
Madden 24 scouting guide for anyone struggling

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Old 10-15-2023, 10:47 AM   #1
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Madden 24 scouting guide for anyone struggling

I was looking through the forums and noticed the user who was assisting with draft/scouting is no longer with us. Discouraged, I went through the notes i took from their post, as well as notes i took from a few youtube videos. I decided to put it all together with my personal experiences in hopes it helps others draft/scout.

First thing i want to say is that you won't get every player position to 100% scouted. Many people complain about it, but i think it adds that mystery of boom or bust. Secondly, and it adds to the boom or bust, is that this isn't 100% foolproof. A guy can fit every mold of what i am presenting to you, and he may come out with amazingly high numbers, but be a normal dev. This is just a guideline i follow, and after MANY drafts of 3+ hidden devs I thought i would try and help others who may be struggling. Without further rambling, let's begin.


Letter grades are the first thing we will focus on during the early parts of the year, with a slight emphasis on physicals. Ideally, with physicals, you want elite. Overall, the "elite" traits outlined pretty much have a very high probability that he will be a hit. In many cases, especially the later rounds you want as close to elite as you can get, coupled with the right combine/pro day results. Many guides or youtube videos say "elite or else", i found that to be fodder. For example, if you find someone with Elite speed, but great accel, and the guide calls for elite in both, i would favorite him and then check his combine/pro day results to see if he fits the mold.

Combine/pro day----

If you are in rounds 1-3, i look for top 5 results in combine/pro day in categories that fit the desired position. After the 3rd round, i look for top 10. This gives you a chance to get a high overall player in the later rounds, even if their dev trait is normal. I will emphasize more in detail with certain positions in the breakdown below.

Letter grades-

Keep in mind that if the guide calls for an "A," and the player is A-B, keep track of him as if it's an A until you unlock his true letter grade. I wouldn't keep track of a player if it's more than one grade below the proposed requirement. An example is A-C. If you dont completely unlock that letter grade, follow the process of looking above in regards of combine/pro day.

I personally dont start adding favorites until after the combine workouts, this way i can make a determination if the player is going to be worth it. You can add/subtract whenever you want, its personal preference. For focus players, i write them down in a notepad in my phone to reference later.


I look for at least "B" ratings in all three accuracy letter grades. From there its Elite throw power, unless hes a freak of an athlete. And when i say freak, its top 3 in combine results for scrambling QB's. With combine/pro day and non-elite throw power, l look for top 5 in strength.


Depends on what you are looking for. I normally look for anything to be an "A", then check the following. Elite speed/accel for elusive backs, or elite strength/ "A" break tackle for the power backs. Once you unlock combine results, i look for a back thats relatively top 5 in the majority of categories. (Power backs dont need top 10 speed, you want top 1-5 in strength)


Anything with an "A" or two "B"s. Then you look for elite speed/accel. I personally like speedy receivers, so its top 5 in pro day/combine for speed, jumping, accel etc.


I look for one "A" or two "B" letter grades. Stud TE's will have elite speed combined with top 5 combine/pro day. I have not experimented with blocking TE's and what to look for, but i would assume strength.


For tackles, Pass block MUST be an "A". I dont even look at them if its not. Elite strength is ideal, but top 5 in strength paired with no less than Great strength has gotten me a hidden dev before.

For interior guys, its an "A" at either pass or run block. Same rules apply above for everything else.



Two "B" letter grades in whatever, or an "A" a either finese or power moves. Beyond that strength is the most important factor. I dont personally venture outside top 5 strength in combine/pro day results. Do keep an eye out on DT's that have "A" finese moves, and above great speed/accel.


Two "B"s or an "A" at zone coverage or pursuit. Elite speed/accel is ideal, but top 5 in combine/pro day at 40 yard paird with other top 10 grades works as well.


"B" letter grade at either man or zone coverage (your scheme preference of course) and elite speed/accel. For combine/pro day i tend to stay in top 5 of 40 yard dash. You can certainly pick top 10 in 40 yard, but his jumping and cone HAVE to be top 5. I dont draft CB'S personally outside of round 3 unless there is a freak occurrence one fits the mold later on.


Two "B" grades or "A" at man or zone coverage (again your scheme preference) same rules apply for combine/pro day as CB.

Whew, that was a lot. I really hope this helps anyone who is struggling with any aspects of scouting/drafting and what to be looking for. I apologize if anything is poorly explained, i got the ADHD and it often times makes it difficult to explain stuff the way i see it.

If you need further explanation, please respond, and i will clear up anything that's poorly laid out. Also, if you have tips/tricks i dont have listed, let me know, and I'll add it and give you credit.

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Old 10-17-2023, 06:09 PM   #2
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Re: Madden 24 scouting guide for anyone struggling

Very well detailed and awesome little overview. Appreciate you compiling details of what worked for you.
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Old 10-17-2023, 09:27 PM   #3
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Re: Madden 24 scouting guide for anyone struggling

Originally Posted by Kodii Rockets
Very well detailed and awesome little overview. Appreciate you compiling details of what worked for you.
Appreciate it, and you are welcome.

It was indeed a lot, but whomever I can help is the end goal. I was a lost mess when the new scouting system dropped.

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Old 12-08-2023, 10:38 AM   #4
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Re: Madden 24 scouting guide for anyone struggling

I did enough research and test to know what to do yet at the same time didn't want to know every secret.

For example what round would you say to draft someone like this? A 3rd/4th projection with good combine and grades. I ended up drafting him early 3rd just trying to figure out if its worth getting cute to wait till the 3rd to get him (in general).
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Old 12-09-2023, 11:36 AM   #5
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Re: Madden 24 scouting guide for anyone struggling

Originally Posted by georgiafan
I did enough research and test to know what to do yet at the same time didn't want to know every secret.

For example what round would you say to draft someone like this? A 3rd/4th projection with good combine and grades. I ended up drafting him early 3rd just trying to figure out if its worth getting cute to wait till the 3rd to get him (in general).
I would have taken him in the 3rd, depending on what pick you had.

I wish I knew if the cpu also knows the talent range, and as a human would do, adjust to picking them earlier. I assume the cpu does, but I don't take chances. If you had an early 3rd round, let's say 1-10, I would trade down no more than 5-7 spots if you dont wanna reach.

All in all yoy made the right choice. If it says 3-4 projection, I try and take them a little bit early if you really want him.

Just my 2 cents

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Old 12-13-2023, 03:38 PM   #6
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Re: Madden 24 scouting guide for anyone struggling

Another question which round do you start taking guys with a projected range of UDFA?

I'll post some info on two that have my eye. I've got a lot of draft picks so taking someone one round early isn't going to be the end of the world. I will use my last 3 scouting visits on others.

I've got a solid FB and it's a position that I use a lot. His run blocking being an A should be one of the best in the NFL right away. His speed being great to elite at 265 pounds is really intriguing. So he could be one of the best FB in the NFL from what i see. The biggest negatives being just C lead block and his strength. He is obviously the highest-ranking FB and since I think each team carries one I wasn't sure how madden handled drafting them.

I'm a sucker for big OL and he is like 6'8 335 with A run blocking so that alone makes him draftable late for me. The strength is the big question as its great to elite so crossing my fingers its elite. The speed #'s are going to be rough, so maybe his home is at OG in the future. The lead blocking being A mixed with impact blocking being atleast solid. From what I see I would be comfortable taking him round 5/6.
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Old 12-14-2023, 09:24 AM   #7
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Re: Madden 24 scouting guide for anyone struggling

Originally Posted by georgiafan
Another question which round do you start taking guys with a projected range of UDFA?

I'll post some info on two that have my eye. I've got a lot of draft picks so taking someone one round early isn't going to be the end of the world. I will use my last 3 scouting visits on others.

I've got a solid FB and it's a position that I use a lot. His run blocking being an A should be one of the best in the NFL right away. His speed being great to elite at 265 pounds is really intriguing. So he could be one of the best FB in the NFL from what i see. The biggest negatives being just C lead block and his strength. He is obviously the highest-ranking FB and since I think each team carries one I wasn't sure how madden handled drafting them.

I'm a sucker for big OL and he is like 6'8 335 with A run blocking so that alone makes him draftable late for me. The strength is the big question as its great to elite so crossing my fingers its elite. The speed #'s are going to be rough, so maybe his home is at OG in the future. The lead blocking being A mixed with impact blocking being atleast solid. From what I see I would be comfortable taking him round 5/6.
These are tough ones.

I would favorite them, wait for their combine and pro day, and what their skill ranges end up being. If they fit what you are looking for, take a stab at one from rounds 5-7 as to not overreach.

Personally, I don't mess with them. Ones I have taken in the 6th or 7th, are low ovr. I choose to skim free agency to see what's left over.

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Old 12-14-2023, 10:46 AM   #8
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Re: Madden 24 scouting guide for anyone struggling

Originally Posted by Instant C1a55ic
These are tough ones.

I would favorite them, wait for their combine and pro day, and what their skill ranges end up being. If they fit what you are looking for, take a stab at one from rounds 5-7 as to not overreach.

Personally, I don't mess with them. Ones I have taken in the 6th or 7th, are low ovr. I choose to skim free agency to see what's left over.

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Yea the 6th round is where I'm thinking now maybe late 5th depending on combine results like the FB having elite speed and OT elite strength. Since this is year 2 the 6th/7th round guys will not be as important as last year and may even fight to make my roster
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