
Is there a graphical advantage in online dynasty

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Old 11-19-2024, 11:03 AM   #1
BadAssHskr's Arena
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Is there a graphical advantage in online dynasty

I hate to even bring it up, but was curious about what I thought I was seeing.

I started a new dynasty yesterday, and opted this time to just go ahead and give offline a shot. spent some time getting everything setup, and finally went to play last night, and was pretty shocked to see that it looked like the graphics had taken quite a step back.

It is almost like it reverted to pre-release.

Now, I've been playing online since the game came out, and do remember the graphics discussions, however over time, and patches I always felt like things improved, and quite a bit as far as I was concerned.

I started my game last night, and it jumped out at me like a sore thumb. Not sure if I'm crazy or not, I can sometimes see things that aren't really happening, but dang, it really did feel off.

Going to start an online one today and see if I can confirm this.

Am I just losing it, or is the game a bit tighter when playing off of the EA servers?
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Old 11-19-2024, 01:05 PM   #2
ChaseB's Arena
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Re: Is there a graphical advantage in online dynasty

I would think the latency/frames maybe could be better offline, but I don't think graphics should be much different. Maybe it was the specific stadium?
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Old 11-19-2024, 02:33 PM   #3
BadAssHskr's Arena
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Re: Is there a graphical advantage in online dynasty

Originally Posted by ChaseB
I would think the latency/frames maybe could be better offline, but I don't think graphics should be much different. Maybe it was the specific stadium?
I was surprised too. It was mostly the stadium and crowds. Also the items not necessarily in focus. The blur was extremely heavy.

I was playing at Nebraska, which is my team, i see it pretty frequently.

I’ll report back though. I understand i may be totally off base here, but it really did jump out at me as inferior.

At the same time, i just don’t know how it would really be possible
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Old 11-20-2024, 03:54 PM   #4
BadAssHskr's Arena
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Re: Is there a graphical advantage in online dynasty

As I said, I'd follow up.

No question what so ever, my Online dynasty out performs my Offline dynasty, by a night and day difference in the graphics department, and there is not even a question about it.

Now, perhaps the creation of my Offline went awry somehow, but I'm telling you, in my case, something is different, and like I said, not even close.

Give it a shot.
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Old 11-25-2024, 07:19 AM   #5
SilverBullet19's Arena
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Re: Is there a graphical advantage in online dynasty

I switched from my online teambuilder to an offline coaching career dynasty after a few too many times getting booted mid game by the EA servers.

I’m currently at Rice. I haven’t noticed a difference. Both play the same in game, have the same graphics etc.

Worth noting is since it was teambuilder, my online did not have a cool specific team intro at the beginning of the game. I tend to skip most of that these days anyway, I just want to dive into playing with my limited time
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Old 11-25-2024, 05:17 PM   #6
underdog13's Arena
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Re: Is there a graphical advantage in online dynasty

Originally Posted by BadAssHskr
As I said, I'd follow up.

No question what so ever, my Online dynasty out performs my Offline dynasty, by a night and day difference in the graphics department, and there is not even a question about it.

Now, perhaps the creation of my Offline went awry somehow, but I'm telling you, in my case, something is different, and like I said, not even close.

Give it a shot.
I was just talking to a friend of mine who is playing the newest Microsoft Flight Simulator, where apparently they stream in all the graphics and textures via the network connection and there is only 8GB or so on his hard disk.

Not saying this is a 1:1 comparison, but I can see potential situation where since it's an online game on a server, the graphics are being/partly being rendered on the server and then fed back to your system at a higher quality then what the console GPU can produce.

What's your internet set up?
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Old 11-25-2024, 09:20 PM   #7
BadAssHskr's Arena
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Re: Is there a graphical advantage in online dynasty

Originally Posted by underdog13
I was just talking to a friend of mine who is playing the newest Microsoft Flight Simulator, where apparently they stream in all the graphics and textures via the network connection and there is only 8GB or so on his hard disk.

Not saying this is a 1:1 comparison, but I can see potential situation where since it's an online game on a server, the graphics are being/partly being rendered on the server and then fed back to your system at a higher quality then what the console GPU can produce.

What's your internet set up?
That’s kind of what i was wondering actually. I know its easy to hate on topics like this, but my eyes aren’t deceiving me, there is a solid difference, or at least something different is happening.

My only other option would be to think something didn’t render properly with my offline dynasty startup.

I have a 1GB cable modem setup.
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Old 11-26-2024, 03:37 PM   #8
underdog13's Arena
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Re: Is there a graphical advantage in online dynasty

Originally Posted by BadAssHskr
That’s kind of what i was wondering actually. I know its easy to hate on topics like this, but my eyes aren’t deceiving me, there is a solid difference, or at least something different is happening.

My only other option would be to think something didn’t render properly with my offline dynasty startup.

I have a 1GB cable modem setup.
Further research indicates that the most recent CODs use some form of texture streaming. I wasn't fully aware of how wide-spread it already is. With gigabyte ethernet you definitely have the bandwidth for streaming in textures. That's what my buddy has, and he said he has had no issues on flight sim.

Have seen a ton of complaints from COD players being forced to have texture-streaming options locked. If you don't have the bandwidth you will notice worse performance.

Assuming EA is using some form of texture streaming, I bet they are doing a better/more discrete job than the COD series. I have yet to see an option in any CFB menu relating to it. But with the holidays coming up, I would be interested in testing this theory out. Would need to examine the volume of packets coming into the router while playing an online game. Will also be a challenge, as I'm not sure how to get a baseline assuming most online sports games are using some version of texture streaming.
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