
Player Progression - Maximizing Abilities

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Old 10-15-2024, 05:49 PM   #1
OVR: 0
Join Date: Oct 2024
Post Player Progression - Maximizing Abilities

So, for weeks I have been researching and theorizing the best possible coach build for the OD I am in with my friends. I am far from the best on the sticks in the group, so I am desperately trying to find other ways to give me an advantage. I had settled on going for the Recruiter/Tactician build that guarantees results which many believe are the best path. That was until I learned on this subreddit last week about how you can unlock player abilities for free by simply moving the players' positions during the offseason. The more I play the game, the more I feel that player abilities are king. OVR ratings are nice, but when actually playing all the games, not simulating, I anecdotally feel that player abilities make a bigger impact than attributes. So now, the focal point of my coach build is to maximize the abilities my players can unlock. I tested and can confirm that the ratings boosts players get via Tactician perks do not allow them to meet the minimum requirements to unlock abilities. That means my priorities are as follows:

1. Identify and recruit the best players that already have the best abilities and/or have the attributes to unlock them – (Recruiter & Elite Recruiter Coach Skills)

2. Increase skill caps via Architect. Would hate for players to spend skill points on attributes that don’t contribute to ability unlocks just because that’s the only skill group not capped. I think am personally only going to go for Tier 2 because I do not foresee myself winning many conference or National Titles. But if you are winning a bunch of titles, Tier 4 is probably even better. In an offline dynasty where recruiting and winning titles is much easier, I would definitely drop 56 points from Elite Recruiter and use them instead on Tier 4 of Architect.

3. Maximize player skill point gain via XP and off-season boosts (Tactician boosts do not count towards ability unlocks). Do this with Architect tiers 1 and 3 and Motivator tier 3 of for select positions. Talent Developer is an option for more XP as well, but we don't have enough coach points to utilize this since the XP-related abilities are locked to tiers 3 and 4 of the tree. Additionally, it is easier to find assistant coaches with Motivator abilities to stack with my own for a greater boost (looking for assistants invested in Recruiter and Motivator unless I get lucky and find an Architect).

Of note, I am completely ignoring the CEO and Program Builder trees due to their cost and difficulty to unlock. Of course, there a couple of great perks in there, but I do not know if I will even access them. With this strategy in mind, my planned build is as follows (not in order of unlock/still haven't fully decided on that yet):

Advanced Look (7) - 35 points

Most Influential (7) - 35 points

Always Be Crootin' (7) - 35 points

Magnetic Personality (7) - 35 points

Elite Recruiter - 15 points

Lasting Impression (7) - 56 points

Tactician - 10 points

Blocking OL (4) - 20 points

Motivator - 10 points

Pay It Forward (4) - 20 points

Hot Hand (4) - 20 points

Put in Work (4) - 20 points

Architect - 15 points

Field Study (7) - 56 points

Limitless (7) - 56 points

Can't Stop, Won't Stop (7) - 56 points

The four position groups I think I will focus on in Motivator are OL, DL, DB, and WR/TE. Unless my math is off, that build should spend 494 of the 495 available coach points. I hope to be able to then move players around during the offseason to access as many of their abilities as possible. That's it. What do you think and what did I miss? Is there anything I can do to improve my strategy? Thanks in advance.
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