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Old 08-20-2008, 01:39 PM   #1
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Do coaching skills stack?

Lets say I bought the block shedding skill with my HC, if I do the same for my Defensive Line Coach will it improve it even more, or should I not even bother and work on something else.
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Old 08-20-2008, 02:51 PM   #2
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Re: Do coaching skills stack?

Originally Posted by theanalogkid
Lets say I bought the block shedding skill with my HC, if I do the same for my Defensive Line Coach will it improve it even more, or should I not even bother and work on something else.
Yes, they stack.

You get a boost from the position coach, Def. Coordinator and Head Coach.
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Old 07-20-2009, 12:46 PM   #3
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Re: Do coaching skills stack?

I know this is an old post...but is the closest I could find in a search of the forum about whether skills stack or not. I see that they do, which leads to another question.

Is the stacking weighted evenly? For example, if a head coach was at a 2 in OL Phys Dev, the OC at a 3, and the O-Line coach at a 5, would this have the same effect as if it were the head coach at level 5, and the O-Line coach at 2?
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Old 07-20-2009, 01:16 PM   #4
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Re: Do coaching skills stack?

My hunch is yes the weighting is even, but I'm obviously not the (lead designer/authority figure). It's not that an extraordinary head coach in a given area is going to spend that much more time with the players in his specialty, but that he may "make worse coaches better" and transfer his skills through them by the old dictum, "Do it my way (as well as you can)."

If the average is skill level 3, then a HC with a 5 skill may make up for level 2 coordinator & position coaches. Naturally if the skills are 5 across the board, those players will develop like lightning (or so one would hope).
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Old 07-20-2009, 05:39 PM   #5
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Re: Do coaching skills stack?

That's what I was hoping was the case, anyway. My position coaches and coordinators already had high marks in the development area, so I've spent the Head Coach skill points on Special Skills. I still think that was the right call, though lack of development of some players led me to speculate that the Head Coach was weighted as a bigger factor than the other coaches. As you and I discussed in a separate thread, though, there are many factors that effect player development. Perhaps when I start a new career, I'll go the opposite route and see if it makes a difference.
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Old 07-21-2009, 03:43 AM   #6
ahunter5's Arena
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Re: Do coaching skills stack?

Originally Posted by MidasMagoo
I know this is an old post...but is the closest I could find in a search of the forum about whether skills stack or not. I see that they do, which leads to another question.

Is the stacking weighted evenly? For example, if a head coach was at a 2 in OL Phys Dev, the OC at a 3, and the O-Line coach at a 5, would this have the same effect as if it were the head coach at level 5, and the O-Line coach at 2?
I believe I've read somewhere that the position coach has the most effect, as the position coach would have more contact with the player IRL. The coordinator's rating has the 2nd most effect, and the HC has the least amount of input.

Don't take this as gospel, but I'm almost certain that I read that on the boards somewhere.
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