't come up on my screen, it looked the same as if they still had not played at all so I couldn't even throw out the results. I don't want to sim the game because its the Championship game but I don't know what else to do. Any help would be appreciated.