
3-4 defense sim stats glitch.

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Old 06-29-2008, 12:31 AM   #1
OVR: 4
Join Date: Dec 2005
3-4 defense sim stats glitch.

hey. i dont really play 2k a lot but this is the first time i actually noticed it. i simmed a season with the steelers and when i looked at the stats i can see that only 3 line backers are getting stats while the 4th one gets only like 3 tackles or something.

this goes for the same with other teams using the 3-4 like the chargers and ravens. i mean donnie edwards and ray lewis would get 5 tackles a season.

i can tell the problem is that when the game sims it uses a 4-3 defense. is this a confirmed glitch? if so is their anyway to fix it. i understand if i play the games my team will be fine but what about the cpu teams.
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Old 06-29-2008, 03:57 AM   #2
OVR: 15
Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: 3-4 defense sim stats glitch.

Originally Posted by broncos24
hey. i dont really play 2k a lot but this is the first time i actually noticed it. i simmed a season with the steelers and when i looked at the stats i can see that only 3 line backers are getting stats while the 4th one gets only like 3 tackles or something.

this goes for the same with other teams using the 3-4 like the chargers and ravens. i mean donnie edwards and ray lewis would get 5 tackles a season.

i can tell the problem is that when the game sims it uses a 4-3 defense. is this a confirmed glitch? if so is their anyway to fix it. i understand if i play the games my team will be fine but what about the cpu teams.
This isnt a glitch. 3-4 teams use 4 linebackers when running the base 3-4 defense but when they go to nickel or dime, their base defense becomes a 3-3-5 or 3-2-6. Below is the complete rundown for all five default teams that run the 3-4 defense -

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 2 / 1
Dime / 2 / 0
Bear (4-3) / 1 / 2
Goalline (5-3) / 2 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 2 / 1
Dime / 1 / 1
Bear (4-3) / 2 / 1
Goalline (5-3) / 2 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 1 / 2
Dime / 1 / 1
Bear (4-3) / 1 / 2
Goalline (6-2) / 1 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 2 / 1
Dime / 2 / 0
Bear (4-3) / 2 / 1
Goalline (5-3) / 2 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 2 / 1
Dime / 1 / 1
Bear (4-3) / 2 / 1
Goalline (5-3) / 2 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

That's the default rundown for all five teams that run the 3-4. A team like the Chargers or Steelers will have their OLB's get more stats because they're featured more than the ILB's but the Ravens are the opposite because their ILB's are featured more than their OLB's.

Also, if you want to get the higher rated player with more stats than the lower rated player, make sure that the higher rated player is on the left side. For example, the Ravens ILB Ray Lewis is on the right side. Switch him to the left side and I guarantee that he'll get more stats if he's healthy because he'll be in on more of the plays.

Hope this helps.
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Old 12-01-2024, 04:55 PM   #3
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Re: 3-4 defense sim stats glitch.

Originally Posted by dan77733
This isnt a glitch. 3-4 teams use 4 linebackers when running the base 3-4 defense but when they go to nickel or dime, their base defense becomes a 3-3-5 or 3-2-6. Below is the complete rundown for all five default teams that run the 3-4 defense -

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 2 / 1
Dime / 2 / 0
Bear (4-3) / 1 / 2
Goalline (5-3) / 2 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 2 / 1
Dime / 1 / 1
Bear (4-3) / 2 / 1
Goalline (5-3) / 2 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 1 / 2
Dime / 1 / 1
Bear (4-3) / 1 / 2
Goalline (6-2) / 1 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 2 / 1
Dime / 2 / 0
Bear (4-3) / 2 / 1
Goalline (5-3) / 2 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

Formation / OLB / ILB

3-4 / 2 / 2
Nickel / 2 / 1
Dime / 1 / 1
Bear (4-3) / 2 / 1
Goalline (5-3) / 2 / 1
Prevent / 1 / 0

That's the default rundown for all five teams that run the 3-4. A team like the Chargers or Steelers will have their OLB's get more stats because they're featured more than the ILB's but the Ravens are the opposite because their ILB's are featured more than their OLB's.

Also, if you want to get the higher rated player with more stats than the lower rated player, make sure that the higher rated player is on the left side. For example, the Ravens ILB Ray Lewis is on the right side. Switch him to the left side and I guarantee that he'll get more stats if he's healthy because he'll be in on more of the plays.

Hope this helps.
This may not be a glitch per say, but this clearly isn't accurate to how teams play their inside linbackers in a base 3-4 scheme. Looking at teams that ran a base 3-4 scheme in 2004 like the Steelers and the Ravens, you can clearly see that both inside linebackers played a comparable amount of snaps and had box score statistics that reflected that.

Ray Lewis and Ed Hartwell were #1 and 2 on the team in tackles with 147 and 97 respectively. James Farrior and Larry Foote had 95 and 70 tackles respectively as well. The OP is more or less correct that the game effectively sims all defenses as base 4-3.

Whether that was a glitch or intentional is anyone's guess at this point, but it is a minor but annoying nitpick I have with 2K5's franchise sim stat engine. It's nearly perfect aside from this and the punt return issue.
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